Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Fitting Definition of INSANITY!!!

Step back and THINK about this for a minute!!!

There are 21 buildings in the City of Los Angeles  that are taller than 500 ft..  And these buildings don't have distracting blades that SPIN!!!  In the U.S. New York City has the most with 204.  500 ft. equates to approximately a 50 story building.   You can see the other cities listed at this link

So BP wants to put 124 - 500 ft. strutures in rural Cape Vincent with spinning blades and flashing lights.  Not to mention the 86 - nearly 400 ft. tall wind turbine structures on Wolfe Is. right across from Cape Vincent already.  That adds up to 210 large city sized structures just near Cape Vincent.

Then add Iberdrola's wind project sprawling over  Clayton and several other communities in our 1000 Islands region!

So it appears that we could end up with many MORE huge city like  structures clustered in our 1000 Is. area,  than ANY large metropoltain city in the entire U.S.A.

Bam!!!  Instant cityscape!!!  Where no such thing existed before ever!!!  It could add up to the biggest environmental disaster in the U.S. A.

And this is not to mention what other wind turbine idiocy the Canadians and NYPA will come up with for the Lake!

There is your definition of true INSANITY!!!! Especially environmental insanity!

And the more critical question is how do we react to this regional environmental destruction and insanity???

Oh well... instead of just saying NO on a regional level or at least on a local level to what is obviously sheer environmental idiocy FORCED on us by the State and corporations...oh ... no, no, no,...we just have to be "reasonable" about this idea.  The rules that assist  this monster (Art. 10) are fair and impartial, and even handed   ( the words of our CV town officials)    We have to go along with this system that created this  environmentally obscene  idea that could rape our region and took away our rights to stop it.

If you're looking for a definition of insanity, there is more than enough to consider here!

1 comment:

  1. The city of Washington DC has a commercial building height restriction of 15 stories, except for the Washington Monument which stands at 550 ft.

    Although Washington is a far cry from the visual simplicity of rural scenic area such as the 1000 Islands, the impact of the monument on the panorama of the city is both spectacular and obvious,the intent being to elevate the status of our first president in honor.

    500 ft. industrial wind monstrosities will honor no-one,and totally dominate and destroy the scenic quality of Cape Vincent and the 1000 Islands.
