Wednesday, May 22, 2013

If The Town Participates In The Art. X Stipulation (Negotiation) Phase With BP...Where and How Does That Take Place?

Let's once again look to the Watertown daily Times article for the answer.

Here are comments by our Cape Vincent Town Supervisor reacting to comments by Judge Agresta as to how to carry out the stipulation phase with BP.

"Mr. Hirschey said he also was pleased to learn that most of the correspondence will occur via email and teleconferences, meaning representatives and consultants will not have to travel to Albany too often to participate in the deliberations."

So if the Town and BP negotiate to reach any stipulations on the environmental studies in the application ...or on our law and the project's size as Judge Agresta will all take place by teleconference, emails, or going to Albany occasionally?   Seriously???

Geee...I thought one of the large points of Art. X was to provide lots of public input and transparency!!! Yet when we get down to the real nitty gritty negotiations, including possibly negotiations as Agresta suggests on our zoning law with happens by EMAIL!!!!       YIKES!!!

That makes me feel real warm and fuzzy about this Art. X process!!!

Lately Mr. Wiley at the JLL blog has put up some good posts about questionable emails between wind developer Iberdrola and  Clayton Town Supervisor Justin Taylor that were FOILED by Clayton citzens so the public could see them.

Isn't it ironic that Cape Vincent citizens may have to do the same thing to see what is going on between our Town and BP!!!!  Or will  our Town somehow make public the any negotiations with BP!  Will there be records of any meetings in Albany, or of teleconferences????

Maybe we should get an answer to that ASAP. 

But don't will be able to "comment" on any stipulations between BP and the town out of public view!!!

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