Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Smokey the Bear Image Removed  See post above. 

Even the US Forest Service was not sure about using the SmokeyLogo when I called them here in Flagstaff.  They are actually too busy worrying about actual forest fires.  
I take  lot of heat over my approach. Apparently this never bothered anybody when I was going after our previous conflicted govt. But has anybody else been rough in their approach?   How about the other blogs especially prior to the election from supporters of the Republican candidates?  Nobody seems to have a problem with their approach and they got pretty nasty in a defense of the Republican candidates.  Pandora's blog went after the  Masons repeatedly with nasty posts and her commenters jumped right in after her lead.  Here is a typical attack comment from the blogs
Anonymous said...

My apologies to those currently living in Mississippi, I agree they progressed. To bad uneducated dipshit bigot's like Paul haven't.
Dipshit bigot???   Wiley once said that he blocked me on his blog for “attacking” people.  Actually my comments were based more questions and facts.  But dipshit bigot!!!

Wiley had NO problem letting this nasty personal attack stay on his blog to support HIS agenda.  Never saw his Republican buddies object to it either, nor did anyone from our “responsible” town board come on the blog and say they objected to this.   Now I have heard Mr. Hirschey and his supporters and other say we need to move on now and “heal” the town.  Do you think this is how you “heal” a community?  Hey… I will be the first to disagree with Paul Mason and his logic…does he really deserve to be called a dipshit bigot in a public forum that is basically the informational arm of the new Republican govt. My first approach to Paul was to ask him if we could sit down so I could try to understand his views on wind power, and we did that for 3 hours at his house.  I never called him a dipshit bigot. 
And this which is VERY interesting from the person who uses the pseudonym “Lone Ranger” and has been on both blogs. The “ Lone Ranger’s”  comments on Roger Alexander and his turbine and former PB chair Edsall uses the words big fat idiot, scumbag, several times..
But here is the thing.  NO ONE on the anti wind side ever complained about my approach much when I was going after pro wind people and our previous conflicted officers  But as soon as I started asking questions (not attacking) of the Hirschey and the Republican candidates, all based on facts and research… then I swiftly became the enemy of the agenda.  I have never called Mr. Hirschey, the board or his supporters  scumbags, manure, big fat idiots, perverts  etc etc   Below is an example of my questioning on JLL of Mr. Hirschey and the Republican candidates…it is a discussion not an attack.

Art Pundt said...
Clif, John, and Urban

You have asked for feedback on your platform. I have no problem with # 1, 3,or 4, I think those are solid and take the Town in the right direction. But I do have significant reservations on # 2, and wind IS the biggest issue facing the electorate and the Town, and just about everything else hinges on that issue. Where is the attack here…there  is NONE, it is factual based questioning.
This all comes before the 2011 Cape Vincent  elections.  Pandora’s and JLL and their supporters at this time were doing these to attacks to discredit the people running against or simply questioning their candidates. 
People accuse me of attacking Mr. Hirschey and others…if they are going to criticize somebody else for a rough approach, that would imply  they and the Republican candidates always take the more “respectable high road”.  Cliff, Schneider, Byrne, and Hirschey read these blogs and have even posted on them at times. Their campaign unified platform was posted  on the blogs   So were they giving their endorsement to the nasty attacks from these blogs and their supporters, as they attacked many times directly on behalf of the Republican candidates?
I guess our new board had no problem with the blog’s  nasty attacks or that of their supporters. Attacks are attacks…if they are not appropriate as an approach then say so to ALL people, not just me. Why didn’t ask that  ALL  nasty attacks stop and ask to tone down the attacks on the opposition too?  You didn’t  see the blogs saying that, nor did you see ANY Republican candidate say that.  And those blogs are HUGE supporters of the Rep, candidates and now our new board.
Why????…well don’t be fooled.   Because in the end the candidates and their supporters apparently didn’t give damn  about the attacks as long as it was to their benefit.    That is until I started asking some measured researched and factual questions (not attacks) of the Republican candidates.  Those are the most dangerous type of questions and must be quickly marginalized. even going so far, just like the other day…saying I am trying to help people like Harold Wiley, and the pro wind side.  Now that is not just an attack…that is an absurd outright lying smear tactic.  When they attack they can’t even stick to the truth…they have to lie!!!  Now I don’t see any of our new Republican board members, or their supporters saying ANYTHING about that.  Do they tolerate lies from their supporters in their defense???
You see ladies and gentlemen . That is what you call …
HYPOCRISY!!!!   In fact, remember what the “Lone Ranger” says:
“Damn, I don't think anything is more a burr under my saddle than hypocrisy!”
Me too “Lone Ranger”!!!  Maybe you ought to talk to some of your posse who ride with you!
And I hope my readers are intelligent enough to see through it.  Like yesterday’s post on the Intschert letter and meeting.  That hit a real raw nerve with somebody and the attacks started…I wonder who????  I didn’t attack anybody, I was just telling of an experience I had  in the CV wind battle.  That usually happens when somebody is afraid of something and that somebody might know something that exposes too much truth like additional stuff I know about the Intschert meeting I didn’t reveal. What really fries these attackers is that some of them KNOW I KNOW stuff from an inside view that does not that would  not match their agenda message that they want the CV public to swallow whole…that is the REAL problem here.
 The  closer to the truth the more intense the attacks must be. That is how this game works.  So watch closely when the commenters are going ballistic…that is usually the key to important information.  And you won’t see many names on the attacks for a couple reasons.  1.) that would take backbone. 2.) and what if an attacker is actually a town officer or somebody very close who supports them?  The anonymous mode provides cover. Most of my posts are like puzzle pieces…

...keep reading, use your intellect and not your emotions, and put the pieces together so you will get a better understanding of what is happening NOW!  And the history is CRITICAL to what is going in right now.
Watch closely…More to come.

Many of the setback people are projecting how we have to form a setback zoning law because of a legal challenge. So do we have any actual insight as to how the court might decide on such an issue?  Yes we actually do and we will explore that in a new post coming soon.



  1. Speaking of Hypocrisy. I am not sure that you want to steal the Highly Protected Smokey the Bear Symbol from the UDSA and alter the highly protected message.

    You claim to be rational and smarter than the average bear.

    But degrading Smokey and risking misuse of his logo is not very smart.

    I have taken a screen shot since this is so unbelievably dumb on your part.

  2. Here are two websites that will provide you with the proper use of
    Smokey the Bear Logo.

    You can find a good one designed for school children at:


    And then there is this one:


    Please respect our outdoors and protect our wilderness.

  3. Art, I just wanted to say thank you for speaking out against Wiley and Pandora's blog.Eveerything you said about Wiley and Pandora are facts.They have hurt alot of people in Cape.I may not agree with you on somethings,but I agree with you on this subject.Thank You again speaking out. I have just started reading your blog and I feel you are writing a blog the way it should be. Thank you again
    Janet Radley

  4. You are a brilliant strategist!

  5. Thank you Janet...you are correct that we do disagree, probably strongly and that is OK. One thing I did do in this battle is to talk to some wind lease holders face to face. Like Paul M<ason,(3 hours), Donny, Joe Wood, I went to Wood Farm and Joe came to my house and others to try to see their side. As you can see even though we disagree I am not going to be childish and block your comments. You are welcome here any time. I'm not sure how we get past all this because both our beliefs are very strong and committed. When I am in CV this summer I would invite you to look me up and talk face to face in a quiet setting. Despite what other people might tell you, I am not a monster and I don't bite!!! I will even say that you could post here on my blog to tell your story or if you see a solution to this mess, as long as it is measured and reasonable. I am not a hard person to find the contact info for. I just don't want to put it out on the blog.
    Just for responding to you here I will probably be attacked.

    I often wonder why the widn lease holders if they wanted wind and a good deal didn't immediately form a wind power coop, hire a real good lawyer and accountant, and THEN talk to the wind developers with some real power to negotiate a better deal with them and for the community? But I guess that is long past. In the real early days when I was neutral on wind I might have supported and helped on some sort of effort like that...but as you know my views changed radically from those days.

    AND most of all I applaud your courage to stand up for what you believe with YOUR NAME. I am sure a lot of the people who attack me are on "my side" but have to hide behind anonymous.

    In the end there are NO winners in this battle. I am a black sheep to both sides...but that is my choice.

    Best wishes.

  6. Art, don't be fooled, I doubt very much the commenter who signed as Janet Radley is actually her.Janet is much too angry and defensive to write anything so calm. I would guess this is an attempt to widen the chasm between you and the so-called anti-wind group,much like Harold wiley tried to do last summer,by pretending to create a bond with you against JLL and Pandora.

    Manipulation sucks, as does wind development.

  7. You could be right...but the chasm between the "concerned" wind forces and myself (anti wind) will not be widened by anybody on a pro wind side trying some stupid manipulation. I have seen those comments before and they are wasting alot of their time and energy. It boggles my mindthat they actually think I am going to side with them in some twisted manipulation. You can bet "my side" uses tactics that try to discredit me as well by trying to attach me to the pro wind side.

    Frankly I am not sure which side manipulates more.

    What some people don't know is that when I first took on the other blogs I was still in CV, and former Judge Grant called me to say he appreciated me taking on the blogs. I know it was him. Let me just say I made it real clear who's side I was on!!!

    Besides I would think there has to be some pro wind people reading this blog...if they do and they see Janet's name, you would think she would or somebody would correct that.

    We shall see.

  8. Art,It really is me(Janet).I meant what I said.I am not writing on this blog to try and stir things up.I know where you stand and I respect that. The writer who said I am a very angry person,that is very true,but I'm not angry about wind,in the beginning I didn't get involved in it,because of Donny being on the Board.But I could take only so much of Donny being lied about and beat up and I wanted him to know I supported him. To me personally,my anger still to this day is not about wind,it's about what Wiley's and Pandora's blog has done and still are trying to do to Donny and alot of other people's lives. I donot go to the village much anymore.The warm family feelings is not in Cape any more.I hope you can respect where I stand. I have nothing to hide and I am not playing any games with you.I donot play games. After reading what you wrote,I felt safe in signing my name.I will not be surprised to see my name on the other blogs, and not because you gave them it.It is how Wiley and Pandora works.If you donot believe this is me,find away to get a hold of me.I will not put any of my personal information out,because I donot need the wrong people to have it. Again thank you for bringing to lite what the other two blogs are really about.
    Janet Radley

  9. OK fair enough Janet. My offers still stand. If somebody is trying to run a game on me I must admit this seems like a silly way to do it in a small tight knit community by now using your name twice.

    Please keep in mind there are many many things on the other blogs that I also agree with I am sure you know that as well...I just don't like the hypocritical approach and some other things they do.

    One thing particulalry I don't like is when one of them or their supporters or readers will attack me, then if I try to respond in defense they will block my ability to do that.

    Frankly I think that is really chicken shit!!! That is not credible nor does it have integrity. If you can't run with the big dogs and take on the debate or arguement...then stay on the porch!!!

    I find it interesting that you may not have been in favor of wind in the beginning. It would be interesting to hear more about that.


  10. You can have him, we don't want him...he is all your's Janet.

    Honorary Green Shirt

    Good Luck

  11. I guess thats what I get for signing my name,but I noticed 2:41 can dish it out,but is a coward to sign their name.First I plan on keeping him (Donny). I haven't a clue who you are and I don't care.Second 2:41pm, does it make you feel good to write stuff like that. Well good for you.At least we know where Art is coming from and where he stands on things.I may not always agree or like what he has to say ,but he does sign his name. I didn't come on here to be belittled by you or swap insults with you.I just come on here to acknowledge and respond to what Art wrote.
    Janet Radley
    PS; I don't have a green shirt and never had one,but thanks there is a lot of great people wearing green shirts,but as usual you have taken upon yourself to appoint me Honorary Green Shirt,when you are not a member yourself.

  12. Janet...I think they may be refering to me as the honorary green shirt. Not sure.

    Frankly I think ALL groups can become dangerous in cutting off critical thinking whether it be Voters for Wind, Green Shirts or WPEG and the Republicans.

    One of the definitions in the dictionary about anonymous is "a lack of individual character or features"...yup that about sums it up. That is what ANY group gives you is some character and features, and script with a set of prepackaged beliefs, and comfort, so you don't have to think too much on your own. And it is frightening if the group takes that away from you. People outside the groups can be real scary. They HAVE to be marginalized.

    When people have to use anonymous to only attack,(not good comments) 1.they are non people who nobody can identify...2. they are quickly forgotten because they have no character or individuality to define them. 3. What they have said adds absolutely nothing to the discussion or solution.

    So they are none people, you can't even define their gender, with no substantial ideas that nobody will remember anyhow.

    Think of it like a breeze coming through a window. It blows the curtains around for a couple seconds , you can't see it,and it essentially was nothing more than a meaningless momentary invisible disturbance that in the future we won't even be able to remember that it happened.

    Any anon pro or anti who wants to come on here and have a discussion with a point, even a pointed point and information, feel free.

    The attackers.. I tell ya what I will make ya a deal. I won't attack you...if you won't attempt to fake like you are actually thinking when you come on my blog!
