Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cape Vincent Solar History

I went back into my blog archives in early 2012  where I did considerable discussion on solar energy since our "zoning experts" were now deciding to promote it in the drafting of our new law.  Since I live in a passive solar house for a long time in AZ and have studied the issue some I decided to comment on this sudden solar promotion by our town board and zoning committee.  Here is one comment I made from post I did on the solar issue.

"Just like wind that we didn’t know much about, we have to explore and study solar to make sure we understand the implications before we jump head over ass into it because it sounds good.  You think we would have learned that by now."

I was concerned that in this rabid rush to appease Art. X and the state green scheme our town really didn't know what the hell they were doing on this issue.  I figured this would be trouble since our board was even trying to convince BP to do a large commercial solar complex instead of industrial wind. Yeah...great idea.  The brain child of CV councilman Clif Schneider. And thank God BP was out of the solar business if you now look at the way our "zoning experts" have screwed up this recent solar project application!!!

I am afraid that my concerns have been realized if you have been following the major solar zoning fiasco I have been posting on recently, created by our top "zoning experts" that wrote the CV zoning law!

I guess I should have mentioned that if you mess around with solar and don't know what you are doing you could get....BURNED!!!


  1. And? So? Art ,stick to the photos, they are special and you are really good at that. Just saying........

  2. Thank you on the picture comment...however, I can also read our zoning law as well, enough to recognize a major screw up!

    So???? Your town officials wrote a zoning law, and apparently they can't read it, interpret it, or apply it correctly!

    And these are the "experts" and the law that is supposed to protect us from BP...good luck with that.

    Oh and by the way...according to Mr. Macsherry the planning board chairman our zoning is not really to be taken "literally." Right on video!

    I'm sure the BP lawyers are real tickled to hear that little gem and that those wind regulations in the CV zoning for their giant 500 ft. wind turbines aren't actually literal!!!
