Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This Photo is Absolute 100% Proof Positive!!!!

I am fascinated today by the reasoning over on the JLL blog with a post  that claims you can’t ban wind turbines.  So let’s look at it a little more.  

If you want to see just  how screwy the logic gets by JLL to defend the “zoning is responsible approach”, look at this picture that was posted on JLL in his post on not banning turbines. 

According to Wiley at JLL this is all the 100% proof positve
we need to show that prohibiting turbines will not work!
Yup...I'm convinced!!!! Wow that was easy!!!

Well that convinces me for sure, and there it is folks, proof 100% positive that a ban won’t work because of this sign.  No more questions please!!!  Of course he doesn’t explain where this picture is from or the circumstances.  Just because a person has a no turbine sign in his yard doesn’t mean that his local town board attempted to ban wind turbines.  But JLL wants you to make that giant leap in thinking (without thinking) to try to discredit those of us who think prohibiting wind turbines is the right direction. Maybe this person was against turbines and his town actually allowed turbines, or in fact tried the “reasonable zoning approach”, that Wiley promotes and that is why turbines are in the background.  Like Maple Ridge.  We have no concrete information one way or the other about the circumstance of this picture. But for Wiley apparently this photo is absolute proof positive that a ban won’t work. Does Mr. Wiley really think is readers are that gullible or stupid!!! Frankly this is an insult to any fair minded intelligent person seeking information trying to sort out the wind issue in CV and it is why you need to be very careful reading JLL. It’s also why I opened this blog.

In fact Wiley with his disconnected propaganda photo
is using the same tactic as this wind company propaganda photo.

 A pretty little girl with small wind turbines in the background. Geee those turbines can’t be bad for anybody if this cute little girl can play under them…right?  OR...Geee this town tried to ban turbines, see the sign says so and is proof positive …right?  Unless Wiley can back the photo with facts it is pointless propaganda just like the wind developers put out.   So when did we start using wind developers tactics to promote our new zoning laws?  And this is the guy we should be considering as credible when he says  prohibiting turbines won’t work.  This is a guy using this type of manipulative propaganda who is a defacto representative of the Hirschey govt and their “ reasonable zoning approach.”  I think I will continue to be a bit skeptical of JLL and his judgment.  Of course Wiley knows a lot about bans, because that is what he does to some commenters on a regular basis! JLL has been relentlessly pounding on the extreme negatives of industrial wind for a long time.  Ironically his NO turbine sign picture could actually be a representation of his exact blog mantra!

Now let me show you a picture I actually took, the circumstances of which I know a lot about in detail, because I was actually there.  This picture is Nextera’s Perrin Ranch Wind Complex north of Williams AZ, about 30 miles from my house.

  I was somewhat involved in the opposition to this complex, and attended several hearings and interacted with the opposition.  The opposition are wonderful well educated responsible people with impressive facts and research and presentations for our county boards.  In their hearts they really didn’t want the wind complex near their homes.  However, they decided to take the “reasonable” approach and tried to work with our county and the developer. I warned them this could backfire badly on them and they might as well fight against it outright.  They did not ask for turbines to be prohibited and as a result talked themselves right into a massive 62 turbine complex near their homes, exactly what they did not want. 

Here is a quote from their website, and I feel very badly for them and the end result!

CCCRRE is not against wind energy, but is for responsible renewable energy in this area. Wind Energy is not the answer to our renewable energy needs here in Northern Arizona. It is a WASTE of TAXPAYER DOLLARS!

 They found out the hard way the law and the system doesn’t work for them, it is rigged for the developer, and when you engage in that approach all you do is enable the developer.  So look at the picture again…because unlike Wiley’s little mind bending manipulation it represents the truth about the “reasonable” approach.  Now that is a picture you can bank on!

And here is a quote from Mr. Urban Hirschey our Cape Vincent Town Supervisor on TV when a  reporter asks him something about the election being an anti wind victory:

“ That’s not fair…I am not against wind, just the improper placement of turbines.”
Funny isn't it...that the mantra is to fight wind energy by starting out saying you are not against wind energy. That is REAL interesting logic.  And Wiley and crew would like you to think I am the one who is irrational.  YIKES!!!
Then Wiley says this at the end of his post.

“As a result of their efforts our  well thought out and research-driven town’s laws will stand a better chance in court compared to the legislating of a ban on wind turbines.  A ban would stand a better chance of being overridden in the courts as being overly burdensome to the State’s Article X siting board.”

Oh I see…and your approach which will also eliminate turbines through zoning is NOT going to be looked at as “overly burdensome” ?  When are you people going to wake up?  It’s the same damn thing in the end result! You can put as much lipstick on your pig as you want but the court and A-10 board are not stupid. They are going to figure out that it is still a pig! 

And once again Wiley tries to manipulate his readers into thinking that those of us who want to prohibit turbines would do it without any research, data or evidence to make our case. Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact he and K at Pandora’s blog use the same exact organized language to marginalize us by saying we are just having a “NO wind hissy fit”.

I was researching this stuff a couple years before Wiley ever opened his mouth on his blog., and have been fighting and researching industrial wind on both sides of the country and have seen the results. I guess he thinks that he and the town board and zoning committee are the only ones with a lock on data and rational research.

In the end I like to look at performance. So let’s test drive the facts in this debate and see how they hold up. It is amazingly simple. It appears the areas that take the reasonable “not overly burdensome” approach are the very places now hosting massive invasive industrial wind complexes.  Just look across the River. So of the areas or towns faced with wind development, which ones actually didn’t end up with wind development?  Well that would be the towns that actually prohibited turbines, like Henderson, Brandon, Malone, Meredeth, etc etc.  So if you are actually really intent on ridding your community of invasive wind development, it appears the very approach that Wiley is ranting against is the one that actually works!

An apology to my readers that this post had to be edited several times as you may have been reading on Tue. night.  I was having posting and editing problems.

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