Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are The Planets Aligned!!!

Actually that bright light or star you can  see on a clear evening after sunset in the WNW is  the planet Venus.  Saturn is up in the southern sky in later evening.  But that is not what this post is about!

Rick Wiley at the Cape Vincent JLL blog has been talking lately how some important NNY State politicians
either voted against and or / oppsed Art 10.  Then US Congressman Bill Owens chimed in opposing Art 10.

Wiley is inadvertantly bringing up a very critical point how some important power have aligned.

The Jefferson County Legislature  also passed a unanimous resolution opposing Art. 10.  I believe the Oswego County Legislature did as well although I'm not sure if it was unanimous.

With all these important people officially opposing Art. 10 the planets are aligned, or pieces are in place to raise a real organized political battle to ACTUALLY do something about Art. 10 and the Home Rule rights it stripped away from us.  Just as I have been suggesting for months.  But sadly, with no real action to oppose Art 10 it is like these people are wasting their breath and energy.  Too bad since it appears the right powers could be in line to really do something to protect our communities and our rights instead of just going along and enabling and validating the insidious Art. 10 system.

Too bad we can't get our CV town board behind this opposition instead of going along with the Art. 10 process.

 Imagine if all these important people supported Cape Vincent and other towns not wanting wind energy by telling the State these towns are not going to participate in the Art. X process...period.  Instead we are going to start a high profile political battle to regain our Home Rule rights

We are going to opt out and instead pass community bills or rights to Home Rule denying corporations from doing business in our communities unless we chose to let them in and not recognizing State sanctioning of a process to remove our rights on behalf of such a corporate power grab.

Think that would make news in the NY political circles?  Think Cuomo would like to see THAT in his morning Albany paper?????

The time is right...or the clock will run down on our communities.  The time is right because we are one of the first towns facing the Art. 10 process.  Once the precedent is set and our town goes along it will be too late.

And does anybody know how the Art. 10 stipulation process is going?  Where it is happening, and how?
Or what has been agreed to if anything?


  1. First of all, blogger Wiley has personal one on one with the representatives. I doubt there is anything inadvertent about his opinion as your pro Bp ramblings suggest.

    And, does anyone know what has transpired with stipulation. Answer, yes since the advisory committee meets regular in an open meeting forum. Perhaps you can call the wind office to get caught up. Or is the wind office out of the loop, too?

  2. 6:07 since you appear to be "in the loop" perhaps you could share(or convince the town to publicize) the progress or extent of stipulation the committee is involved in. Not everyone has the luxury of time to attend meetings, yet are interested in the ongoing process.
    Hopefully your obvious angst towards Mr. Pundt does not reflect the towns attitude towards its ctitzens.

  3. Call the wind office...or one of your former friends

  4. Pro BP ramblings???... how in the hell do you equate my very strong opposition to the Art 10 process which could let BP destroy our community as aligning myself with BP?

    Are you forgetting that the people Wiley is taling about ALSO appear to OPPOSE Art 10. So are they buddies with BP too by your horse poop logic???

    My view is we should not be giving away our local home rule power to the State to HELP BP place their wind farm here in CV. I believe we should be passing a local community bill of right to DENY corporation like BP from overrunning our communities at will.

    So how you come up with this inane implication that this somehow is
    a pro wind is beyond me.

    And I agree with 6:24. Since we don't have the secret decoder ring you seem to have...why don't you tell us what is going on in the stipulations and what has been agreed to. And if there are important stipulatins agreed to...how come the other local bloggers like Wiley who are so aligned with the local govt...are not informing us what is going on???

    Correct me if I wrong but didn't this current govt run on a ticket of open and transparent govt...or did I miss that too since I am out of the loop????? Or did only the local govt loyalists get that open and transparent govt as a perk???

  5. Some of the planets may be aligned,but it would take a cataclysmic event of astronomical proportions to spur the town of Cape Vincent or any town in New York for that matter,to take action against the State of New York and ART.10.

    Might as well ask for the moon!

  6. 4:18

    Sadly, I think you are absolutely right. It appears these municipal govts. and the people in these communities are just perfectly content to sit by and fritter along with virtually no objection under the very system that removed their home rule rights in the first place. I hear a lot of hollow talk about objections to Art 10 blah blah blah.

    So I guess I don't see the point of anyone getting all fired up over the comments of Congressman Bill Owens or these other state legislators if no one is willing to do anything concrete about it.

    So what!

    It's just meaningless rhetoric. I gotta say something to make my constituents happy and make them all warm tingly inside!!!

    Unfortunately it appears we as a society have become just what the corporations and politicians planned for us so they can continue to strip away more of our rights little by little for their agendas with out us objecting. Although I don't think what Art. 10 has done is little by little!!!

    We have become properly anesthetized so we go along without much fuss!
