Saturday, September 7, 2013

Stealing Road Signs, Or Covering Your Ass!!!

On the Cape Vincent blog Pandora's Box of Herscheys...oh I mean Box or Rocks, you can read an old WDT article from 2001 saying that Jeremy Wood who is now running for Cape Vincent Town Council once stole a road sign in Cape Vincent.  This was discovered apparently by a county sheriff's deputy on patrol.

Now seriously this real news???  Good God Pandy get a life, and get your nose out of the election gutter on behalf of your Hirschey buddies of which your husband is one on the Hirschey CV govt.

Seems many of us would have such skeletons in our closet when we were youths in high school of college which become trivial as we mature and become responsible adults later in life.  Geee I wonder if Pandy has any such history???

Now if Pandy wants to actually report on something important and relevant with regards to CURRENT ADULT behavior of our EXISTING town officers, with an ACTUAL RESPONSIBILITY to the citizens of CV, and a considerable bearing on the Cape Vincent Republican primary and Nov. elections...then ask her about the major zoning screw up created by our CURRENT zoning "experts". 

Virtually every town officer in the CV govt. along with the town attorney know about this zoning screw up and how it, and the inaction on another zoning screw up by the town has denied 3 times the rights of a woman who is a property owner in CV, and a seasonal voter and seriously impacted her property values.

They ALL know, and are scrambling to down play it, delay it, and sweep it under the rug.  And Pandy and the JLL blog are helping them as the PR arm of the Hirschey govt. by not saying a word about it, knowing full well what is happening.

Not to mention this significant lapse in zoning has major implications for using our zoning law as a defense against BP in the Art. X process, and they know that too.

This post Pandy put up about Jeremy Wood and the road sign fiasco is just plain asinine!!!

If she wants to really report on something, how about reporting on the fact that the very people who wrote our new zoning, upon which the entire fate of our community depends in the big wind issue, then why doesn't she report on the fact that these "zoning experts" apparently can't read our law, interpret it correctly, or apply it correctly.  And according to reliable information I have there has even been an executive session meeting of the town board along with the ZBA, some planning board members,  AND town attorney on this issue.  So don't tell me it ain't important or worth reporting!

The CV planning board sits there for almost 20 minutes grilling an applicant for a permit and not one of them can figure out that the zoning use they are discussing is NOT EVEN ALLOWED IN OUR NEW ZONING as proposed.  Now keeping in mind this is the zoning law THEY WROTE, and WE spent a lot of money hiring a lawyer to help us with, and  it was sitting there right under their noses!

Then they spend several weeks scrambling around trying to figure out how to clean up this mess, even involving the town attorney, on the tax payer's dime, and the solution they come up with is just as big a mess!!!

But you don't see that on Pandy's blog now do you????

Compared to the major zoning screw up this town govt has recently created, what Jeremy Wood did is Sunday school antics.   Especially when you consider what our current CV govt. officials have done  resulted in at least one CV citizen being seriously aggrieved and denied her rights to redress her govt.  and protect her property and family.

And I think that is actually a Constitutional right isn't it

 But I'm sure Pandy is more concerned staying up late at night researching reams of old records to find out which signs in Jefferson County kids were stealing 12 freakin years ago!!  You know ... The BIG important stuff elections are made of!!!

Of course when it is highly likely in my opinion that some in the CV govt contributed to Pandy's blogger defense fund, then it ain't likely she is going to step on any of those toes!!!

Even though I don't agree with Wood's politics, Jeremy Wood made a simple stupid youthful mistake, that he probably regrets and has probably learned from. 

On the other hand we have a bunch of supposed responsible adult govt officials who in my opinion made a very serious mistake that has actually caused significant and well documented  hurt to a CV citizen and in my opinion are doing nothing more than covering their ass during an election cycle at the cost to ALL CV citizens.

As a CV citizen with a vote you have till Tues in the Republican primary,and then till Nov. to get informed and figure out what the hell is actually going on.

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