Sunday, May 11, 2014

NYS Renewable Portfolio Standard - What Genius Is Responsible For That Brilliant Idea?

I have been involved the last few days in a large joint Air Force / civilian search and rescue and military exercise taking place across the S.W. US called Angel Thunder.
As a result I haven’t kept close track of any events in Cape Vincent.


I noted this morning on the JLL blog, among Mr. Wiley’s nice bird pictures, an article from the Albany Times Union. It reported that the NYS Renewable Portfolio Standard  (RPS) has failed or will fail to meet its 2015 renewable energy targets and may be abandon for other approaches.  See the link below.

To keep it simple, the RPS basically charges your electric bill each month, and that money can be distributed to renewable energy developers, like industrial wind, as a generous subsidy.  NY electric producers are obligated to produce a certain percentage of their generation from renewable sources to help NY achieve its renewable targets.  In NY, wind generation has been a big beneficiary of the RPS.  Below is a link that explains this in more detail and the problems.

Many of us have been saying for a long time this is a bad idea especially when so much emphasis has been put on industrial wind energy which brings huge invasive impacts to the rural  NY country side and its residents.
I guess the geniuses in Albany only needed about a decade to figure that out!!!
So whose bright idea was this RPS in NYS anyhow?   This had to be the work of some  Democratic renewable zealots  to come up with this idea…right? 
Well think again.  In 2004 it was REPUBLICAN NY Governor George Pataki! 
That’s right…the person who opened the gates wide to industrial wind developers like BP, and Iberdrola and the disaster that so heavily impacted and socially ripped apart several 1000 Islands communities like Cape Vincent …was a REPUBLICAN!!!
Not to mention the threat to the incredible scenic resources of our area.
And each time we pay our electric bill we are enabling this disaster!!! Look for the SBC/RPS line charge on your electric bill.
See a portion of this biography of Pataki.
“Governor Pataki also established the Albany Nanotech Center for Excellence and the nation's most innovative renewable portfolio standard to ensure that New York rate payers were supplied with the most cost-effective renewable energy.”
Among numerous other awards, BusinessWeek named Governor Pataki one of the top 20 "individuals who stand out for their efforts to cut gases that cause global warming" in the world. Also, in 2006, Vanity Fair called him a governor who "gets it" in its inaugural "Green Issue" for his efforts concerning the environment.” 

Then there is our local REPUBLICAN NY Senator James Wright who was likely involved in this RPS nonsense since he was on the NY Senate Energy Committee and his campaign donor list reads like the who’s who of wind energy development around NYS and the nation!
Then of course we throw in former Dem. NY Sen. Aubertine and his cronies in Albany and CV that bought us the local industrial wind disaster.
The local Republicans like Mr. Wily and others like the Pandora blog have tried to convince us that the national and local disaster was forced on us mainly by Democratic renewable and wind energy zealots.
But that is a big distortion of the truth.  
And I have always said that if you believe that distortion then you don’t get it about how the wind issue is structured and politically supported.
And then consider who is one of industrial wind’s, and the Production Tax Credit that keeps it alive,  biggest cheer leaders. 
That would be REPUBLICAN Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa.  See link below.

 It is real simple.  Iowa is a BIG industrial wind state, and if there is one thing Rep. and Dem. politicians can do very effectively…it is count votes!!!  It ain’t about being green or environmental or about party. 
Grassley knows his rear end will end up in a sling if he doesn’t support wind energy and the PTC.
Like mega investor Warren Buffet said recently, the only reason to build wind farms is for the tax breaks!





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