Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Will The Upcoming Elections Have Any Real Impact On An Article X Decision In Cape Vincent???

It's election time in Cape Vincent once again.  The election hoopla has started.  This time the belief is by the bloggers, and other Hirschey govt. supporters that somehow if the rabidly pro wind BP friendly lease holding CFG group gains power in CV we are in big trouble in the Art. X process because CFG will gut our current zoning law to open the door for  Art X to go along with CFG and give away the town to BP. It is implied that Art X will see no official resistance to wind and just give our town over to BP as a result. 

I believe as far as the CV wind issue, the upcoming elections are going to have little if no impact since the State will make the final decision no matter who is in power in CV.  I think through allegiance to Art. X we have committed to a compromise that neither side will have an impact on.

 This in no way implies I am telling you not to vote for the Hirschey candidates. Nor does it imply I support the CFG candidates because I am repulsed by the entire CFG direction.  HOWEVER...as far as the CV wind issue....

 The horrendous negative impacts of industrial wind remain the same and are backed by credible science.   So if the current board has taken this community so head long committed and this far into the Art. X process to the point of no return and truly believes it is fair and balanced, then they should also have confidence, if they think the system is fair and impartial as they claim,  that the Art X process will make a rational SCIENTIFIC decision on the negative impacts of BP's wind development on CV and the 1000 Islands... NO MATTER WHO IS IN POLITICAL POWER OR NO MATTER WHAT ZONING LAW IS ON THE BOOKS IN CV!! 

However, if now suddenly at election time they are trying to convince us all that a simple shift in political power in CV will change the entire dynamics of the system so the Art. X  Board completely ignores the facts and science and just gives it all to CFG and BP...

....then they have made a horrendous, costly and reckless mistake blindly following this Art. X system if it is that tenuous.  It would also mean that all those letters of input we were told would be absolutely critical would suddenly be rendered meaningless as well.

They can't have it both ways for election year expediency.  So which way is it??? Is the Art. X process credible and will stand with our experts and  the science and  health safety and welfare? Because that is definitely what we have been told repeatedly. Our experts WILL  prevail!   Or will the Art. X system just fold up and completely ignore the experts and science and  allow the destruction of our town simply because the Hirschey board may no longer be in power?

Keeping in mind that the Hirschey govt has willingly gone along with the Art X process as (in their own words) fair, impartial, even handed , and balanced, and completely trusting the final decision and fate of our community to the State. They and their supporters have repeatedly tried to convince us that this is the wisest path and endorsed by the zoning "experts"!

Yet at the same time they are now suddenly trying to convince you that the second  they might lose power the entire State Art X system is so shaky, tenuous and irrational that it will completely implode on us and in a heart beat giving CFG and BP the power to destroy our community!

Geee...what is wrong with this logic picture. 

Seems they are making my case for me that they should not be committed to gambling the entire fate of our community and the 1000 Islands on such a radically unstable State system,if all it takes to change the Art X board's mind is the absurd self serving thinking of CFG backed by blatant conflicts of interest!


  1. Who thinks the CFG and Democrat prowind candidates will HELP support the CV Zoning Law in any way? Have you not reviewed the Article X process lately? The Town does have input and influence in the process - unless you are saying you believe that the Article X board will IGNORE any information from the Town. You seem to be saying that continuing active participation in the Article X process will have NO impact on the decision made by the Article X board. I disagree!

    The Town Board has signed contracts (using the stipulation money provided by BP and awarded by Judge Agresta as part of the Article X process) that provide EXPERT witnessess for us in the Article X review process. A change in the Town Board could mean the new board will choose to NOT use these contracts and simply and completely withdraw from active participation in the Article X process - or try to convince the board that the 300+ comments (about 98% against the project) are "not real." Your logic is based on the assumption the the Article X board will GO LOOKING for the science....not true if you review the Article X process. Providing information is part of the role of the community! And who is on the Town Board will make a difference!

    Seriously, if the candidates for Town Board are prowind - most likely those nominated by CFG and Democrats and the Republicans will continue to actively stand against this project at the Article X board, I WILL VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATES WHO HAVE THE BEST CHANCE TO CONVINCE THE ARTICLE X board that we DO NOT WANT THIS PROJECT TO DESTROY OUR COMMUNITY.

    So vote as you like...but those of us who want to do what we can in the Article X process to communicate our concerns very clearly will support candidates who will continue to support our Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Law before the Article X board. Those candidates most likely will not come from the CFG and the Democrat side!!!

    Some days I read what you write and I think you really do not care if the industrial wind turbine developement comes to CV!!! I know you say that you do not want it....but some days your blog makes me wonder - really - does he care or is he just looking for people to say "his route of legally challening the Article X was the only way to go."

    Vote however you want - and you apparently are stating you believe that voting against current board members seeking relection is based TOTALLY on the assumption that participation in the Article X process has NO meaning. You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to my opinion - so please, just share my reasoning without trying to tell me how wrong I am - you have already stated that with your zoning law analysis and the post for today!!! I do not need to hear it again!

    Just one more thought.....I will be very interested to hear what the CFG and Democrat candidates have to say about their beliefs, programs or plans for where they would see the town move in the future. Unless they are willing to make such beliefs public, the votes are being denied a REAL choice! That should make citizens think about their choice! The current board members have been very clear about their position - specifically on industrial turbine development and I want to hear what EVERY candidate has to say about that! THEN I CAN MAKE MY OWN BEST CHOICE OF WHO GETS MY VOTE!!! The Repubican primary is September 10...my question in this election proces is.....will the CFG and the Democrat wait until after that is over to nominate their candidates???? That says something about their decisionmaking process if they do wait!

    I do not support people who want to "take back the Cape" or those who want you to question their "had enough yet?" signs. I am sure you clearly recall the fact that the petition signed by 800+ citizens was completely ignored and refused by the previous wind turbine lease conflicted board! Do you really think replacing current board members with another version of the previous board they replace will be BETTER for this community?


  2. 6:49 You said

    "Do you really think replacing current board members with another version of the previous board they replace will be BETTER for this community?"

    No I don't... but what is the point of your question. It is NOT even close to relevant to the discussion I am trying to have here. The mere asking of this question implies that somehow I have suggested supporting CFG! What you need to do is go back through my recent posts and comments and find anywhere, any time, any place I have suggest people vote against or replace the Hirschey board with anything, especially the CFG bunch!!!

    You repeat the same theme again by saying...,"Vote however you want - and you apparently are stating you believe that voting against current board members seeking relection is based TOTALLY on the assumption that participation in the Article X process has NO meaning."

    Really...is that so...thank you for clarifying for me what I believe! There is only one problem, I have once again never said in this recent series of posts anything about voting against the current board. I guess that is your twisted version to make you comfortable with what the crowd is telling you.

    The scary part is I can not suggest an alternative view of pose a question or have a debate without immediately being branded in some way by Hirschey supporters.

    Let me show you the level of insanity this has reached.

    A man (Harold Wiley) I have never ever met, never ever communicated with, at that time would not know him if I tripped over him on the CV streets, somebody I vehemently disagree with anyhow...this man in passing without my prompting or knowledge simply mentions my name in a public meeting. So what happens? The Hirschey supporters go absolutely ape shit berserk trying to connect me to him and his beliefs as a traitor for political expediency, and their CV blogger buddies go right along with it. And every last one of them KNOW it is not true. I think you call that lying!!! Simply because I ask questions and don't agree with every last thing the Hirschey govt does... Nope can't tolerate that!!! In fact Urban Hirschey himself and his board have given Harold Wiley far more time and consideration than I ever have or ever will.

    The State and BP has very successfully infected your heads running around in such irrational abject fear and hysteria we are self imploding such that any whisper or question or alternative views that that don't blindly and faithfully align completely with some tightly constructed paradigm from one side or the other has to be snuffed out and quickly marginalized. Please do not think. Do that in some other community.

    Proof of that is all the anonymous comments on the blogs. The fear reigns supreme!

    This is just like Joe Mccarthy and the communist hysteria of the 50's

    Geees Pundt's name was mentioned by the other side...no question he is a Commy (BP supporter traitor!) Let's get em!!! Pundt said something about the Hirschey board...so he has to be supporting the CFG and BP, no question about it. Kill his message before it infects us all!!!

    That is the level of insanity we have reached. That is what BP is doing to us all. It is down right frightening!

    If you don't know about Joe Mccarthy in the 1950,here is an explanation

    "The term McCarthyism, coined in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today the term is used more generally in reference to demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents."

    Problem is I'm not even a political opponent of Hirschey and his board!!!
