Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Stipulation (Negotiation) Process With BP

From Art. X regulations:

(j) After the presiding examiner has determined that funds to assure early and effective public involvement have been allocated to municipal and local parties, the applicant may commence stipulations consultations and seek agreement by stipulation with any interested person, agency or municipality including, but not limited to, the staff of DPS, DEC, and DOH, as appropriate, as to any aspect of the preliminary scoping statement and the methodology or scope of any study or program of studies made or to be made to support the application.

So where does this process take place and can the public observe?  If agreements (deals) are cut with State agencies, one would assume that would take place in Albany and essentially out of public view.

But don't worry, you will get to "comment" on it, just like you got to comment on BP's PIP and PSS.  If you read BP's response today to comments you can see that worked out real well! 

Once your rights are taken away then the big buzz words are "input" and "comment". 

From Art. X regulations:

(3) a copy of a proposed notice shall be prepared by the Applicant and served by the Applicant on the presiding examiner. Thereafter, the presiding examiner shall arrange for the public to be given notice and afforded a reasonable opportunity to submit comments on the stipulation before it may be executed by the interested parties.

If the State or anyone else cuts a "deal" with BP you can't really do anything about it...but you will be able to "comment" on it!!!

If I stub and break my toe you can bet I will have a real loud comment!  But I still end up with a broken toe!

It amazes me all this nonsense about "input" from the State.  If they really valued your input they wouldn't have taken away the most valuable input you have...and that would be actual home rule on this issue!

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