Saturday, February 22, 2014

Simply Unbelievable!!!

The quote below is from town Cape Vincent town councilman Clif Schneider.  It is from a discussion among the town board about what to do about BP and the upcoming deadline for BP as to whether they have found a buyer for their CV wind project and will the Art. 10 judge Agresta eliminate BP’s application process.   But this is a bit disturbing and the logic here escapes me, if they are truly trying to protect the community from the wind nightmare that has plagued our community for nearly a decade.  I underlined the parts I find disturbing.

“They're (BP) waiting for a new purchaser and buyer to come forth and pick up where they left off. And, if they are not doing that we are saying let's end it and we're not suggesting we are going to end it forever because that's up to anyone else who wants to come in here. But the standpoint of this particular application is if they don't have a new buyer then we want to move ahead to dismiss the application or whatever the consequence is.”

So according to Clif’s and the town’s  logic here if BP does find a buyer, then they are perfectly OK with this process proceeding?   They only want to end our wind nightmare if BP can’t find a buyer…seriously?????  It would be perfectly OK to proceed with a new wind company and be dragged through more of the same nightmare we have suffered through for nearly a decade?????

And note that despite what we have been through at the hands of wind developers ripping our community apart, he apparently doesn’t want to take real action that would end this mess once and for all.

Oh we will just leave our community fate up to the next wind developer…that is for them to decide. Geee I wonder at what point these guys will get a clue and figure out  WE as a community should decide…not the next wind developer or the state???  Just how far are these guys willing to appease to sacrifice this community to the whims of wind developers and the state process that stripped away our home rule rights on behalf of these corporate community rapers!

And people wonder why we are continually at the complete mercy of the state and BP with a wind nightmare that might never end????? 

Because your town govt either doesn’t have the brass to end it…or they don’t want to end it.  I’m betting that Clif and our other zoning geniuses who can’t read our law are just chomping at the bit to take a crack at showing everyone how they can out smart some wind developer…any wind developer with their new law they are over committed to…you know, the one they apparently can’t read or comprehend dragging the town supervisor into a zoning fiasco.  And it appears they would be willing to take that gamble at a terrible cost to the community.

This supposed anti wind board apparently has no problem with the wind disaster continuing and all of us suffering under it as long as it is a new developer that BP has sold too.

This kind of thinking leaving the community at the mercy of the state and wind develops is absolutely mind boggling.  And people think I am nuts!!!

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