Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Good Comment On The WCNY Video - And My Comment On The John Byrne Performance!

This comment was on the JLL blog.  I am assuming it refers to community leader Liz Brennen in the video.  If not it still raises a good point.

"Anonymous said...
Why have we had to wait so long to hear thoughts on this from certain public figures? It's the defining issue of the town for a decade and some people pop up their heads in the bottom of the 9th inning. Better late than never, I guess. But it has not been fair to the few who have labored in the trenches every day, and often those few would have loved getting some back-up from the very people they were trying to protect, and they got silence. I will never understand."

However, I do find it quite ironic that this person is complaining about hearing certain voices speak up and then keep their own voice completely anonymous. 

Oh...there has actually been a lot more than silence!.  Some people who have very publicly stuck their necks way out from the very beginning in the very 1st inning, and have stood completely against wind and the stripping way of our home rule rights and were just as committed  to protect the community and get the community to understand were quickly branded as radical nut cases and attacked repeatedly and still are.

My hope is some day maybe if it isn't too late this community will wake up, and the "supposed anti wind people" will take a real stand instead of the video bullshit of community leaders like Byrne.  He should be ashamed!

And a lawyer who can't seem to take a stand on wind energy, and actually advises the town to take a half ass stance and write a wind law that actually allows some wind development and appeases the egregious Art. X.

And this is what you have opted for instead of a solid anti wind stand to rid this community of the wind threat?

John Byrne should be the biggest disappointment to anyone in the community that is trying to save it from the wind disaster and thought he was a pathway to that ends... and voted for him.

And people severely criticized me and wondered why I was questioning the judgment of people like Byrne and other Hirschey candidates before the various elections.

Maybe now you understand why.  This is what you voted for on blind faith with no questions because you were told to, and it was too uncomfortable to go against the crowd and ask a few basic questions of the leaders who will now determine the fate of your community?????

But in the end you can't totally blame John. He is only a direct reflection of the compromise and appeasement Hirschey has branded on his brain.  And that really spilled over in the video.

Byrne who was elected on the premise that he was with a supposed anti wind govt, just gave case for why we should compromise for the farmers and allow wind into the community.  An he did it on a video that will be seen all over NYS giving talking points to people who are rabidly pro wind.  The poor farmer!!!!

And people think I am helping pro wind????  I am not strutting around on a widely circulated video spewing out pro wind talking points!!!

 He is also after all only a vivid reflection of the entire town board and their appointments, and their willingness to sacrifice this community to "reasonableness" like Byrne, and with Art X.

Byrne's pathetic performance should be a real severe wake up call to anyone who thinks we are on the right path to save our community.

I am glad I knew Byrne when he had real spine.  But it is sickening to see what Hirschey has morphed him into!


  1. Jesus Christ Art…where the fuck did you learn to write? Even when you do have something worth reading you go on and on and on for fucking ever. You repeat and repeat. Take a look at the presentation by JLL and you might learn how to present a story so it does not drive people away. That is probably why you could not even exist without the guidance of the Pandora and JLL blogs. Try getting to the fucking point !! And that is also probably why you and Dave can't handle the 3 minute rule at public meetings. Just a friendly tip.

  2. Sorry...but the CV wind issue is not a sound bite! Sometimes to really understand the issue you have to look at history to have a full grasp on what is going on. Especially when the CV blogs work overtime to spin many issues for Hirschey.

    Pandy often puts on long posts about CV wind history an other issues as well.

    The other blogs may be short and sweet, but they often skip over important history and details.

    If that makes you comfortable along with quick short sound bites...then stick with them!

  3. 6:40 Is this better?

    1. Wind bad!
    2. Hirschey good!
    3. Wind law will save us!.
    4. BP bad!
    5. Unicorns butterflies and peace will soon spread across the community!

    How's that???
