Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Here We Go Again Ignoring the Reality!!

Below is a part  quote from part of a post a JLL blog reader put on that blog. The administrator of the blog Rick Wiley insists on perpetuating this line while ignoring a very inconvenient reality. 

"What can you do?  Here is a good piece of advice.  Take it.   Elect people to your local government who are determined to keep your St. Lawrence/Lake Ontario town from being devastated by a large scale wind project.  But of course – for that to happen you need to be registered vote.  Now is the acceptable time to do that.
We have seen in both Cape Vincent and Hammond how key it is to have a local government in place to successfully fight off determined wind developers.  If they have financial backing they will go looking for any town that has an agreeable government and decent wind.  Don’t be that town." 

Now I have no problem with voting for people who want to protect our towns and region from the onslaught of industrial wind.  In general that is a good idea.  But it is what they actually do with your vote that counts, and the actual record on that is not good!

But as usual Wiley lets it be perpetuated that this will make a difference in fighting off a large wind developer.  This is where Wiley's and his reader's fantasy starts and they fail to address reality.

1.      Successfully fight off determined wind developers?????…GET FREAKIN REAL!!!   In both Hammond and CV the wind developers left due to the sudden unstable economics surrounding wind energy in general  due in large part to the subsidies that have not been renewed ,NOT BECAUSE OF ANY TOWN LEADER ELECTED AT THE TIME OR ANY OPPOSITION!  As a result we don’t have a damn clue whether we actually “fought them off” or not as the JLL blog and it’s reader likes to imply.  That is pure bullshit they are spoon feeding you.  Swallow if it makes you feel better, but you are likely to gag on reality when it sets in. 

2.       If the town leaders you elect make such a difference in deterring wind development why did both towns write wind zoning allowing wind development in their towns, which is an invitation to wind developers?  And why in CV are there numerous cases where the local govt we elected to be supposedly “anti wind” went ahead and appointed some of the previously ethically conflicted pro wind people to important town positions.  Like for one example town supervisor Urban Hirschey recently appointing Marty Mason to temporarily be the deputy supervisor.  Mason had wind contracts with two wind companies, is opposed to the SASS designation for the area, and was at one time under investigation by the NYAG for possible ethics violations between his wind contracts and his town council position.  Not to mention passing an illegal unconstitutional voter registration law to prevent legally registered season voters from voting!  And that is only part of the story.  And Hirschey appoints him Dep Super…even temporarily.  What Hirschey did was PISS on your vote!  Ask Wiley about that!!!

The quote says…”Agreeable govt and descent wind”  Yup, and CV has both, they have good wind and a govt that could have prohibited wind but instead wrote a zoning law that allows industrial wind development!

3.      And the biggest thing Wiley and his reader does not address is the State  Art.10 siting process that will site wind energy in your town and can simply preempt any local wind zoning the state feels is too burdensome to the developer.  In effect the state can simply erase at will any vote you cast to prevent wind energy development in your town.

The reality is, that go ahead and elect all the anti wind leaders you want, and they can pass all the local zoning they want to deter wind energy,  but your vote and who you vote for are NOT the ones who will decide if a wind development will be sited in your town or not.

 THAT IS FACT!   It will be the State that decides.  The State made sure your vote at the local level to attack wind development was rendered meaningless so it would not stand in the way of their renewable agenda.

What you and the town will get is the famous buzz word “INPUT”  that everyone who is not a sucker knows means you are likely to get screwed.  If you don’t believe me look at my previous posts of what happened under an earlier Art. 10 siting of a power plant along the scenic Hudson River.  Despite tough opposition the state simply preempted the local town laws that would have prevented it and sited the power plant anyhow!

Wiley and his contributor are simply huckstering a very dangerous false premise by leaving out key facts.  The idea that you elect the anti wind leaders then they will write a wind law, and that wind zoning  and their opposition will make the developer go away.

They have ZERO evidence to support that premise ZERO!!!  To imply that votes and elected officials and opposition or any participation in Art. 10 fought off wind development, especially in CV is an outright LIE!!!

And lastly why don’t some of you who are in Wiley’s good graces start asking him some critical questions about these realities. 

Part of the problem is that he will not allow any debate on his blog that might threaten his fantasy, and you as a reader suffer as a result of this gross manipulated mis-information.

Or if your vote counts ask Wiley, or better yet ask Urban Hirschey the town supervisor why he agreed to appoint Karen Bourcy a very ethically conflicted pro wind planning board member who still sits on the board.  Or why Marty Mason temporally as deputy supervisor, or why Dick Macsherry one time as deputy supervisor who at one time was sympathetic to the previous pro wind heavily conflicted Rienbeck board, or Rockne Burns who had a wind contract to the planning board.

Or maybe ask councilman John Byrne who we were supposed to vote for who was pawning himself off as anti wind right up until he needed votes for his run for NY Assembly, then he became all warm and fuzzy about farmers and wind energy or leaned against the SASS designation.  And now HE is your CV deputy supervisor.

 It certainly will be interesting to see who get the open CV council position!

Think your votes counts…the actual evidence says otherwise no matter what Wiley is trying to spoon feed you!  But I guess if you read it enough you can be brainwashed.

And I am making an educated guess that there is a good chance the contributor to Wiley’s blog doesn’t live in CV or even qualify to vote there!!!

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