Thursday, March 7, 2013

Right In Plain Sight!!!

Have you ever lost something in your house, like say your car keys and because you were so sure in your mind the keys had to be somewhere else that it completely paraliyzes your ability to see what you are looking for and it is actually right in front to our face and when you find your keys you are stunned because they were right there in front of you in plain view all the time? 

Maybe you are looking for something like your  writing pen you dropped , and you are covinced it is red, but it actually it is green and since you are so convinced you are right that the pen you are looking for is red  it's right there in front of you and you don't see it?

Ever have that experince?  You end up operating in such a frozen paradigm and thought pattern that nothing gets in, even stuff that should slap you wide awake to awareness.  Something in your mind is are absolutely sure of it, and sometimes it is reinforced by others to the point that it has no relationship to reality.

 In my search and rescue training I read of a study once on preconceived thoughts and observations.  That becomes something you need to be aware of if you are looking for lost people in  difficult environments. If somebody tells you the lost subject has Levi's and a red shirt, do you screen out all other information and possibilities?  That is not very effective.  It's also called situational awareness. As I remember it, the gist of the study was that a bunch of people were told to watched a basketball game on TV and were told to watch for something specific in the play of the game or about the players, like how many times the ball was passed and who passed it the most etc.  After a while in the bacground there was a monkey running around.  When the game was over people were asked what they saw.

No one saw the monkey!

Now let me ask you something. 

If you were sitting somewhere in Cape Vincent with a highly reinforced preconceived idea you bought into, and supported by many other people including your peer group for several years  ... would you be alert and situationally aware enough to pick up on anything unusual???

Or would you be paralyzed by your own thinking even though what you may have missed was actually right in plain sight like a lost set of car keys? 

So did you see the monkey(s)?????


  1. The only monkey seen around these parts is one that shows up maybe four months of the year from out west somewhere to complain about everything being done to save Cape Vincent.

    If you have something to say, why not say it instead of insulting everyone with your cryptic game of "who sees the monkey that I see"?

  2. Although this is not the want to explain to me how some on our town board working up "wish lists" for what we can get out of BP is a pathway to "saving" CV?

    Seems like you conveniently skipped over something rather crucial to "saving" CV. What ever happened to the mantra from many of this board's supporters that the town board would NEVER give BP a PILOT tax agreement and that wouold make them go away? Seems we have jumped over that little discussion and are now conjuring up wish lists to get what we can from BP as if their wind farm is a done deal. To get wish lists you have to approve a PILOT for BP! Like I said in a previous post, you don't save your community by making up wish lists for the worst company on the planet that the US justice dept has charged as criminals, felons, and liars. You wanna explain how that saves the community?

    There is nothing I can find in Art X that says a town is obligated by State law to give a developer a PILOT to make their project feasible, after Art X makes a siting decision. So instead of wish lists from BP, where has that PILOT discussion to stop BP gone?

    Seems to me the town has dropped that issue in favor of a wish list.

    The town could actually pass a resolution right now to simply say we are denying an PILOT to any development that does fully not comply with our comprehensive plan and zoning laws. In fact Hirschey at the JCIDA a while back sat on a committee to reverse the language that a town would have a right to negotiate a PILOT instead of a unifrom PILOT forced on us by the county. Then he voted in favor of it, at the same time our county legislator Mike Docteur on the JCIDA had common sense and voted against taking that power away from towns and elected officials people had chosen. You can read it all int he WDT archives. Then at the last minute Hirschey flipped his vote to no. Even so this resolution passed and the JCIDA then later apparently withdrew that proposal under pressure. You want to explain what the hell is going on there and why our town supervisor would in any way be involved in efforts to remove a town's right to deny a PILOT and protect our community and how this is supposed to add up to save our community by taking away our right to vote on a PILOT.

    Go look for your cars keys!!!

  3. Why don't you spare us all the lecture, and reveal to us the monkey that apparently only you have the all-seeing ability to perceive? Typical diversionary tactic -attack when cornered.

  4. OK ... Did you see your board say they were going into a secret exec. session to discuss negotiations with or about BP and Art X. which if that is true could be a violation of NYS Open Meetings Laws. If you missed that little gem maybe you need the lecture!!! There is no attack or being cornered, or diversion ... it is on the freakin Steve Weed video as plain as your face!!! I didn't say it Mr. Hirschey did!

    Let me see... what was it that newly elected board said. Oh that's right, it would be open and transparent govt, especially on the wind issue and there would be NO negotiations with or about BP because our zoning laws would be defended and that was final!!!

    Or did you miss that too?

    As it stands right now your board said that it was going to have a secret meeting to discuss negotiations either with or about BP. And because exec. sessions are secret you will never know if that was actually what happened, or what they would be negotiating with or about with BP that has to be kept from the public.

    And genius, this is a board that has already been talking about making a "wish list" so they can get everything they can from BP when their wind farm goes up.

    See the latest post!
