Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Heads Up Cape Vincent Women!!!

Apparently this Hirschey govt. has no problem appeasing the Art. X process  and  Cuomo and cronies who used it  to removed our home rule rights on this wind issue.  They have called it in letters, to the NYPSC fair, balanced, and even handed and measured. Seriously?????

But  there is a twisted irony in all this.

They have treated this egregious system that removed our rights on behalf of corporate power better than they have treat some of Cape Vincent's citizens, particularly women!

What you say?  Well let me explain. 

Let's start with Mary Grogan and the Alexander private wind mill and solar zoning issue.  Despite Mary's repeated pleas for some one in this govt to help her she has been completely  ignored!  In fact on the solar zoning issue they favored a well to do trailer park owner and scrambled around in a panic to find a way to  let him put up a solar project that is illegal under our new law.  Then they even admit the way the original permit was handled was not right and would not hold up in court, yet went ahead to approve it anyhow despite Mary's ZBA challenge to the project.

Then When Hester Chase of the ZBA voted NO on the screwed up solar project permit and supported Mary's challenge, and  then began to ask other tough questions when she realized how screwed up the zoning records and process was, the Hirschey crew turned on her.

Then we have Councilwoman Michelle Oswald.  She just lost in the 2013 election to a pro wind young non experienced conflicted candidate.  How does that happen with all the seasonal votes that floated Hirschey and Bragdon to the top?  I believe the word got out and the Hirschey crowd willingly sacrificed her  since she apparently wasn't willing to be as obedient as the Hirschey govt. crowd required.

So what you have her is a little men's insider crowd who treats the women mentioned above far worse than they treat the horrible Art. X process and its players who removed our precious rights to home rule and may allow the destruction of our community.

Looks like these guys cozy up to money and power as a first choice.

That is not a very good record.  They slobber all over the Art X process, yet vindictively  turn on some CV women who are dedicated to saving this community from disaster.


  1. Michelle Oswald and Liz Brennan both approached the Town and Village Boards about important issues brought to their attention by the town women at the Voicesl gatherings. The village board repeatedly contacted Urban to address some of these issues only to be totally ignored. The suggestions made by CV women were positive for the community. Why is the Hirschey administration so afraid of acknowledging these women and their suggestions?

  2. If the women of Cape Vincent want greater political power, they need to recruit more candidates to seek office. Many prospective ideas are turned away or ignored by sitting boards, it is not productive to whine about a lack of consideration, or for anyone to claim discrimination aainst women, just because their suggestions are not acted upon.

    The percentage of women in government is not a ctitical element in any of the issues facing this town. It is not responsible to create a superficial condition.

  3. Mike Sallaby got appointed to a board seat even though he was not interviewed. Hester Chase was re-appointed to her own seat after an extensive, condescending interview. The upstanding men of the community worked so hard to convince the previous planning board member to run for his seat (he wanted the alternate position) so they could block Michelle Oswald. If you look at all the facts, you have to conclude this small group of men are willing to have women support them but the reverse is not true. I am a fair minded person. When I try to post on JLL, the comments are not up for long. I have lost all respect for Pandora. I am not sure why such hatred for Art. His blog makes me think about what is going on here with the people I trusted and supported but who are in many ways betraying that trust. I am hoping they are still better than the alternative.

  4. In my post I am not talking about how women can get more political power. You are right, that is up to them to develop that power.

    I'm talking about retribution because the two women mentioned above weren't so willing to play ball with the Hirschey boards...and there are males in this community subject to the same thing...if you don't goose step with the Hirschey mantra then anyone is subject to a steady stream of marginalization.

    And in my opinion gender has played a roll in how this govt. has act

  5. I believe your post regarding gender is very accurate. Watching this play out....Brooks and John Byrnes are so desperate for support from Hirschey,et al, they are more concerned about watching their own backs than supporting others that they know are right. The women tend to be more verbal about their beliefs and because the men may agree totally but won't stick their necks out, the women are considered problems and called horrible, offensive names by Dick and Bob.

  6. You said :

    "When I try to post on JLL, the comments are not up for long. I have lost all respect for Pandora."

    You are not the only one believe me. There are several people they do this to. At first these blogs had a critical function to counter the industrial wind threat. But something happened along the way and they morphed into something more sinister to make sure information is censored and tightly controlled on behalf of the Hirschey govt.

    It is like they are the NSA of monitoring blog traffic and when any key word or phrase comes up that doesn't align with Hirschey it gets eliminated especially if it is from certain people.

    The current way they operate simply is not credible any more.

    Very often the procedure for anyone to censor information is a symptom of a couple things. First it appears they have something to hide, and second they must feel the stance they are aligned with is weak vulnerable and can not withstand scrutiny so they see it as a direct threat.

    The way things are operating now, no matter what there stand is on wind, they are not very different from the industrial wind side where things were done in secret, and information and input was marginalized and restricted and propagandized.

    I would hope some CV citizens caught up in this game would see what is happening and not be so caught up in the spell cast over them.

  7. What I want in this type of forum is open exchange of ideas. I understand if posts are deleted because they are obscene or unnecessarily attack a person. If the comments are deleted because they don't fit the agenda.......then for me the blog has no purpose.

  8. 7:14

    You mention Macsherry and Brown and things they have said. You might remember what happened to me when I sent the zoning committee CD discs with detailed information from two papers I had written about the wind zoning issue from my deep involvement in the CV wind issue.

    The report I got was Brown and several members pushed them away and refuse to look at them or take the input. These papers had no attacks or of the kind. Strictly analysis.

    The reason they gave was the things I had said about the committee and the Hirschey govt and they didn't like me.

    Seriously? What they did was single out one citizen to punish because they simply didn't like them or what they have said. This committee was an official govt function tied directly to the CV govt. As a result what they did to me was govt sanctioned censorship, and it came from a govt that was supposedly supporting open and transparent govt. It is intolerable but shows how arrogant they are. Seriously...single out one citizen for punishment. That is unreal! The lawyer I consulted about this thought it was very questionable but not worth pursuing, but also thought it was pretty stupid for govt officials to do such a thing. Now I made a blog issue of this. You might think that someone on the town board who appointed these people would have stepped up and set them straight or I might have received an apology for such egregious behavior.

    Not a freakin word!!! Hirschey I am sure knew about it and di nothing about it.

    They refused my input and I commented on other problems I saw with their zoning approach. So you can see why it must have driven them ape shit when it was me who discovered they couldn't even read their own law that created their solar zoning screw up and it ended up in the paper.

    I think this solar zoning mess they created exposed a rather dark side of this govt. and how they seem to become rather unglued lately and willing to eat their own politically.

  9. Maybe now Brooks will begin to understand after his hard work on this govt and to get reelected if Urban gives an unelected official the dep super job, and throws him to the wolves.

  10. Byrne is a write off. He has private frustrations with the Hirschey govt but he isn't going to stand up or do anything.

    Any guy who hides under the desk and without objection lets Hirschey and Schneider try to have Dave LaMora arrested in a meeting, when Dave was right there for John on the Rienbeck Byrne camera issue...well that tells you about all you need to know about him!

  11. Amazing in 2013 that there is still small minded men when it comes to supporting women in this community. Of course they marginalize anyone who speaks up and even slightly questions, but it really doesn't play well when you go after women. It may be political but it sure is a bad strategy. Do they treat their mothers or wives this way as well?

  12. Is Macsherry and Brown really the decision makers for this town board, say it isn't so Brooks and John!

  13. 10:16

    Actually Macsherry, Brown, and Schneider. There are more appointed people running our govt than actual elected officials. And you would be very surprised to hear were they are also getting advice.

    A then to hear even a rumor that Dick Mac may be appointed dep. super.

    Now stop and think about that for a minute. Why Dick Macsherry???? Put the puzzle together!

  14. Accusing the men on the town board of sexual discrimination and harassment of Hester and Michelle are very serious charges. Are they cooperating with you in developing a case against them?

    Why did you censor my comments that I made about my concerns for your personal mental health?

  15. 5:34 I didn't censor your comment. Recently I have only blocked one comment because it was foul. If that was yours then I removed it.

  16. The women of Cape Vincent have a substantial presence in many of the community's organizations and agencies. Their contributions are far reaching and commendable.

    Its not necessary or productive to create an artificial atmosphere that implies they are being discriminated against in government.

    There are several in office already, if the electorate desires more they will install more through the political process. The women who affront the town leaders asking for greater consideration of women as participants are misguided to think this is a function of the town council. Get out there and recruit some more women to participate themselves. They don't deserve anymore consideration than men.

    There is no law that says town government must have gender balance.

  17. I totally agree with your comments about the contribution of women in our community. The point you have missed is that our town government has actively worked against qualified women interested in board positions. Comments made were in no way an attempt to affront town leaders - just requesting them to judge women candidates fairly.

  18. Request town leaders to judge women candidates fairly? The only way they consider ANY candidate for any office is you're either totally with us or you're totally again us!
    Unfortunately that leaves out most of the community. The circle is getting smaller and smaller.

  19. 7:53 You would have to provide far more credible evidence of the town government working actively against qualified women in order to substantiate such a claim. This evidence would need to clearly indicate that such opposition was due to the candidates gender and not her position on issues or policies. If I have missed that point, as you say, maybe its because it only exists in your interpretation of events.

    I believe strongly that women have much to contribute in all facets of life, and deserve fair consideration for any and all positions in government. I do not believe ,as Ms. Brennan suggested, that simply because women are presently "under-represented" in local government, that the an effort should be made to artificially balance the percentage. All three of the women who addressed the board made the same implication. Their request was not simply a plea for fairness, it was a complaint that the town government was unbalanced and the town should appoint more women to correct the unbalance. Maybe you missed that obvious point.

  20. "Men of Cape Vincent unite"!! the battle has begun!! It was foretold that if women were allowed in town government, they would not be satisfied until they had ultimate control-just like they do in our homes..

    The time is nigh to squash this movement. Get behind your town board and encourage the dominance by men of the local political stage.

    Come out of your man-caves and take action ,or it will be too late!!

  21. 7:53 Ask the present board members what went on at the Town Offices during the day of that board meeting. If they answer honestly they will admit to clever maneuvering to block the appointment of Ms. O and Ms C. - for no other reason than they question procedure and are therefore thought to be difficult. Information was "out there" that that was the plan. Thankfully Ms Chase was reappointed. The women who spoke were not asking for special treatment or consideration - just FAIR treatment.

  22. 7:17 "just fair treatment" baloney!! If that were the case ,why all the backpatting for the active women ,and highlighting of the evidence of under representation?

    The women's liberation movement has become adept at hiding their true intent with this sort of "fair treatment" appeal. Mark my word, men of Cape Vincent, the game is on, and the goal is control of political power by women!! When the discussion turns to gender, rather than positions and opinions about issues,- beware!

    Kudo's to the male town board for not falling for this tactic. We welcome women to join in public service, but will resist the effort to be dominated!

  23. Okay - rather than check out what 7:53 alleges, continue spouting your misogynistic rants.

  24. "Misogyny" that's a great word. Who is guilty of misogyny here, 7:38 or the commentor at 7:53 trying to create a false image of a town board actively discriminating against women? That's disingenuous at best,unless the commentor has some proof. What is there for one to check out?

    At 7:17 you state the board tried to block appointments because the two candidates questioned their procedures. How is that gender discrimination? Sounds like a normal action by politicians in control. Might be distasteful, but it is hardly gender discrimination.

    Get your story straight!

  25. I am a prowind person. I have had many conversations with Michelle Oswald. I admit she approached me first, I wasn't sure what to think. She knows where I stand and I know where she stood on wind. I am so grateful she did. If any one of the 3 that were up for re-elections should of been re-elected it should of been Michelle. I watched her on the video of the Board meeting, she was the only I saw that was there for the whole town and not just a few. Even though we stood on the opposite sides of wind, she had respect for all. I feel the Board Slapped her in the face. If the TB had a few more Board members like Michelle, I feel the town could heal some. Not totally, it is going to take a lot for that, but she was doing a good job trying. She is a great lady and I hope to see her run again. The Hirshey gang will fall someday and people like Michelle,Paul A, and a few others who they have stepped on, will bring this town back,weather with wind or without wind. Clif and John have to learn they are not god and Brooks may learn he doesn't have to be their lap dog. I like Urban, I just wish he wasn't Clif and John's puppet.

  26. BRAVO and DITTO (except the pro-wind). This person nails it!
