Monday, May 6, 2013

State Announces Article X Siting Board Ad Hoc Members

The State has announced that Tom Brown from Cape Vincent and Deanne Scanlon from Lyme will be the Ad Hoc members from our area to sit on the Art. X siting board that will determine the fate of BP's Cape Vincent Wind Farm Project.

Even though I oppose the entire Art. X process, in the context of Art. X...I know Mr. Brown personally, and he is a good man and very knowledgable about local environmental issues.  I don't know Mrs. Scanlon or anything about her other than what is on her resume.

My best wishes to both.

The other two candidates not selected that were on the list were John Richardson and Donna Essegian.

Tom Brown was also the Region 6 director for the NY DEC.  This is a post that Judy Drabicki now holds.  She was the original WPEG attorney, and is the wife of Lee Willbanks, the director of Save the River.

I was told be someone not long ago who claimed to be in the "know"  that there would be NO ad hoc members selected because BP was going away and there would be no need.  I didn't believe that.

Geee...guess they were really wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Everybody likes to think their own perspective is the right one. Until its over, speculation is just that -speculation.

    Seems the ART.X process is moving along right on schedule. We have been allocated our two ad hoc members ,and can now proceed inexorably to getting screwed "fairly and impartially"
