Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Answer To Reader's Comments On My Last Post

Since the comment box would not take a long comment I am responding here instead to commenters on my last post. Thank you for your comments.

First to Jim...I doubt seriously there is a video of this meeting.  Maybe some private notes, but probably no official minutes the public can look at.  My experience says that Clif Schneider is pretty good at documenting with his notes. Check with him!  Good luck.

There is a reason this meeting was behind closed doors...legal or not.
Now as one commenter above pointed out...yes admittedly the story has changed with Freeman's change in opinion.  Question is...is anybody at the state level putting some pressure on him?  His comments sure look contradictory now based on a previous letter he wrote to another town and now in the WDT.

And I still think WPEG's involvement is odd.  They are a separate entity as a supposed anti wind group...which in fact publicly they are not anti wind...just like our town board is NOT anti wind.  They partnered with the town on certain intervenor funding issues which I think is awkward.
I still think in the end Freeman brought one very good point to light.  The town knows how controversial the issue is and should be extra careful.

And my comments and concerns still remain the same after what I observed in the gross lack of judgment our town officials demonstrated on the solar zoning fiasco created last summer with our so called "zoning experts" which even embroiled the town supervisor  They created a fiasco and then when they realized it their egos took over and they ran for cover.  And as far as I am concerned they did some very questionable things.  The handling of that issue was so messed up and distorted to me it call into question their judgment across the board. 

Then there is another issue I am aware of about the Art X process and what I consider some very inappropriate actions among the various "players". Not necessarily town officials.  I can't get into it now, but it makes me question what they are doing and the advice they are getting and how they are applying it and where it leads us under state control.

So when I comment, I am not just considering this meeting with their attorney, but a trend of actions over time, and some of those bad judgments are current and some go back a long time in the wind issue and I have outline some of those before.

I think this town govt has become so over committed to the Art X process, and working so hard to appease the process that they aren't thinking straight. Then they have the little blog information bubble to reinforce them and their supporters.   On the surface they try to walk a line to look reasonable to the state and not be anti wind...but as I am told behind the scenes everyone thinks they are anti wind.  More than likely the meeting with the attorney and WPEG was a venue where they can show more of their anti wind colors out of public view.  AND the State is not that stupid that they don't know what is going on with our law as a defacto anti wind law.

This walking two sides of the street instead of just being up front and opposing Art X and wind development in CV, gets them in trouble.  Like a liar with too many lies...sooner or later they lose track of the lies and the story gets distorted.

You can clearly see this in some of the letters they and their supporters right to the NYPSC. 
Like Brooks Bragdon.  Is he anti wind or not?  People think he is, yet he has clearly stated in public on video that if BP would work with our zoning law's wind regulations or something close to it, he would be willing to work with them.  Really Brooks???  You want to work with BP?  Even a few wind towers in CV is too many, and in fact would violate our comp plan intent.

And WPEG working directly with the town and their attorney sends a distorted message.  WPEG is supposed to be the independent grass roots anti wind" group in town. Does this official connection where the town and WPEG are involved in the intervenor issue together, and sitting in private attorney  meetings together mean the town is officially anti wind?   Like I pointed out, just imagine the stink if in the previous govt. Voters For Wind was having private meetings with the town board and a special pro wind attorney.  WPEG should have it's own funding, the town should have theirs, and if WPEG wants to make an impression on the town to  be anti wind or whatever they are, then write letters, talk to town officials individually or with no quorum , express yourself at public hearings and meetings and committees etc. Geee I wish they could convince the town to be outright anti wind and change their law.  But I don't care who the opinion comes from or not.  Private meetings such as this with a quorum of town board members legal or not are not wise and are a prescription for trouble.

Once again I will say it.  This town and it's citizens need to get a grip that as long as they appease the state and Art X process then we have no control and no home rule and this wind mess will NOT go away.  We will just play victim for years.

And if you don't believe me just look how the Art X judge left us twisting in the wind over this BP sale bullshit, after nearly a decade of our suffering as a community on this issue.

The town board needs to stop meeting behind closed doors and make a declaration to oppose and deny Art X, and wind development in this community for the defense of our town and region.

Until they do that it will just be one fiasco after another, just like rushing a zoning law to appease Art X that created a solar zoning fiasco, and the state and the next corporate wind developer will control us with no end in sight.


  1. That meet was in a government building with multiple cameras and a state of the art security system! You cant really believe there isn't a video recording of this meeting and it should be public records for all to view.

  2. The meeting was privileged, even if there was a camera, its not for public viewing.

  3. Its our money being spent on this lawyer, and a lot of it at that. Why was an outside group there that has nothing to do with OUR tax money?

  4. Of course they might make the argument it is BP intervenor funds that are spent on the lawyer.

    I don't know if there are video cameras in the town offices. Even so good luck getting it. But you could make a FOIL request and find out. simple call to the town clerk or supervisor should tell you if they have cameras.

    But somebody raised a good point on another blog. They have new security at the town offices, so how come Pearson was able to barge right in? I am not a security expert, but that's not good and represents a big security hole. Last summer when I was seeking own documents from the clerk I could walk right in to her office or the other offices....not good!!!

    In search and rescue I work regularly in and around a secure county sheriff's facility. 24/7/ 365 you don't get anywhere sensitive in this facility without a coded pass card or some receptionist behind a armored window letting you in or an escort. To even be on the SAR team you have a detailed background check.

  5. There is a video!!! They wont release it. Sounds like there is something to hide.

  6. How do you know there is a video? What is your source?

  7. I asked a Cape Vincent government official. One of the top five at that. Was asked to not reveal name. Its out there, it needs to be on these blogs this town government is corrupt!

  8. I have done enough of this type investigation, It's your turn. If you feel this is important then do a FOIL request for the video. At least make them admit or not that it exists and a camera system to produce such a video exists. Under these circumstances they would be stupid to lie especially with a lawyer involved.

    Hear say is hearsay, but it is not verified or official and goes nowhere unless you make it go somewhere.

    You get something official and verifiable and I will post it here.

  9. Also work on your contact. If they are upset enough to tell you then push them and get them on the record and do what is right.

    If you are telling the truth, then I'll bet I can narrow the name down to 2 out of the 5. I have had back channel info too on other issue, but they never stand up.

    You have to decide whether you can stand up with your name too or you won't be credible.

  10. This town does not allow someone to speak their minds without ridicule. If I can get the video you will be the first to see it, I promise.

  11. 7;42

    I certainly understand the thing about ridicule. I have rarely seen such a group think mentality like this one with this govt and the lengths they will go protect it. It was quite astounding. The solar zoning fiasco they created last summer was a prime example of throwing a citizen under the bus to protect their own rear ends.

    That being said wind mess after everything I have been through in this I am still skeptical of what you claim. But we shall see if it is credible and how you handle it.

  12. 7:42 you're full of crap! Why would the town record a privileged attorney/client meeting ? And if they did, why would they release it to the public, especially after making such a case that the meeting was privileged and closed to the public?

    This isn't "Watergate"

  13. There are security cameras in the Town Offices but not audio.

  14. Hey ,deep throat, any luck with that video yet? You're quite the spy! You know normally informants don't reveal that they have some goodies to expose, until they have the goodies to expose. You'll never get on the cover of the tabloids with just teasers.

  15. 2:57 that is typical anti wind mentality. Your a narrow minded bully who probably has a tiny little man part. Sorry your father past that gene on to you.

  16. 2:57 and 5:42

    Let's take a look at this thing for a moment. If there is a video I would like to see it. However, if it has no audio as one reader suggests, then that isn't going to show much other than who attended unless you are an expert lip reader, and that seems to be well established already who was there. Pearson is also supposed to have a picture or the meeting. So where is that picture?

    If someone is that concerned about a video they should get official confirmation in a FOIL request as to if there is a video system, does it have audio, and either way was a video recorded at the meeting. If so do a FOIL for the video.

    Now if there is a video system, and there is a video, especially with audio, and the town lies about those facts, then there is real cause for concern. If they admit to a video then all they are going to likely say is the meeting was under attorney client privilege, and you will likely go around in circles.

    And if there is a video whose to say it wasn't destroyed? The question would be is there any law that requires the preservation of a security video? I don't know. If there is a video it sounds like it was a security video, not an official record like minutes.

    Chasing this so called video might leave you chasing your tail and nothing more for a long time over next to nothing. However, if it can be found and revealed and has an audio record then that could prove more interesting.

    And as I said after watching what these town officials did in the solar zoning fiasco last summer, which involved the supervisor, and how it appears they are going to ignore one part of our law so he can get his solar project, as a result I am a lot more skeptical about their judgment.

    After all it was videos that showed what a mess they had made of our law and zoning process and how they scrambled to cover their rear ends. And before reporting on it the WDT was able to view those videos as well.

  17. I repeat -until you have some proof of said video, you're simply guilty of tittilation. A waste of time, and quite disingenuous.

    Obviously videos are an excellent way of validating suspicions, or substantiating the record, but that is not the case here. Making an accusation publicly and then creating a scenario that presupposes a secret video being hidden or destroyed by town officials , without any proof is pretty sleazy-like I said National Enquirer material.

  18. 5:42 excellent retort ! right to the point,and left no doubt as to the strength of your conviction. Just like your flimsy accusation about a video, though, your personal attack has little bearing, since you can't even be certain if I'm a man or woman.

    Why don't you quit while your ahead unless you can give us something with substance.

  19. Video, shmideo, at this point who cares. The meeting was likely perfectly legal, Freeman says it is legal. The board may not have handled this as best they could but I don't see much here at this point. If someone has a video that reveals something dramatic, then get on the stick and reveal it. I doubt seriously that is the case.

    HOWEVER, in all the hoopla abut this meeting I do think there may be something else far more interesting that was missed after the letter from attorney Curtin was revealed at last night's board meeting. It is posted on the other blogs.

    Note it says the meeting was to discuss " potential litigation" as it relates to the Art X application.

    I'm going to post on that shortly.
