Friday, August 24, 2012

Follow Up Comments to Dave LaMora's Post


Excellent comments summing up Cape Vincent’s situation.  Your quote posted below is spot on.    

My thoughts, although prompted by Dave’s comments, are my own opinion, even though he may agree.

My post is neither anti or pro wind.  It is PRO community rights. 

I hope every community in NNY considering the regulation approach to industrial wind, especially our community and county leaders, will carefully consider and get involved in this discussion before we sacrifice our region to the arbitrary rules of Article X.   This is a regional community rights issue and we should ban together to proclaim the right to defend our region’s treasured environment resources threatened by Article X.  We should not try to defend against Article X as if it is a spot fire to be put out in each individual community.

It has come to our attention that some people and leaders in Cape Vincent  may not be willing to truly defend and protect our community against Article X, and will succumb to whatever Article X declares is our fate.  Some appear willing to accept without further challenge any Article X decision on our community’s future.   Frankly this is disturbing. 

Dave LaMora’s quote again:

"The only resolve that shows a public face is the resolve to follow the rules, regardless of who establishes them , what basic principles they subvert, or who and how they benefit."

The paradigm of Article X is specifically designed on the premise that people will willingly hand over their rights if the removal of those rights is packaged such that it appears the rules are legitimate and are not theirs to question.   Under this scheme people will willingly bow to any set of rules shielded with what appears to be a respectable legitimate law because all their life they have been wired to do just that.  To oppose it seems far too scary, irrational and foreign.  But it’s not…it’s the fundamental responsibility of every American citizen.   And ironically despite the subtle subversion, the more legitimate the rules appear and the slicker the political PR packaging it’s wrapped in; it seems the more willing the people are to follow and not oppose them.

Of course this is not a new condition.  The founding fathers knew it.  Consider this quote from the Declaration of Independence:

“… all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

We seem to forget the lessons that every significant rights movement INCLUDING THE FOUND OF OUR COUNTRY was predicated on major violations of existing rules.    The Civil Rights movement and many other fundamental rights movements are examples and were based on breaking some BIG rules.    You would think we could at least stand up to honor the people who freed us from the other oppressive violations of our basic rights by defend our small communities on this issue.

Blindly following or not challenging the rules just because a group of powerful individuals says so, is one of the most frightening, most irrational, undemocratic ,and unpatriotic things any individual or group can do. Especially if you are an American citizen. 

 What some people in Cape Vincent and other local communities don’t seem to grasp is, the Constitution we all hold so sacred, the very foundation protecting  our  inalienable rights, has now been turned against OUR own constitutional rights by corporations like BP and public officials like Cuomo and the NY Legislature.  And sadly, too often we are willing to follow because it doesn’t seem like a big deal.  They say, “Oh come on now , just be reasonable” , just as  Cuomo said in Watertown recently referring to Article X! 

This IS the exact fight in Cape Vincent  and our small NY communities  with Article X.  You don’t write letters begging to a system bent on removing your rights…that is absurd.  Think how absurd it would have been  if the American founding fathers only wrote letters to the king of England begging  him to respect the Colony’s rights, and that was the sum total of their opposition and they simply succumbed to whatever came next justifying it by saying, “Oh well we tried, the King and England are just too big!!!”   But this in a nut shell  is what Cuomo, and the NY Legislature with their Article X is expecting all of us to do!

The “Kings” see limited votes here so we are easier to overrun and be stripped of our community rights.

The Declaration of Independence says  you have inalienable rights    They are not given to you at the discretion of some politician, or his random arbitrary rules on behalf of some corporate agenda. That is obscene!   And they should not be taken away in similar fashion. These rights are not even granted by any one, they are already yours, some believe by divine design.

The Declaration also says government derives it powers from the consent of the governed.   That “governed” is YOU and ME!!!  WE are the entire reason government has any power at all, or even exists at all.  It does NOT say governments or their rules exist by the consent of the corporations, especially FOREIGN corporations,  or for some powerful politicians personal agenda .  But sadly that is what it has become, and Article X is an insidious example of eroding  THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED!!  Cuomo’s and our NY legislature’s Article X is one more of example of politicians and corporations trying to make themselves autonomous from the  power we posses to give them  any right to govern us at all.

It is time we send them a very clear message that they have far overreached their authority in our communities.    We the People from who they derive their power will not tolerate the abuse of their authority in our communities, especially on behalf of foreign corporations. We will not recognize their authority to strip away our community rights by forcing Article X on us, especially with unelected officials who have no accountability to us after deciding the fate of our communities.

It was a wind issue; it is now a fundamental rights issue.  And if they are willing to try to take them away  they can’t  do it without an ugly political fight in a very sensitive public forum based on rights, not setbacks, and shadow flicker!

To drive our point home, each community needs to pass a Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) drafted Community Bill of Rights.  ( See the link at the bottom of my comments) Not to ban corporations from our communities altogether, that is not the point, but to have a choice to defend our communities,  by allowing in only what we think is in our community’s best interest and have the right to do so.

Right now, even without Article X hanging over our heads …we simply don’t have those rights .

 I voted in 20ll for the new Cape Vincent government  for leadership.  I did so under protest because I was not in agreement with their handling of wind zoning and Article X.   But I at least thought they WOULD defend whatever their ultimate decision might be against State preemption and the stripping of our community rights. 

 I at least thought they would exhibit that leadership as an example to the region and other communities to protect our rights and environmental treasures.   We gave them via a democratic process the sacred responsibility and right to defend and protect our community.  We gave them the consent of the governed  to defend us .  And why is that?????

Because we require  every one of them to stand up and take  a sacred oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America upon which OUR community rights  are solidly based.   We demanded of them to defend our rights and protect our communities even against schemes just like Cuomo’s Article X which exists  on behalf of large foreign corporations trying to strip our rights away. Home rule should not be predicated on patronization, letting us play only with the rights and decisions the State thinks  we can be responsible with.

And for clarification, don’t interpret  this to mean I feel everybody should have  the right to  do anything they want any ,time they want, anywhere they want, including on their own land. That is a grossly  simplistic misinterpretation.   What I  am defending is  the right for the governed , all of us who hold the ultimate power, to choose on a community level and  for the community good what those rules should be, and not fear preemption and intimidation by some large foreign corporation or powerful politician backing their agenda.

It now relates to the  fundamental ideas of why our country even exists  at all. It’s about  if Cape Vincent  and our small rural Upstate NY communities  and leaders will stand up and defend  us.  Or will they willingly  throw ourselves, our communities,  and our rights under the Article X bus simply because the NY Legislature and Cuomo, and some corporations with inordinate power have forced  rules on us that say we must do so!!!

Please take time to consider this CELDF Website and video.  Get enlightened as to what is really going on with Article X and the wind invasion in our communities.

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