Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Town Postpones or Cancelled or Rescheduled the BP Stpulation Conference Call - SO WHAT!!!

The Watertown Daily Times paper addition has printed a clarification regarding a opinion letter claiming Cape Vincent Supervisor Urban Hirschey lied about a letter and a BP/CV stipulation meeting.

The town could have avoided this mess by not denying the FOIL request for the letter and just saying the conference call was postponed by their lawyer. If the lawyer advised the town to postpone... then...SO WHAT! And Hirschey should not have been so vague in his response in the meeting.

Now if Hirschey or the Town claimed there was no letter, and there actually was one...then this becomes an additional issue.

 But why all this cloak and dagger routine?

If the town wanted to postpone, or even cancel the meeting, or cancel and set a later date etc. ... whatever ...because they didn't feel they had all the information needed, then why not just say that.

What is the big deal?

But here is one problem. The CV blog JLL run by Rick Wiley (Cape Blogger) seems to have added significantly to this confusion in his zeal and spin  to support the Hirschey govt.

Here is a quote from an Aug. post on JLL.

"The PSC activities are in the stipulations phase and the most recent development is that British Petroleum canceled a stipulations phone conference scheduled with the Town of Cape Vincent's Article 10 lawyer, Paul Curtin whose office is in Syracuse, NY."

Note he claims BP canceled the meeting and it now appears that claim by Wiley is not true. Actually the paper says neither cancelled, it was just postponed. In my opinion Wiley is being reckless and irresponsible.

There is a pattern here. Back in May Mr. Wiley also reported that judge Agresta the Art X judge administering the BP / CV Art X process said that BP had to abide by the town's new zoning law, simply because Agresta suggested he would like to see an alternative BP project that tried to comply somewhat with CV's zoning law.

Wiley was trying to desperately spin it for the town govt and  he didn't come anywhere near the truth on the Agresta statement. And it appears the same occurred with this situation on who cancelled or postponed the meeting as you can see in his quote above.

The CV community is in a state of severe crisis and has been for at least 7 years on the wind issue. The last thing we need is people making up spin or altering the truth on critical issues the community needs to understand.

In my opinion, Mr.Wiley served a purpose in the wind issue at one time informing the community on the negative aspects industrial wind would bring to our community and the related ethics issues

However, I believe now Wiley has demonstrated he has significantly traded away his credibility for spin and distortion of the facts in his misguided zeal to rabidly support Hirschey and his govt. without question.

In my opinion... that in the severity of this towns crisis this approach by Wiley has become reckless, and we should all take what he says on his blog and anywhere in his public comments as highly questionable regarding the actual facts.

And lastly I believe in the interest of responsibility to the community Hirschey and his candidates should draw a clear line and make a public statement that clearly separates them from the JLL blog and Wiley's behavior and his spin machine on behalf of Hirschey.

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