Saturday, May 4, 2013

Art. X Siting Board Ad Hoc Members Selected????

In response to my last post just a few hours ago, one reader left a comment that the Art. X Ad Hoc siting board members have been selected? 

Can't verify that.  Can anyone verify that information as correct?


  1. I'd guess someone is jerking your chain Art. An anonymous comment with no verification is hardly reason to make any assumptions, especially with the close attention being paid to every move made relative to the Cape Vincent project. Should be simple enough to verify,if it is true, and why would the PSC or the town keep it a secret-to not upset the voters for wind?

    This anonymous commentor could have proclaimed he was the king of England and warrant the same degree of credibility. I wouldn't give him a second thought,unless he could provide some modicum of proof.

    Your do raise an intriguing possibility that potentially the review board could convene with no representatives from Cape Vincent. If your inferences are correct,I suppose this would confirm the opining by the Town of Cape Vincent,that the rules are "fair and impartial"

  2. 8:21

    You are probably right. Just some reader commenting anonymously and blowing smoke to feel important!

  3. Nope. They are right. At leaste one choice has been made..besides you are a know it all. Find out for yourself.

    Plus, you are a hypocrite who said you were not participating in Art. x in anyway and now that is all you ever talk about. If you weren't such a little prick, your former friends would give you the information.

  4. Well Art, you little prick, do you mind me calling you "little prick"? It seems everyone is doing it ,and it just feels right to go along with the crowd these days in the Cape, although one fella did promise to call you a "big prick" next time but I guess he forgot in his zeal to embarrass you.

    How does it feel to know the state is keeping secrets from the public, just to keep you out of the know. Must make your head swell.

  5. 5:26 2:38

    You're blowing more smoke! Yeah...I'm sure the state would keep it a secret to keep it from one blogger...get real!

  6. If you right 2:38...then someone else I know was VERY wrong!

  7. the other bloggers are reporting it to be true just like I said.


  8. 11:22

    Once again...when you comment anonymously there is no credible reason to take your comments seriously.

    I had a discussion with someone not long ago that there would be NO ad hoc selections to the Art X siting board. I did not believe that.

    The claim was that BP was going away and I should get it through my head there would be no appointments as a result. It appears they were very wrong! This individual claimed that since I wasn't in the "big leagues" I couldn't possibly understand what was going on.

    This person was either really out of touch, or they were making a desperate attempt to divert the issue for some reason.

    And finally...I comment on Art X and analyze it because the town has chosen that direction...not because I support it!
