Sunday, February 16, 2014

Even From The Middle Of Nowhere You Can Still Figure It Out!

A graphic lesson from the desert  on the Hirschey solar screw up.  This will put it in perspective.
I'm sitting in the Mojave Desert in S. CA basically in the middle of nowhere.  This is among the remotest spots in the lower 48. I have a marginal cell and data signal and the bright desert sun make reading my tablet screen difficult.

However, even with these severe disadvantages it took me about ten minutes to connect to the Town of CV website, where I could look up the zoning law a clearly see on page 12 that Hirschey,s solar project would be illegal in the easy to read table of uses on that page. Now i say it took about ten minutes?  Well most of that time was was fiddling around trying to get a good  enough data signal for my phone to be used as a wireless hotspot for my tablet.  So reading the zoning law and figuring out Hirschey's project was illegal probably took less that 5 min.

Yet last spring less that a year after Hirschey passed the new zoning law, was a major promoter of it, appointed all the so called experts to write it,has a zoning and town attorney at his disposal, is sitting at his desk in the town office seconds away from seeing the law on his computer, or getting a hard copy with 10 zoning people on 2 boards a few seconds away by phonre for advice...and he still couldn't figure out his solar project was illegal less than a year after they drafted the law, and he passed it!!!!   So let me see if I have got this straight. Anyone on the planet with a computer and internet can read our zoning law and in a few minutes can figure out Hirshey's project is illegal. Yet Hirschey sitting at his town office desk as town supervisor surrounded by an army of so called zoning experts, and two lawyers can't figure out his project is illegal...or at least the is a major flaw in the law. Oh yes and also factor in his solar contractor 4th Coast who couldn't figure it out either!!! GO FIGURE!!!! And these are the geniuses and the process we are going to use to battle a major wind developer and Art x??? Yet Hirschey's solution is to bitch to the paper and can't figure out why after this major zoning fiasco he and his zoning experts created this might be news worthy!!! news here...everything is just perfectly normal!!!


  1. Oops!!!!!!!!!!
    Art Pundt (said) February 16, 2014 at 2:13 PM
    Hey Art when you look at it that way it does appear rather ridiculous.
    I think there is a word that sums it up.

    Remember the above comment that you removed Art? You wrote it to yourself!
    I did a screen shot of the comment with your name on it and a link to your profile. You who criticize other bloggers repeatedly about all sorts of supposed missteps, how about turning on yourself? To be fair you should post one of your twelve-page diatribes on honesty in blogging. I can just imagine some of your vitriol thrown at yourself for serving up supportive comments on your own post. In the above, however, you showed your incompetence, you forgot to sign it anonymously – dumbass!

  2. Where is your credibility Art Pundt of Arizona. Shame on you. Are you even real?

    You owe the readers of the WDT an apology for professing the high and mighty truth while advertising your blog to us. Turns out that you are a nutty back door operator.

    And you defamed the more reputable Cape Vincent blogs? tsk, tsk

    When it comes to wind development anything goes and the wiser should not get sucked in.

  3. Hey 6:55 Now that's just downright funny!! Art's been ripping people for years ,willing to insult anyone who differs with him, or can't make an argument that changes his mind. He's pissed off a multitude of folks over the years, with his sometimes callous and unfeeling approach, willing to challenge any issue he feels strongly about.

    what a hoot that you think the most outrageous misdeed he has engaged in , probably being his ultimate undoing, in your mind, is that he talked to himself on his blog!! Egads!! WHAT A HEEL !!

    Are you for real? do you honestly believe that other bloggers do not ever offer up comments on their own posts?

    You certainly are really working overtime to discredit Art and this blog, must be someone gave you a mission.

  4. Art, is hiding again behind anonymous 4:46 trying to make us believe it is perfectly okay for a blogger to hype his own post. No it is not Art, especially for you, since you are a self-righteous guardian of the gates to heaven. No way, you blew it. You exposed your true character. You are no better than all the people you have vilified over the years. You are one little kitty who can't hide its poop this time - we can all see it and smell it Art.

  5. 4:27, I get it now. for quite a while you've been trying to convince the reading public that Pundt and anyone else who has issues of any kind with the current administration, is by your convoluted logic, a faux anti-wind working behind the scenes to promote BP's project. Most people have recognized that this is simply a goofy notion, but now since Pundt's been shining some negative light on some zoning issues, it seems necesary for you to find a new way to discredit him.

    Who gives a crap ( or kitty poop) if he talks to himself on his blog? Why don't you discuss the issues he raises ? My guess is you 're fearful to admit any of his concerns are valid, so it behooves you, and those in power you're trying to shield from scrutiny, to diminish his character, you know- kill the messenger.

    Not a bad attempt at misdirecting attention, but still pretty transparent. Art may be a dumbass for talking to himself, but you're even dumber for making it out as such a heinous calamity of character.

  6. My how the self-righteous and hypocritical try to write their way out being exposed. The sun shines and the truth blinds!
