Friday, January 24, 2014

Yup... We Want To Make Sure They Are Comfortable!!!

A portion of an article in the WDT March 2011 talking about the Cape Vincent planning board.

The CV PB at this time would have been:

Rich Edsall - Chair
Tom Rienbeck
Patrick MacCarthy
Karen Bourcy
Dick Macsherry

"The board agreed to a set of criteria for Acciona's St. Lawrence Wind Farm in October, but new Planning Board member Richard H. Macsherry wants to have broader considerations, such as a property-value-assurance plan.
"It is not just the developer who says this is what we want to propose," he said. "The tail has been wagging the dog and now the dog is going to take the tail back."
The board agreed to a set of criteria for Acciona's St. Lawrence Wind Farm in October, but new Planning Board member Richard H. Macsherry wants to have broader considerations, such as a property-value-assurance plan.
"It is not just the developer who says this is what we want to propose," he said. "The tail has been wagging the dog and now the dog is going to take the tail back."
The board did not set a work session to discuss the criteria, but Mr. Macsherry said Planning Board Chairman Richard J. Edsall and member Karen Bourcy should be involved.
The two have stated potential conflicts of interest with leases by themselves or family members.
"It is incumbent on us to have criteria that all five of us are comfortable with," Mr. Macsherry said."

So what does Mr. Macsherry, who is a wild card at this point in my opinion, think is the type of industrial wind siting in CV that his other 4 very pro wind colleagues, two with major wind conflicts,  are going to be comfortable with?   And apparently he has no problem with those blatant conflicts, and letting those PB members participate.

Mr. Macsherry says about wind siting criteria that the tail (the wind developers) has been wagging the dog (the planning board and the town).  So how is it he doesn't grasp that with his 4 pro wind colleagues participating in wind siting, two with wind conflicts...

...that the tail would still be wagging the dog!!!! 

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