Monday, August 19, 2013

It IS a Big Deal. So Where is Wiley????

If you have been following the discussion on this blog and have looked at the Steve Weed video from the last two Cape Vincent planning board meetings you will recognize that there has been a major mis-application of our brand new zoning law, and some real goofy excuses by town zoning officials to justify what has happened.

But why am I making a big deal out of this? 

Well... because once again it involves Mrs. Mary Grogan, the lady who has probably lost much of her property value already due to another CV zoning goof up AND then manipulation.  That screw up involved  the previous zoning enforcement officer Alan Wood, and later former planning board chairman Richard Edsall involving a private wind turbine.  You can see below the pictures of what Mrs. Grogan has put up with for 4 years, that has probably significantly reduced her property values.

 Would you buy this property with that noisy dangerous turbine looming over your house?  I doubt it.  I say dangerous because the turbine has failed a couple times and run wildly out of control in high winds. It may be badly damaged at this point as a result but no one really knows.



Would you buy this home with this in your back yard!

From Mrs. Grogan's back deck!
Now you could say this turbine fiasco was all the fault of the old wind conflicted govt.  Well not exactly, because this turbine was declared illegal by the zoning board of appeals in 2009 and that was AFTER Urban Hirschey became CV town supervisor.
 Even after it was declared illegal NO enforcement to remove the turbine took place.
And now it appears this turbine will be interconnected to another illegal solar project!
This turbine is a dangerous illegally zoned eye sore disaster that still stands and Mr. Hirschey and our current govt have made no aggressive effort to have it removed! These pictures were taken yesterday not in 2009!  At this point Hirschey should make  concerted efforts to remove it because it has proven to be a public safety issue.
But it gets worse.  This new govt and it's "zoning experts" just created another big zoning screw up on the exact same property that will significantly impact the exact same woman! This time it is with the illegal permitting of a large solar array.
Now here is the other odd thing.
Mr. Wiley a big time Hirschey govt supporter, who owns the JLL blog was all over this turbine issue when it occurred under the old govt. And he has also posted about it after the fact.  In fact the other night he was siting right next to Alexander through the entire planning board discussion about this solar array being sited under the new law. He often tells us on his blog how we are so fortunate to have all these "zoning experts" and their broad cumulative expertise etc etc etc!  However, I wonder if he is qualified to make that claim.  He sat right there front row center on the 50 yard line of the zoning discussion, and he never picked up on what they were talking about was an illegal use or that it should have gone to the ZBA. If the Hirschey/ Macsherry/Brown  govt say it's wonderful...then there is no need to ask any questions.  That is the standard operating procedure.  If they say so...then by God it is SO, and there will be no questions, and that is why they don't like me, because I do ask questions, and have broken the faith, and this question has revealed a big screw up with big implications to the entire CV wind issue and battle against BP and Art. X!
.  Before Mr. Wiley tells us these people are all "zoning experts" maybe he ought to talk to Mary Grogan or pick up the damn law and read it so he knows whether they are or not!!!  Wiley is also been screaming on his blog for several years about how wind development will reduce all our property values, yet when that actually happens in our community like in Mary Grogan's case, apparently he's not interested enough to put pressure on his favorite town supervisor and board to actually do something about. 
Funny how you don't see a word about this solar zoning screw up on his blog  Geee I wonder why that is??????  Could it be because this govt is  promoting solar in our comp plan and zoning, and this solar zoning screw up could give this govt a real black eye in an election year!!!  OR does this incident reveal that  maybe the "zoning experts" don't know as much as everyone thinks, yet we are gambling the entire future of our community on them and a law they don't seem to know how to apply in their head long devotion to Art X.  That is a scary thought!
I talked to Mary recently and I can assure you she has "Has Had Enough Yet and I don't blame her one bit!!!

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