Saturday, June 7, 2014


This comment came into my blog this evening under the "Why June 10th" post.

Keep in mind this is only a rumor and may mean nothing at all and I have heard nothing to verify it.

"Rumor (on good authority) says that Mr. MaCSherry has resigned because of Mr. Hirshey' s private antics with Mr. Aubertine or more importantly.....Mr. Aubertine's feeling of superiority over Town officials. What is going on ??????? Secret meetings with Aubertine??? Why???? "


  1. Mr. Hirschey' s secretary is freely passing the info out.

  2. Well isn't that interesting. All is not rosy in Hirschey town govt! Is Hirschey cutting deals with Aubertine and edging Macsherry out of the loop?

    There was one time I know for fact back in 2009 when essentially Dick Mac ran aligned with the Rienbeck crew and essentially against the WPEG candidates that Urban was not a happy camper about that situation, or that Macsherry questioned Urban's heath issues.

    I thought the health issue thing as a political ploy wasn't real classy!!! Real gutter politics.

    The Hirschey/Macsherry political relationship is just plain strange.
