Monday, June 2, 2014

Why June 10th????

Last I heard there was to be a public hearing on the new Cape Vincent zoning law revisions on June 10th. 

But I'm wondering why June 10th? 

Seems to me it might be wise to wait till July when more seasonal people might be around and do the hearing on a Saturday.  That way you would have the possibility of including more people.

And let me see...wasn't it those seasonal voters that put and has kept the current CV govt. in power???  Yeah, seems I recall something like that!

I guess your seasonal vote isn't as important now that the last contentious election is behind us!

Of course according to our new Dep. Town Supervisor when he was the planning board chair our zoning shouldn't be taken so literally, so they probably aren't all  that worried about you input anyhow!


  1. Rumor (on good authority) says that Mr. MaCSherry has resigned because of Mr. Hirshey' s private antics with Mr. Aubertine or more importantly.....Mr. Aubertine's feeling of superiority over Town officials. What is going on ??????? Secret meetings with Aubertine??? Why????

  2. That's interesting. But as of yet I haven't heard anything that would verify it.

    Keep us informed!

    Of course I have always felt that what you see on the surface with Hirschey and his board is not exactly what you get!

    Maybe you should go back on this blog to my posts around April 17-21 perhaps you will find some answers there.
