Friday, June 15, 2012

Is Cape Vincent Planning Board Alternate Member Bob Cardarelli On To Something????

At the last Cape Vincent Planning Board meeting,PB alternate PB member Bob Cardarelli presented a letter with a number of suggestions for the Town. In addition to combining the Village and Town was the following suggestion about wind development.

6. “Meet with the windmill company to establish a district which is beneficial to the whole community. Without a direct meeting, other authorities will make determinations which may leave much to be desired.”

Mr. Cardarelli might want to sit down and review the purpose of zoning.  It’s not to negotiate with every goofy developer scheme that comes to town.  This suggestion should not surprise anyone.  Mr. Cardarelli has been pro wind for sometime based on personal conversations I have had with him.  One was very heated phone conversation back in 2006 that included a discussion on the wind conflicts of interest among the old CV govt officials. He voiced an opinion back then that “corruption” was just a fact of life and sometimes the way things got done.  I mentioned when Mr. Cardarelli was appointed that he was among several pro wind people the new govt had appointed to the PB , like Karen Bourcy, and we all know about her conflicts, and Rochne Burns who at one time at least had a wind lease.  So like I said , Mr. Cardarelli’s willingness to meet and “negotiate” with the wind developers before Article X arrives should be of no surprise.

But this # 6 suggestion brings up some interesting discussion points that I am surprised no one is talking about.  We all tend to see Article X as a black and white question only.  They will either respect our zoning, or they preempt our local laws and give the town away to BP.  But not so fast!  Is that the end of the game?  Do we as a community hold any power to prevent this BP disaster?  Well maybe we do.

Let’s say A-10 lets BP develop as proposed and preempt our laws.  Is it really game over? Or is that just the impression that is fostered by not looking beyond the A-10 process?

Is negotiation in the cards after that?  First, there isn’t anything that I can see that would prevent BP after they win with A-10 from getting warm and fuzzy for good company PR purposes and at least entering into discussions with the town as to just how much they are willing to destroy the town with their project.  But the bigger question is, what about the Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)  wind developers claim they need to make their projects viable?   Once again there is that pesky little PILOT question that is still under the carpet.  I have asked this question before and either no one knows or they aren’t telling what they know.  What if push comes to shove and BP is given the town by an A-10 board?  What if the town or the county say NO to a PILOT.  Bigger question is… WOULD one or the other say NO to a BP PILOT.  Remember the JCIDA gave  each taxing entity the power to vote yes or no on a PILOT, and if one says NO then the PILOT doesn’t fly, at least the way I understand it.  Now that raises some real interesting questions doesn’t it?

Could our town board with their Republican WPEG super majority voting power hold BP hostage over the PILOT?  Could they just say NO and then force BP to walk away because the project wouldn’t be financially viable with no PILOT?

OR…now pay attention here…could this be the leverage point of negotiation with BP???
Our brand spanking new zoning law’s wind section could be preempted at this point by an A-10 siting board.  But that doesn’t mean as far as I can tell that BP has to develop a full project.   Don’t forget, no zoning law is written in stone never to be amended again. 

So if an A-10 board gives BP the go ahead in our town, what will our Town Board do?????  I am not suggesting negotiation with BP. I say send them packing ASAP with NO PILOT and do it NOW.  Nor am I suggesting that our Town Board should or would negotiate.  But it sure raises some very interesting alternatives.  If they did negotiate with BP that would be holding the winning A-10 ace in the hole,  what would they negotiate for? Would they send BP packing out of town, or would they negotiate with BP for a smaller project?  Hhhmmm…this PILOT question that nobody is talking about could be a real ticking time bomb!!! A real sleeper.  You don’t see this discussion on the other blogs, as important as it could be in controlling the A-10 assault.

Maybe Mr. Cardarelli is on to something in a backhanded way, although I don’t think this is where he intended to go.  I’m not sure what leverage Mr. Cardarelli thinks he would bring to the table that would want to make BP also come to the table at this point if they think they will win in an A-10 siting.  Is Cardarelli planning on bringing a stick to a gun fight, or is he just going to beg BP to be reasonable?  There has been a lot of talk about compromise and negotiation with the wind developers since 2006, setbacks etc.  But one thing that seems to have eluded the opposition is that until recently we have had NO power to force compromise or negotiation. NONE!

Why wait for Article X.  Why don’t we call up BP right now and say we don’t give a damn what A-10 does…you are not getting a PILOT, so pack your bags boys and don’t waste our time and yours in court!!!

Of course if A-10 sticks it to us and our new zoning laws, the town  could also negotiate for a smaller project too?  This is going to get real interesting if the A-10 game has additional options.  Actually it’s already real interesting if you explore the details and possibilities of this discussion for a while.  

I will ask the same question I have asked several times and everybody goes silent on.

Can an A-10 siting board force a town or county to agree to a PILOT, even if local wind laws clauses are preempted? 

This PILOT question might be and interesting privilege of the floor question at a town board meeting!


  1. You are nothing more than an arrogant and ignorant prick who is out of the loop in all of what is going on with the strategy and thinking.
    Who would tell you or confide in you on anything.
    They are way ahead of your babbling bullshit and you are far too ignorant to even catch on. Next time I want to know what will happen over the weekend, I will give you a call Monday morning.
    At least the leaseholders think you have done them some good.
    What a fucking hypocrite and turncoat you are.
    And don't take this as a compliment.

  2. The next town meeting Art attends will be exciting.
    He will give them an earful. Down with the new board.

  3. 5:19 You need to stop getting up so early in the morning. Maybe you won't be so cranky!!!

    Now I noted a lot of nasty phrases and words in your comment. But I also noted one big thing you missed and I am guessing my readers did as well. That would be the eggs to put your name on your comments. No matter what label you choose to put on me there is one thing you will always have to deal with, and that is you don't have the spine or committment or credibility or integrity or confidence to use your name, and you are the one who will have to live at deal with that personal defect. In order for you to even open your mouth you need the shadowy faceless cover of anonymous.

    If you are choosing in your coments to defend the new town govt(and keep in mind I agree with many things they have done despite some differences) you are a wonderful bright and shiny representative for them with your cesspool of comments. Maybe you ought to consider that. If you are a representative of the other side, then you would also be a bright and shiny representative for them as well with your foul rant, and you are exhibiting just how desperate you are at this point with the political events you no longer control. Note also in all my disagreements with both sides of the wind debate I do not use this type of language directed at any person.

    So for all that I am supposed to be out of the loop, and ignorant I guess by your foul rant I certainly got you upset now didn't I. What you have not grapsed is that your comments are a gage for everybody who is reading to measure just exaclty how much impact my comments or posts are having. And gaging your comment I guess I really hit a home run!

    But let me ask you this your foul rant are you trying to make a point or are you just completely losing control?

    Let me give you some advice that was given to me some time ago in this wind battle. In an arguement or debate don't get emotional and lose control as you have done above. Because when you do now I own you and your arguement and when you lose your head as you have done here I control you!

    I hope my readers read carefully. Also I think if I were you I would be very very careful how far you carry these comments. You might want to carefully consider some of the resources I have access to.

  4. Anon 5:18 "hypocrit??? turncoat??" Of all the players in this wind fight Mr. Pundt has consistently been of the mind that industrial wind DOES NOT belong in Cape Vincent. It takes guts and integrity to take a stand for what you believe is right. How much courage does it take to dish out foul language, accusations and name-calling supported with absolutely no facts....and you get to hide behind anonymous. Maybe spewing off like this is therapy for you. To me the reason why someone would resort to this mudslinging at the lone voice of NO TURBINES, is that they want turbines or are ok with some to be "FAIR" Who's to blame for this poisonous vile atmosphere we find ourselves in? That honor belongs to BP and all the other fine industrial wind companies whose interest in Cape Vincent is only to make a profit on renewable energy credits. I don't think BP would have bought up St. Lawrence wind leases if they didn't believe the cards were not in their favor. Why aren't we fighting back? Why are we so afraid to stand up to corporations, their lobbiest and the politicians they have in their pockets? We need more people with Mr. Pundt's integrity and determination. Hats off to you, Mr. Pundt.

  5. I am keeping my hat on.

    You are certainly not the only anti-wind person in town and yours is an idle threat when you make the phony threat that you have extraordinary resources that prevent people from giving their honest opinion of your mantra. Your threat to add attachments to people's comments is an idle threat too.

    You are, however, the only anti-wind that I know of who constantly attacks the credibility of the other anti-wind in Cape Vincent who, unlike you, are actually working on a day to day basis to do something about it by serving their community in a positive manner during this struggle. Even the other blogs whom you detest provide daily information about what is actually going on as well as keeping records and providing them to the community. I doubt you could even write your constant criticisms and lashing attacks of the town board without having the daily knowledge they provide you while you are in Arizona.

    But at least those attacks give pro-wind new hope.

    In that, you give the pro-wind the new hope that there is some large group out their that is determined to split the anti-wind. Bp likes that.
    You are the loose cannon they rely on. Thank god your don't know what is going on.

    It appears from many local sources that your lashings and attacks result from the fact that you could not be trusted as a team player and you were cut out of the loop of confidence and share of information well over a year ago.

    Art the wizard can roar all he wants but there is nothing behind the curtain.

    You should stick to writing about your SAR work and taking pictures. We will see and hear you at the town meetings.

  6. Webster’s Dictionary definition of “Coward”

    “a person who lacks courage…one who is shamefully unable to control his fear and so shrinks from danger or trouble.”

    We are fighting large insidious and dangerous forces intent on destroying our community and taking away our rights, and all you can do is focus your time on trying to figure out how to stay hidden in your “anonymous” rat hole.

    You are the precise reason why wind developers and politicians like Cuomo, and his Article X siting board can wreak as much havoc as they want on our communities and walk away untouched. Because you refuse to stand up completely and back it with your name.

    Some people like to be deluded into thinking I have some how helped the pro wind side. But the reality is that you and your associates cowardly anonymous comments do far far more damage to our ability to stand up to the forces attempting to destroy our community.

    They have no fear of cowards and nameless faceless people. In fact to carry out their very agenda it is HIGHLY DEPENDENT on numerous people just like YOU to shrink back into the anonymous shadows and run from the fight. In fact they look at you and your likes as easy targets to control and manipulate, and every time you open your mouth anonymously proves you have been manipulated by the forces you have no spine to take on.

    People call me and accuse me of a lot of things. But I can tell you this, I don’t have to carry around the persistent baggage or the nagging burden of realizing that when it mattered I simply didn’t have what it really takes to face up to the fight or have an impact of any consequence, because I was off somewhere hiding with my keyboard in a anonymous rat hole where the people in this community who really needed me could not find me or count on me.

    I would like to be around when somebody asks you about the CV wind battle and asks you “Where were you?” I KNOW where I was and have been since the beginning and history has my name to prove it. The only truth you will be able to tell them and what history will show is that you where HIDDING, while other people with integrity guts put themselves, their beliefs, and reputations, out there and took a stand and fought it.

    In fact it won’t even count that much, because in terms of the CV wind fight history all you will be is a blank spot on the page that no one remembers or cares about.

    In the end talk about “roaring with nothing behind the curtain” that in fact is precisely you with your anonymous rants.

    Good Luck with that!!!!
