Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Prohibit Industrial Wind Turbines or Don't?

Here is an interesting quote from the CV blog JLL in regards to the work of the zoning committee now underway.

"Fortunately, the new members of the Town of Cape Vincent did not get caught up in and fall into the industrial wind ban approach and have a history of thinking the same as other legal opinions.  As a result there is no documented history of our town board charging the committees to deliver them a comp plan and a zoning law that would ban wind turbines from our community."
Whoa!!!!Well that certainly begs the question of what the hell are they going to do with them?  Should we then have a comp plan and zoning that allows industrial turbines?  Is that where this is going??? Anybody else scratching their head like me, considering that these blogs promoted the recent election victories as anti wind victories. But now we don't want to be anti wind, and those people who are, are  lone RADICAL VOICES.
Frankly you are being fed a lot of happy horse poop!!!
And once again R Wiley at JLL would like to lead his readers by the nose to believe that saying NO to turbines will be based on some irrational NIMBY hysteria of myself and others.  He trys very hard to keep you from the truth that a prohibition of industrial wind turbines would be based on the EXACT same data, research and evidence that would support the zoning setback approach, an approach that in the end would also PROHIBIT TURBINES!!!!  Or would it?  Maybe somebody should ask that question of Wiley, but I doubt he will answer, because it exposes the inane logic.  In fact it's actually much more rational than Wiley on his blog hammering for years on the invasive excessive negatives of industrial wind, and then falling for some legal scheme to appease the State and their wind clients. And this is responsible and rational?  Seems to me it would be more rational to use the SAME evidence Wiley posts over and over and over and over on his blog to reach a rational conclusion to say NO. And frequently you see commenters on the JLL blog who say they want BP to go away or that we should prohibit turbines.
But JLL and Pandora's are manipulating and distorting information to get you to think a certain way, right up to the point they will  ban alternative views. And why s that???  Wiley admits he has an agenda, but has not explained it, so be careful. Mine is open and easy to understand. At Pandora's her husband has  now been appointted to the Zoning Board of Appeals by the Hirschey govt.  As far as I am concerned it makes any of her comments on zoning or the current CV government and it's actions completely biased no longer credible.
She even posted the "Let's All Get Along," which is or was right on the Town Website,  Not sure who wrote it or who is controlling who.
Notice I have supported both blogs by listing them on my blog.  Notice also you won't see my blog listed on theirs.  Why?  They don't want you to find a place with an alternative view. God forbid you should think for yourself without Wiley.  They want to control the discussion.  And these are the same people who will banter on about open and transparent govt blah blah blah!!!
And did you ever notice that during previous wind zoning attempts that these two blogs were all over those committees with good detailed reporting, and harsh examination. Not so with this zoning committee.  Look at JLL's post on the committee work today. Nothing but vague analysis and blind support.  Neither blog reports much on this.  Keeping in mind that this zoning committee has been at it now for almost 5 months if you count the draft work that probably went on as soon as the elections were won by Hirschey and crew, or maybe even sooner.
So ask yourself, after all this time what do you really know about what these committees  are doing or the discussion or what direction are they taking? Wiley says that they are not to ban industrial turbines. Well gee that is comforting!!!  What are they deciding on how to deal with wind development?  According to Wiley who admits to an agenda which he never clearly defines, it's all wonderful and not to worry.  Seems like I have heard that before...Oh that's right, that is what Enron said just before they created a huge financial disaster and went belly up as their accountant was shedding paper!!!
Yup and don't worry because Wiley is going to let us know the minute he sees something he doesn't like about the committee's work.  That is of course by his criteria, and assuming it meets HIS agenda.  I wouldn't hold your breath!!!

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you art .i won't even look at leaning left .its the same ole blh blah blah .
