Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Pandora "Grace" Post - Biiiiiiiizzzzare!!!!!

Have been busy with SAR duties lately.  For a couple weeks we have been dealing with a large search for a missing hiker in the Grand Canyon.    So I haven’t had a lot of time to read the other blogs.  Somebody had mentioned that there was a post on Pandora’s Box of Rocks I should look at.  Not having much time I looked at in passing but not it detail and thought....yeah... blah blah blah!!  I had more important things on my mind at the time that dressing up dolls or manikins
I finally went back and read the post in more detail and was astounded.  Not astounded in that it was an attack on me, that is the price of the ticket for having an opinion, I accept that., but astounded in that it seemed so detailed and bizarre.  I thought WOW I must be having more impact than I thought!

Several things jumped out at me right away.  Based on the level of detail  I guess I should be flattered that K has obviously read my blog fairly closely.  The second thing I noticed was …Man I must have really hit a raw nerve to receive this much detailed attention.

 I know for fact it takes time to write and create a blog post, and this one must have taken a bit of time to create.  She had to dress up her doll or manikin then pose it in several poses, then take and download and post numerous pictures, then write the text.  I mean this thing was intricate, and that is what I found bizarre. What prompted this????

 Now she and her commenters go on about my ego or that it’s all Me, Me, Me.  What strikes me odd about this post from a logic point of view is that if she and her commenters think it’s all Me Me Me, then why create such an elaborate post about ME!!!  Why give me all that attention, including my blog.  That is a bit baffling to me....or like i said a bit BIZARRE!!!! 

But hey, why look a gift horse in the!!!

One commenter had it about right that I was probably chuckling about the post.  That’s about right except like I said I thought it was also so bizarre! Why take all this time and detail to go after me?    I really wasn’t offended, I was actually more flattered that the post took so much work.  Then her blog sheep jump in and give me even more press with 27 comments.   That is unusually high for K’s comments.  Once again I am flattered.  I have said things about both Pandora’s and the JLL blog in passing in my posts…but geee whiz an entire detailed post attacking me…WOW!  Like I said I must have really hit a raw nerve over at Pandora’s and among her commenters.  I guess if people didn’t know me or about my blog, they do now!

As usual Pandora’s blog sheep commenters all comment anonymous.  No one has the spine to put their name on the comments.  But what really cracked me up was that in this attack she can’t even be straight forward and use her own name, subliminally she has to use “Grace” (the manikin) as the supposed writer.  What an absolute hoot!!! Of course when you don't put a name on your comments it could be one commenter or 2, or it could be K putting all the comments on one knows!

And of course I can’t comment back on her blog so her readers know they are in the “intellectual safe zone” where K can hold their hands and where she and her commenters can go on the attack and don’t have to worry about defending their comments.   She provides them needed cover. That is usually what is required when your thoughts or arguments are so weak.  Now that is real integrity.  If I beat somebody up in a comment or post or argument my blog is completely open for them to respond.  In fact I would have even opened my blog to K’s “Grace”  post if she had asked.

Oh and by the way, I thought K did a good post the other day on the capacity factors for NY wind farms.  Very enlightening and I have passed it along to several people I know in AZ in wind fights.  Good work on that one K.

But finally I got to thinking about something else after I had a moment to digest K’s “Grace” post.  K started blocking my comments on her blog starting last summer.  Then it was intermittent until she has blocked my comments for some time. 

But here is what is very ironic about her blocking.  In her “Grace” post she references the fact that I have mentioned her husband is on the CV ZBA and new zoning committee, and I believe that makes her comments on the CV govt actions or approach not very credible.

So here is something  interesting to consider based on actual history. Maybe this comment blocking runs in the family.  Geee I don’t know do you think K ever discusses my comments or her blocking them with her husband in the CV govt?  I would guess she probably does  based on her overly detailed post.  Did her husband even prompted her to do the post?   He is on the zoning committee, the same zoning committee where several of its members out right (blocked) refused to look at detailed input I sent them. Not sure if he was one who refused to look at the input. My information says only two people on the committee took the discs with the input on them and I know who they were.  

Hhhmmm is there a family pattern here???

It’s one thing for K to block me or attack me…OK bring it on, that is all very fair game…but it may be quite something else if her spouse, an official of the CV govt and a member of an official appointed committee and an official representative of the town refuses to look at public comment input possibly based on the fact that I take on his wife and her blog.  Now we are in new dangerous territory.   Last I looked the CV Govt is not a blog site nor should they or any one of their members act like one picking and choosing who they like and who they will listen too, and who they will block.

That blocking thing may work on a blog, but it gets a bit riskier for a public official representing ALL the people in the community to do it based on personal reasons.  Now things get rather blurry. I have been told repeatedly that bloggers can do damn near anything they want.  I’m not sure that works for public officials of a govt.  I wonder if I had to go before the ZBA where Mr. K sits, for a variance.  How that would work out????  Would he take that info home and ask K what to do and have a good laugh???? I also wonder which way the venom  travels on things like this.  From K to her husband where he could take action from his official town capacity?  Or could he be telling her to slam me because I have been critical of the zoning committee upon which he sits?   Did that already happen on the zoning committee? How much influence does she and her blog have on Mr. K and vice versa?   Is it possible for him to be unbiased as result?

I wonder how that plays out legally?????   Although K does some good research and reporting at times, if nothing else the closeness of K to the CV govt on several levels  sure doesn’t look good for credibility, and integrity if you clearly think it through and what may have already transpired.  

As I have said in the past, and K brought up again in her post, is she with her inside track to the CV govt just the propaganda arm of that govt? What’s the level of influence and can it be separated responsibly?    A lot of very interesting questions here.   It’s all pretty cozy if you ask me.  Once again I would be careful what and where you read!!!

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