Thursday, December 26, 2013

Mr. Richardson's Comment

 John Richardson left a comment on the Pandora blog a few days ago while I was on a SAR mission  out of town, but for some reason it  was removed.   John's  comment initiated a series of comments on my blog.  When I saw the comments on my blog I tried to look up John's comment on Pandy's blog, but by that time it had been removed.

John was good enough to email the comment to me.  He explained it may not be verbatim since he doesn't save his comments, but  he said it accurately reflects what was said in the original.  He gave me permission to post it with his name.

I won't speak as to what John believes about the CV wind issue, but as he  indicates we have agreed on things at times and vehemently disagreed at times and had numerous in depth heated debates on the CV wind issue as he said and we have agreed to disagree.  But John is one of a number of people in CV who would know first hand how anti wind I am, and  my history with the CV wind issue which validates my stance. 

As I see it people who twist my stance, no matter who they are,  are desperate to kill the messenger.

Thanks John for clearing this up for me and my readers.  John's comment below which originally appeared on Pandora's Box of Rocks blog.

“For anyone to say Art Pundt is pro wind is laughable and proves they clearly don’t know Art.   Art and I have had some serious and heated discussions over strategy on wind and politics and we have agreed to disagree, but I can assure anyone reading the blogs that Art is an anti-wind, anti-corruption guy.
Anyone who says Art is pro-wind or uses his name to support pro-wind only proves they are trying to stir up trouble or they have had their head stuck in a hole for the last six years.”
John Richardson


  1. The only reason for the pro wind comments or the concerns for his mental health comments is to marginalize someone that doesn't agree with them. A little comment here a little dig there, a little shunning when necessary. I agree with John that Art is a very anti wind citizen.

  2. The reason for the mental health comments is that tearing others down in order to puff yourself up is not a healthy condition. I think Art goes overboard with his personal attacks . Nothing to be proud of.

    And frankly, a normal way to deal with those who disturb you is to marginalize them from your life. Usually those who are disturbing others that way take a hint and back off. When they don't, some might describe their actions as abnormal. Even a kind of stalking when it becomes excessive.

    Having the ability to hurt one's feelings is not necessarily a normal trait and people tend to stay away.

    Ask yourself, how many people have become victims of Art's tirade's. I count a lot of names in what this man writes.

    Art himself constantly uses words like "delusional". "get a grip", etc. And demonstrates what looks like paranoia when he makes his claim that he has been marginalized. "Yikes??????????" Is my fav.
    The stuff he puts in the Times where I discover his nuttiness is a "Hoot".

    It is likely because of Art's personal attacks and attempts to demean the present public officials (but the women) and and his distaste for the town's work in proving to the PSC that CV is no place for wind, someone got the idea that he might be pro wind working in a covert manner. That is the most likely case and, yes they may have had their head stuck in a hole.

    So, I am pleased that Mr. Richardson stepped in and straightened them out on that issue because that seems to be Art's main claim of fame and statement of truth.

    Two highlights of my day. Watching my favorite soap and checking cvcat. A women's dream.

  3. First 4:30 I would not be too hasty to jump to the conclusion that those kinds of comments are pro wind. I think their is a better than equal chance they are coming from supporters of this govt. which also makes 7:35's comment suspect.

    Now to 7:35

    You act as if the Hirschey govt and its supporters are always walking the very high road like saints and are beyond reproach as always.

    Anything I have done or said absolutely pales by comparison to what this govt did to Mary Grogan with their solar zoning fiasco. You might want to ask her how she feels about that and what they did to her. And in my opinion they exhibit very questionable behavior towards their own supporters if they dare to question this govt. Of course they could hide behind all the officialdom of govt and look so credible as they did it.

    But they are subtle. They may not go after people verbally but they do it in other slick ways. Or like your comment, for example...very subtle to marginalize the messenger because the messenger has hit on something they don't like.

    And you seem to have a very selective memory. You said that tearing other down in order to puff yourself up is not a healthy condition...really? The two blogs that this Hirschey govt and the supporters who commented on those blogs dished out some pretty nasty stuff on behalf of Hirschey and company. Did you think that was Sunday school stuff???

    Funny...I don't recall Hirschey or anyone of his supporters stepping up and saying enough is enough and publicly distancing himself or his candidates from those nasty attacks on their behalf at the same time they prance around talking about clean campaigns. And those blogs got sued over that stuff!!! And don't tell me they didn't know what was going on because they all came to the bloggers defense.

    You also seem to forget that the Hirschey supporters can dish it out with nasty stuff as well towards me or anyone else any time it is required to blunt the message.

    So step down off your high horse pal. And what you seem to forget is it really doesn't matter what my approach is light or heavy, because they will still work overtime to marginalize my message. What they fear is what I know, not like smart what I know, but my history in the wind fight with them. And believe it or not there are things that I am holding back that aren't real pretty.

    Also there are a number of people who have respectfully worked with this Hirschey govt who are quickly marginalized to the side as well as soon as they don't conform.

    Bottom line....this govt and it's supporters can be just as heavy handed as you claim I am any time they are threatened. It took a long time but more people among their own ranks are starting to grasp that fact. The community seemed to get it too, evidenced by the fact the Hirschey team wasn't exactly swept easily into office this time around.

    I noticed you have not discussed anything of substance here. Your comments are nothing more than an attack just as you accuse me of. You just wrap it in such nice calm careful language. Again the same bullshit just wrapped in the high horse routine.

    Of course I notice you don't address what is the subject of the day and that is the Macsherry issue. But that was not your assignment. And you seem to spend a lot of time here for someone who thinks I am mentally imbalanced, and who doesn't what I say.

  4. Mr. Pundt.

    This is how I found the pro wind quote from you.

    I google Pandora's Box of Rocks and did a B search at the top of the blog for Art Pundt to find out what is actually posted on that blog about Art Pundt.

    I did the same for the Blog, Jefferson's Leaning Left. Both of those searches did not uncover any great scheme by those two publications to "marginalize" you as you vehemently accuse them of have claimed.

    There is little reference in those publications regarding your behavior or activities with the exception of your public appearance in town meetings.

  5. Don't take a concern for one's mental state as a method of marginalizing. Reading your blog gave me concern for your welfare. You appear to be a very angry man with a lot of baggage and ill will toward a lot of people. Reading what is on the internet often gives readers a clue and warnings about their state of well being.

    Has Mr. Macsherry broken the law? Or are you just trying to get even because a situation did not go your way? Are you stalking his behavior or do you have good reason?

    I am not Pandy nor have any relationship with Pandy. So set that paranoia aside please for your own piece of mind.

    I would like to hear more about the Town Board sexual discrimination charges that the two women were being picked on. Are you going to make a formal issue out of that? If so, what lawyer will you use?

  6. 1:34 This is the only anti-wind blog left ,where you can have a debate.

    Sure, you may get the crap beat out of you by Art's acidic tongue , belittled or scorned for disagreeing with him,,but if you have the staying power you can at least voice your opinion.

    On JLL and Pandora you can only post comments that resemble something like this- ART.X and Judge Agresta are honorable and The Hirschey government is wonderful,kiss, kiss!!

  7. 2:17 I could waste a lot of time that I don't have at the moment responding in depth but it just ain't worth it. It's not going to change your views one way or another. but I will respond to this comment in brief.

    But you said this and I will respond..."Has Mr. Macsherry broken the law? Or are you just trying to get even because a situation did not go your way? Are you stalking his behavior or do you have good reason?"

    I will say this... he is a public official and I choose to watch closely what ANY of our town govts do pro or anti wind on the issue. That is not stalking, as you are trying to characterize it in a bad light to once again cleverly frame it to marginalize the messenger. He chose to put himself in the public eye any times the past years. And believe me I have damn good reason from personal experience going back a few years and you should too if you watched the solar zoning fiasco take place last summer. And for your information were a number of people in WPEG that were not very happy about Macsherry's actions on the wind issue. They are just too frightened to say anything.

    And during a ZBA exchange he suggested that myself and certain people should reveal our emails. Believe me that is the LAST thing he and this govt would want.

    Depending on who you are, you have not been privy to certain things that I have chosen not to discuss. In that regard I am giving this board a HUGE pass!

    You think I have a personality problem. You might want to consider that your Hirschey govt supporters are so deep into your group think and frightened to talk or of alternative views that you even have two supportive blogs censoring, and then supporters that go ballistic on anybody that so much as whispers a question or alternative, and you think that is healthy? How come you aren't exploring that?
    To your last comment. I just made an observation, the CV are perfectly capable of fending for themselves.

  8. Good point 3:36

    Let me expand on the Art X comment. How can a respectable govt claiming to protect and save the community be so willing to participate in the Art X process that remove our RGHTS as a community and could in the end could be even more destructive.

    How can anyone cozy up so far as to publicly claim Art 10 is even handed, balanced, fair, and measured. And then Agresta comes here and in order to help BP sale he leaves the community twisting in the wind.

    And instead of protesting and raising a real stink. our zoning attorney and the town go right along with the three month extension and it's false deadline, then JLL goes home to tell us how wonderful all this is, and how responsible the town is.

    Doesn't anybody get it what happened? By agreeing to this extended deadline the town and Art X are helping make BP's project more attractive to a buyer. Why would they do that? Demand the damn thing be shut down right now, there is no reason not to other than to give BP more time they don't deserve to find another wind develop to screw our community after they have already shredded our community for at least 8 years. And if A-10 won't do it then walk away and declare independence from that bogus process.

  9. Pundt complains that JLL and Pandora try to "marginalize" him. As anon above points out this is pure poppy-cock. There is one big distinction that Pundt fails to acknowledge. JLL and Pandora have not posted anything directed toward Pundt himself. I believe Pundt is upset with the commenters on those blogs. Pundt, on the other hand, criticizes the other bloggers directly in his posts. For him to complain about them, which he does constantly, is to miss the target of his frustration. Pundt is guilty of what he accuses the other bloggers of doing - attacking him personally.

  10. 6:22 You must be new on the block. Some time ago ,both JLL and Pandora were blogs that accomodated and even encouraged robust dialogue and debate. Art pundt was a frequent contributor, who infuriated many .When the Hirschey government became entrenched in power, the two bloggers adopted a very protective policy that has subsequently squelched most if not all substantive discourse. This was the genesis of Pundt's blog- CVCAT, primarily because he was shut out from commenting on the other two, because of his seemingly anti-Hirschey slant.

    Of course you won't find any reference to him in their recent archives, except interspersed among some untrue comments alluding to " faux anti-wind in the community working for BP", a convenient ,if not ridiculous, effort to not only marginalize, but literally mischaracterize his position on wind development in an effort to negate the impact of his position. The fact that both bloggers allow unfettered, untrue accusations about Pundt and others in their comment sections, while censoring any attempts at rebuttal more than justifies the label 'chicken shit" they have acquired.

    As John Richardson pointed out, think what you will of Art and his aggressive style, but do not mischaracterize him as anything but opposed to industrial wind. If you disagree with him ,go ahead and argue,but don't turn "chicken shit" if his response leaves you bloody.

  11. 6:22

    You still don't get it do you? First of all another commenter suggests you are making judgments but missing a lot of information. I dish it out, I admit that, but there were tons of attacks on me too. Plenty!!! My complaint isn't so much directly with blog owner comments, you are right they don't say that much. However, they developed a process where their commenter would attack, then remove any comment I might place to explain or defend myself. THAT is what I call chickenshit. Pandy even did an entire post sarcastically going after me. It was actually funny but bizarre. So don't tell me about their high road. And that is why I opened my own blog. Not only that but because I began to see the tight little information bubble they were creating for Hirschey. Beyond that especially Wiley is so pro Hirschey he can't even get the truth straight on important issues at times. When Judge Agresta came here the first time and asked that the town sit down with BP and see if they could negotiate an alternative project that would mostly comply to our law...but maybe not 100%...Wiley ran home and blurted out on his blog that Agresta said BP HAD to comply with our law. I knew that had to be crap. A number of people challenged his post...not just me...he only withdrew after a number of people corrected him. If we hadn't challenged his view people would had walked away with the very distorted view that we had won against BP.

    That type of distortion to slobber all over this govt is a bad distortion on a critical issue. It is a disservice to the community.

    And just the other day I noticed a comment on the Pandy blog I think it was, were a commenter said " I crap bigger than Art Pundt!" They tried that on my blog and I removed it. I don't know if it was removed. I saw it there for a while.

    My approach is tough but I have never said anything even close to that about anyone on my blog or others. I may go after personalities and their thinking and decisions but it is directly connected to important policies or issues like the solar zoning screw up thy created.

    So get off your high horse!!! And like I said do a little research...oh that's right you can't because a lot of information has apparently been conveniently removed. Apparently know that is art of the scheme.

    But the old timers in the wind battle know the truth, and despite my disagreements with John, he had the integrity to tell the truth, because to his credit and the credit of another commenter here, their sense of the truth and fair play matters more than lies and letting people be unfairly marginalized.

    The Hirschey govt and the other blogs should pay attention!!!

    And the irony...they are all talk during the elections about open and transparent govt. and everybody being represented and free speech. BULLSHIT!!!! And by the way I am not the only one to be censored. There are several very intelligent commenters that get locked on a regular basis because they don't always goose step with Hirschey. That is very unfortunate.

    Wiley once told me in a phone call where he was concerned about what I was saying about Hirschey...he said he thought Urban Hirschey was the "golden fleece". Then knew we were in trouble!

  12. Oh 6:22 and I forgot to mention....The Hirschey camp and WPEG had no problem at all when I was going after the old conflicted town govt. for them. My approach was perfectly ok

    Wiley even posted several of my writings and made a comment or two into a post.

    When the AG knocked on WPEG's door who do you think they called on to work with the AG investigators?

    When I others with WPEG's help got 800 names on a wind moratorium petition, and then did private research organizing it as to who were potential voters, who do you think came knocking at our door? Urban Hirschey. We would not give it to him until we were sure the original petition was officially in town record. We didn't want the pro wind side screaming foul. But Hirschey wouldn't take no for an answer and got nasty about it and hung up on me. He wasn't riding his high horse on the high road that day and nobody saw that. No video cameras rolling that day!

    He and WPEG finally got that voter research, and even Hirschey admits it was extremely helpful to his bid for office the first time.

    But when I started to ask a few questions about his approach before the elections when he was ducking and weaving on his stance on wind and would not atke an anti wind stance and said he was willing to push the turbines into the CV back country...then the tables turned and I became the villain.

    Well so be it. What really drives these people nuts is I know the history that isn't always reflected accurately...just like you are doing.
