Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Request From Dave Lamora

Just about everybody by now who has any interest in the Cape Vincent wind issue  knows of the public  hearing events surrounding the new zoning law.   Cape Citizen Dave Lamora  requested the uninterrupted  time he needed to make what he thought were some critical points about Article X and our zoning and comp plan and felt three minutes was not sufficient.  This turned into an incident where the police were called once again.  Since yesterday I have discussed this event with Dave.    I will have more to say, not about my personal discussions with Dave, but about the public hearing events, and the issues around it.   The attacks (and lies) that came out on this issue against Lamora and myself on both CV blogs and by many of their commenters were absolutely predictable. 

Dave as a friend has made a request that I am going to honor.  He has made it clear that I obviously have a right to say what I feel about the event and present my the facts as I see them, and encourages me to exercise that right,  but he has asked that I make it very clear that any comments or interpretations of the public hearing events or any of the surrounding issues are my opinion, and my opinion only and not his through me.  So that will be the case. What you see in coming days is now and has always been MY opinion whether Dave agrees or not.  If Dave has comments he is always welcome to state them here if he chooses, and I may agree what he says or I may not. This should not be interpreted as a personal division between Dave and me because it is not.  This is a request from a friend, and that is all it is.

 Dave does not tell me what to put on my blog or how to say it, and in fact at times does not agree with my approach or what I say.  Sometimes he does.  In turn, despite everybody’s fantasy,  I have not tried to tell him what to say on my blog or in any other forum including the recent public hearing. Some of you are not going to believe that and that is not Dave’s and my problem…that is your own defective defensive thinking that you require to simplify your own little universe so you can keep your thinking tightly limited within the boundaries somebody else has defined for you.

Now all this being said, I noticed that interwoven among the negative comments were a few positive ones about Dave’s actions and ideas.  There were some who felt Dave’s comments were very relevant and a well thought out critical analysis of what we are facing, why, and what we should resolve it.

To those people I would say thank you, and it is far far past time to stand  up an be heard.  One man was so committed to the defense of our community that he was willing to be arrested on our behalf if that is what it took to make his point. The extremely sad part is that many will see this as ”unreasonable”, when in fact it is not.  It is what democracy actually demands and requires  of all of us at times as absolutely reasonable. Unfortunately we have shrunken so far back from what democracy actually demands of us and was gifted to us, and been beaten down so hard, by what is defined as “normal” that we now see the very thing that was designed to sustain democracy as unreasonable.    I would also highly encourage you to start using your name as well.  With where we are now, anonymous doesn’t cut it any longer.

If you agree with Dave and his comments and commitment, as I do, then we are at the point that if you as a concerned citizen don’t stand up and be heard you may never have that chance again to truly do what is needed to save this community.  We are fast drawing very short on time, and times like these define people as to what they really are inside, just as we saw at the public hearing among our board and citizens.  Who had true leadership and who didn’t.  Under a simple reasonable democratic request most of our town board came unhinged and could not handle the very democracy that put them in office when it made them a bit uncomfortable.  They could not make a simple and reasonable decision to diffuse a simple issue and instead became so threatened they had to surrender their responsibilities to the police.

And if you can’t be anything but anonymous then all you are really doing is just taking up valuable space.  Go find some non threatening hobby, but don’t continue to  take up space in this arena where you only fantasize you are actually on the playing field and in the game.  I certainly don’t want anybody to do any independent thinking where you might hurt yourself without some blog’s or political party’s  protection.  It’s times like these that define  who walks the walk, and who only talks the talk.

  I will have a post soon on at least one town leader who badly failed that test under pressure , and the sad glaring facts as to why.


  1. From time to time I stop by your Blog to see what you have to say. Two things that stand out are the beautiful pictures you post and the LACK of comments readers post after each of your ramblings. To me, that's very telling...
    In your last posting, you mentioned that some people actually agreed with Dave Lamora about some of his points. So what the hell does that mean? I'm sure there are many people who have agreed with comments made by Rich Edsall, Tom Reinbeck, Dan Mason, Marty Mason, etc. After some very logical, critical thinking, I've concluded that both Dave and you (Art) are JERKS!

  2. If anyone would care to discuss further my motivations regarding the events on Saturday, unencumbered by someone else's interpretation, please feel free to call me at 783-8744

    David LaMora

  3. 6;29

    Thank you for the nice compliment on my photos. I work very hard on those and on trying to impress on people the spectacular scenic beauty we are so lucky to have surround us in CV and what could be taken away. Not only along the waterfront but in the scenic rural interior as well.

    Since I do consider myself as someone that may have an extra sensitivity to beauty and capturing it, particulalry the natural beauty of landscapes, and whose outdoor activities have taken me to some of the the most spectacular and wild places our country has to offer, I find that Cape Vincent in its own way ranks right up there with any place I have been and photographed. It is why I return here year after year, and it is why I will go to great lenghths to defend it despite being called a JERK or any other number of attacks.

    As to your comment about the lack of comments on my blog I interpret that a little differently. My blog is a place where if you want to attack me, make a point, or defend your arguement you better be ready to stand by it, and have the logic and facts to back it up because very often like here I will challenge you. If you are a group thinker like many who visit the other blogs and want to spew out zippy one liners like "you and Dave are jerks" then this is not a good place for you to come. You might have to think independently and I would not want you to injure yourself doing something you are not used to.

    Second the reason some don't come here is because they know they don't have the cover of censorship to protect them like they get on the other blogs where they can take cheap shots and then know I can't respond. The other blogs are like bullies on the playground. stand around and provide cover will the other kids take shots. Just like the person the other day on Wiley's blog that was so weak and spineless they went running asking Wiley to block Dave Lamora's comments. He was probably afraid that if he had to consider them carefully he might injure himself.

    Now in response to your suggestion that Dave and I are JERKS. Thank you for that obviously detailed critical thoughtful analysis. I hope you didn't stay up nights coming to your conclusion.

    Is that all you've got? We are JERKS? Good God, at least for your paultry efforts try to come up with something original that would entertain me and the other readers!!!!!

    I have no problem with lack of comments because my readership appears to be high enough. Recently I passed 10,000 page views.
    Thank you for your contribution to that.

    Now note Dave's comment above. Why don't you cowboy up as they say where I live in AZ and call Dave and tell him your name and discuss it with him. Come out under the lights and play on the big field for once instead of being some anonymous hit and run lacky like you see all over the other blogs.

    But hey...thanks for the compliments on my photos. I will try to put more on from time to time for you.
