Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We Don't Want No STINKIN Wind Turbines in Our Lake!!!

The Jefferson County Legislature passed a resolution opposing wind turbines in Eastern Lake Ontario. Previously one legislator had called it "stupidity".  I like people who call it as they see it! One would logically assume that if the these legislators had the opportunity they would prohibit industrial wind turbines offshore in the eastern lake.  Each day I find myself in more and more good company about opposing or prohibiting turbines outright.  I notice they didn't say these turbines would be OK with a few setbacks, or suggest a property value assurance plan for lake shore properties.

                                  Thanks Jefferson County for trying to protect these views and
                                 this resource and not folding up to the State's idiotic wind scam.

Jefferson County just did something rather interesting and intellectually very environmentally  sophisticated.      See the long straight “nothingness” of that  pristine lake horizon line?  They just decided that  has value all by itself and should be protected.  The concept of protection of what appears to be "nothing" to many people is in fact a responsible decision.  Apparently this escapes our Governor and State legislators who are entrusted with the long term stewardship of these pristine places. What they see is an endless $$$$$$$$$$ industrial zone. We are fortunate we have at least some responsible local governments. that are willing to try to keep the industrial lunacy in check!

 Gee JLL and Pandora's Box of Rocks...it sounds like these legislators just had a NO WIND HISSY FIT!!!! as you call it.  I will expect to see that on your blogs tomorrow.

Well thank you Jefferson County Legislators!   Thank you for not appeasing the State, or rolling over in fear to some  state and federal idiocy.  Thank you for openly and honestly attempting to protect our unique and spectacular scenic and other resources. Let's take a lesson here.  This is how you actually go about taking a stand to protect the environment from absurd schemes to destroy it. This is how you start to say that it is not acceptable to wreak havoc on our area by transforming it from one of beauty to a sprawling industrial wind power plant.

  Please join me in being what the CV blogs are calling...

Fringe voices
Nut cases
Marginal voices
Having a NO wind hissy fit
Legal amateurs

Too bad the Cape Vincent government doesn't have what it takes to do what you just did, or understand the political savvy of what you just did. 

When a legislative body the size of a county, or several counties passes a resolution it is a symbolic political pressure tool.  But it's more than symbolic.  STATE legislators AND the Governor look at this and will say...well if they are willing to pass this opposition so publicly they must have the backing of their voters  and OH SHIT, those are MY voters too!!! Maybe I shouldn't actually force something down their throats they don't want...it could cost me VOTES!!!! 

That is why instead of running around in fear trying to appease Article X and the wind developers and the Governor we should be standing up against the wind idiocy.  And in CV we have power to do something more than pass a symbolic resolution.  We could do that too against Article X, onshore wind, and wind turbines in the lake and THEN pass a law to prohibit turbines in CV instead of this appeasement wind law setback game.

And I would assume that some of the county opposition to the lake turbines would be in large part because of the VIEW.  That a lot of people along the shore (and out boating on the lake) won't like how they look,and what it might do to their shore property values.  This is what  the CV zoning attorney says can't be defended.  Well I guess the County might disagree with that "expert" opinion!

However, one thing still baffles me.  If you are opposed to turbines offshore, you are only a hair away from saying they should be opposed on land.  Think about it logically.  The impacts out on the water on human populations other than visual would be minimal, yet the science of production as a viable energy source and  impact on climate is still going to be minimal.  So how can one make a logical argument that if industrial turbines should be opposed offshore in the lake how can they be justified on land where they bring even more impacts on people?  The way I see it,  as a result Jefferson County basically just opposed industrial wind on land if they are to be logical and consistent as a responsible government.


  1. You said,

    "Too bad the Cape Vincent govt. does have what it takes to do what you just did, or understand the political savy of what you just did. "

    You should add to your list, "rotten writer" .

    If you are going to write a blog, you should at least take a bit of pride in the English language, context and spelling.

    One visit here is enough.

  2. I have never claimed to be a great writer. Plus I am a one finger typer....well maybe two fingers. Running this blog takes considerable work. It takes more time than I really want to put in on this issue, especially after fighting it for 7 years. Sometimes you just get tired. Although I don't agree with them at times, I give a lot of credit to the other blogs for the time they put in as well.

    But I think the bottom line here is that it just fries you that a major govt. entity just showed the resolve to take a stand against industrial wind, a position very close to mine.

    BTW, put a comma after the word "context" in your comment!

  3. In your dreams.

    You are dead wrong.

    Hardly a position close to yours.

    They have taken that position on lake wind only.

    Keep up and don't distort the story.

    Here is another finger for you!

  4. 9:40

    Lake, No Lake it doesn't matter. It just fries your cookies that a major govt. body has come out OPPOSED to industrial wind and has the hair to stand up and say so, and that might validate what we have been saying all along! What you don't seem to comprehend is that ANY opposition to wind put out there in such a high visibilty offical public manner exposes the same scam I and others have been talking about and opposed to for years. In fact one of them said earlier that this lake scheme was "stupidity".

    And ask yourself this question...WHY would they be OPPOSED to wind turbines in the lake? They had to have some reason, and it is going to relate right back to wind turbines on land as well. Could it be the VIEW...you know the other thing I have been opposed to for years.

    As to your finger...put a little pin wheel on the end of it and blow your hot air on that to keep your mind occupied.

    And by the way the sheep in CV are now supporting solar so pay attention and take your marching orders before you get marginalized and lose your key to the "club"

  5. Reading the way you conduct yourself here explains a lot why you lost your key. If you every really had one. Other readers should do what I have done and go to the link to the Cape Vincent blogs and note the difference in reporting. Those bloggers appear to be on track with the issue and their posts are not personal rants trying to blow up an puff up their own roles. Perhaps you are over exaggerating your role and importance in all this and that is why every post you make is about yourself while you tear others down. Has anyone else ever told you that you personify a strong ego?

  6. Hey 9:40

    I went back and looked at various comments from County legislators and here is what they said from various sources.

    "Jefferson County Legislator Robert Ferris said, "We're not for offshore wind turbines in Jefferson County or around the county. We don't think it's necessary. I don't believe it's an efficient use of power or government money to subsidize these wind turbines."
    “Ormsby said, "We don't need the lakefront littered with these towers."

    “Ormsby (0:19): Primarily, you know, we’re getting a jump on this thing before it picks up much more momentum. Our primary point is, is that we don’t need ‘em sitting on our lakefront – that’s one of our primary industries here in the county, you know, which is tourism.”

    “It’s going to have the same negative impact on our shoreline, on the tourism trade, boating, the fishing, the sailing, access to the ports – I mean, there’s nothing positive about it.”

    “Ormsby isn’t keen on wind power in general, but he says that debate is for another day. What’s important now, he says, is protecting the county from outside interests that could harm local businesses and the tax base.”

    Can you imagine that!!!! Their primary concern is to protect the VIEW!!!!! To protect the tourism. And they do say they are a waste of tax money and inefficient power. So actually 9:04 they are giving the EXACT same reasons I and others have given for 7 years.

    And Ormsby says he isn't keen on wind power, and he isn't just saying wind power in the lake.

    So it actually DOES look like they are basically taking my position...those nut case radical kooks!!!!

    Now if you are going to say they screw up the view, and tourism is a big concern, and they are inefficient and a waste of tax money offshore...then why would you want them onshore, because none of that changes by putting them on land. In fact you ad MORE problems like noise, birds, health, and safety when they are on land.

    Sorry 9:04 your comment that the County Legs. are NOTHING LIKE my position is absurd. Sounds to me like it is EXACTLY my position.

    So maybe YOU should get a clue and keep up and stop distorting th story!!!

    Can you imagine that...they want to protect the view when the CV zoning attorney says he won't defend the VIEW. I guess the County actually has a freakin clues as to what the VIEWS means to the NNY economy!!!

  7. 10:49

    "those bloggers appear to be on track with the issues."

    REALLY. So why do they and their commenters sometimes have to LIE...outright LIE to make their points? (go back and see my pirahna post) I guess you have no problem with that? If they are so on track how come they are supporting a zoning committee and a board that has hired a lawyer that says he won't defend the VIEW in CV. The very thing that appears to be the County's main concern in their opposition if you read my comment above. If they are so on track how come they are suddenly supporting solar that requires the same subsidy nonsense and would produce even LESS power in CV...that is being on track? To support solar, after all this hoopla on the other blogs about wind and opposing renewable subsidies is out right hypocrisy, illogocal, and frankly just plain stupid.
    It just toasts you people that the county appears to on the same page as some of us radical kooky nut cases as we are called, and stand up against the State exactly as I and other have recommended.

    I have NEVER EVER said I was the key player in fighting the wind issue NEVER. I have played a role and been deeply invloved, but so have a lot of others.

    I don't shy away from having a strong ego, or confidence or standing by my beliefs...that is why I can put my name on things and you find it neccesary to hide behind anonymous. I may have an ego but at least I can remember my name.

    So if you are more comfortable on a blog that needs to LIE to defend itself, and is illogically hypocriticalin it's analysis... so be it if that is what blows your skirt up.

    I had a club key once as long as I attacked the previous govt my key was just fine. But when I asked simple questions of the new govt. then the group think took over and they took my key away...which I could care less! I don't need a club to figure out what my name is...what I believe in, and how to say it.
