Thursday, July 18, 2013

For God's Sake - CALL THE COPS!!!

On Mr. Wiley's Cape Vincent JLL blog it is reported that the town has approved a letter to be sent via the town zoning attorney Curtin to BP and BP's Richard Chandler about an incident that occurred at a recent BP open house.  I left a comment on the blog but I don't know if it will be posted so I will address it here since it is an important issue.

Apparently if reports are accurate a CV councilman was physical grabbed during an argument at this public BP event.  Apparently this was witnessed by BP's project manager Chandler, and I would have to assume by a number of bystanders if it was a public open event.

Why in the hell is the town wasting time writing a letter of complaint to BP or the NYPSC through their lawyer?  Do they really think they will give a damn, and what is the goal here anyhow?

How about  the town councilman and the town board start using their heads to effectively manage this incident.

First. if reports are correct the councilman was the victim of "battery" as far as I can tell by researching it. Basically being inappropriately grabbed or touched against his will.  Depending, that is illegal and can be punishable by fines and imprisonment. So why wasn't law enforcement immediately called.  I mean if you are going to make a big deal over it, then do it right an establish through official law enforcement channels a credible official law enforcement record for God's sake!!

Get the witnesses interviewed by law enforcement and get them on record as well.   And get a clue...if Chandler was a witness then get him on record too...especially him and his BP supporters who were there as witnesses.

Gee I don't know... if this went to court do ya think an opposing lawyer MIGHT ASK why the police weren't called if it was that all fired important????? And why isn't there an official record????

 I mean geees people it was a BP venue on BP rented property!!!!  I don't know do ya think  maybe BP might have any responsibility as to the participant's safety at their event at their office????? And Chandler just sits there and does nothing! Even if he didn't want to get involved for his own safety he should have called the police. Geee...if one of his BP lease holders beat the crap out of a councilman would Chandler pour himself a drink and have a cigar????

Well I guess this whole thing is all fair and impartial and even handed and we certainly don't want to raise a fuss that might be negative to the Art. X process!!!

Talk about wasted PR  and media value against BP and it's CV cronies!!

Off course if the reports are accurate about the councilman who was grabbed I find it interesting that it could be the same councilman who called the cops on a citizen because  the citizen simply wanted more than three stupid minutes to comment on their zoning law, yet he won't call the cops when it could be really important!

Gee I don't know...see any lapse of judgment here????

Call the proper authorities and stop wasting my town taxes on writing letters to an expensive  lawyer that probably won't accomplish squat!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just doesn't have the same ring to it as
    when Edsall,and Reinbeck used to give their order-"Mickey, call the cops!"

    Clif probably didn't want to seem cliche!
