Thursday, February 27, 2014

"Not Optimistic At All " What?????

Below is a quote in the WDT from Cape Vincent Town Supervisor, Mr. Urban Hirschey.  He is referring to the BIG news that BP has terminated their CV wind project. Oddly he doesn’t sound real happy about that!  Yet many of his supporters seem to be!

“But because BP is keeping the terms of its divested assets confidential, Town Supervisor Urban C. Hirschey said he was skeptical that a wind farm development in Cape Vincent was completely off the table.

“I’m not optimistic at all. It’s too early to rejoice,” he said.

Well I’ll be damned.  Mr. Hirschey and I seem to be exactly on the same page, at least about the premature  victory celebration his supporters are obviously engaged in.  (Note my previous post below.)

Now this is pretty interesting!  First of all, as a long time businessman what does he know?????

But wait a minute!  What is Mr. Hirschey saying? He isn’t just a little concerned, or cautiously optimistic he says:

“I’m not optimistic at all.”   

You mean after all the elections, following of, and appeasement of the Art. X approach, a new zoning law meant to save us, all his supporters and other wind opposition efforts, all the letters to the NYPSC, meetings with Judge Agretsa, and after all the advice of the all the experts… wind is still not off the table and he is not even optimistic at all?…AT ALL???? 
What the hell!!

Geeees Urban, what does that say about your approach and what you think of the efforts of your supporters???... many of them who apparently think this has led to a big victory??????

Is he realizing that pretty much no matter what we do, as long as we stay on this path, we are still dominated by BP, the state, or with some new potential wind developer using the Art X he is appeasing, that wind still dominates us?  
BP is taking a hike…why would he not be happy AT ALL????
This seems real odd and contradictory to me.

So wake up Mr. Wiley!!! (see the JLL blog)  Apparently your supervisor doesn't think this is over...AT ALL and we shouldn't be asleep at the switch!!!




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