Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Big News????

So where is the big breaking story JLL has been promising us????


  1. Big meeting at town yesterday. Lots of rumors. Lots of cars and you might want to check with Hester or Dennis. JLL might have been tipped by reporters he always finds stuff out. Could be something to do with the water district and your whistle blow and resignations. Did you see box of rocks JB pic? Good job trying to get Hirschey and them out of there. We see that and has hope at the town of a quick change. could use your stuff for recall and getting it done. PSC won't help us much until they are all gone. We got to get out of PSC and that lawyer like you said. The intervener is a hoax.

  2. There is no recall provision in NYS law that I am aware of. And you can only have referendums on very narrowly defined issues as I remember.

    There isn't going to be any recalls.

    Besides my agenda is not to recall Hirschey. it is to get them to do something to oppose and deny Art X to control our community. And BAN wind development just like they did on gas fracking!
