Friday, May 20, 2016

Ask Some Quesions!!!!

Mr. Wiley at the Cape Vincent blog JLL keeps telling us we must write the NYS Public Service Commission in oppositions in regards to the various wind complexes proposed from NYS and in particular the Iberdrola project proposed for Clayton, NY.  The quote below is from one of his posts.

"Do not get scammed into thinking your voice does not count!"

Now he would be referring to some of us who think that writing the NYPSC who is pro wind is an extremely marginal way of having any impact.

Now let me make something clear.  If you want to write the PSC and believe in this system...then write all the  letters your little heart desires.  I just think it is not going to have the impact you are expecting in a process you are expecting.  I believe this system of "input" within Art. 10 will actually work directly against you best interests in way you can't imagine.

However, maybe Mr. Wiley should also explain a few things to you letter writers.  Blatant things he wants you to ignore in  jr. high civics book thinking..

For example have Mr. Wiley explain:

1. That NYPSC has APPROVED all the wind complexes up and running in NYS. How did that happen Mr. Wiley?   Some of those projects had opposition and letters were written.  Yet the wind complexes went up anyhow with the PSC simply saying " the benefits of the wind projects outweigh the impacts".

2.  Explain why the Art 10 siting process has provisions to preempt your local wind zoning laws.  Why would that be needed in this system?

3. How the NYPSC has actually allowed the preemption of local laws to site energy projects.

4. How the PSC required Iberdrola in a deal ( the wind developer currently in Clayton) to put up $100 Million in wind energy in NYS.

5. How most agencies and the agency heads who will sit on the Art 10 siting board are already very pro wind and support the Governor's, and state's aggressive agenda on siting renewable energy.

6.  Despite all the letters of opposition to the BP wind project in Cape Vincent the Art. 10 process there ran the town and the citizens through the wringer.  Especially as they waited months while the Art 10 process dragged on to help BP see if they could sell the project to a new developer and then the Art 10 judge would not close the process or guarantee a new developer would have to start over.

7. Explain why the new found wind law expert John Droz thinks the Art 10 system you would be writing to is "unfair"  Have Mr. Wiley explain how your letters are going to have any impact in a system that a lead anti wind and wind law expert thinks is unfair!

8.  Have Mr. Wiley explain how Art. 10 was passed in large part to get around local control and opposition in siting wind projects and streamline the process for wind developers.

9.  Have him explain that despite your letters of objection to local wind projects most local wind laws actually allow some type of wind development, and he supports that law approach. Your very own town govt's are not supporting your opposition letters when they write laws that are a tacit approval of wind development.

10.  Have Mr. Wiley explain why he supports a state system that removed your rights in your communities to protect yourself, and this process he supports will in some cases allow foreign corporations to overrun America citizens rights.  Ask him how he can endorse, or participate in such an egregious essentially unconstitutional system (Art 10).  Ask him why he would want to enable such a system rather than fight against it?

Maybe before you pound out on your key board a letter to the NYPSC you should write Wiley first and ask a few pointed questions.

Maybe a good question to ask after the evidence I have shown above... how is it that Wiley and the NYPSC has scammed you into thinking your voice WILL count!!!


  1. I asked some questions.
    In my opinion you are convinced
    there is nothing that can be done
    for Clayton which is the same opinion
    of wind lobbyist Janice Phoenix.
    And, now you want to be right so
    you are willing to prove it it by turning
    others against those in Jefferson County
    who still would like to keep them away.

  2. Good suggestion. I did ask Mr. Wiley. It was easy
    to contact him at his blog email. I learned a lot
    and agree even more now why it is so important
    to get to the PSC and hammer on them to why
    we don't want turbines in Clayton and Galloo.
    Refusing to comment to a public hearing is
    dumb and lazy and won't make it go away. To get
    sucked in by your CFDEL scheme is a joke.

  3. why don't you share what you learned.

  4. Art, looks like someone is trying to hijack the comment section of your anti -wind blog.

  5. OK is an actual decision by the NYPSC to review. This isn’t Wiley’s blog WDT speculation, it is an ACTUAL NYPSC large wind project case that could mimic Clayton of Cape Vincent. It was before the current Art 10 but the PSC still had to weigh in and give their findings and a final certificate of approval.{66F294C7-9225-42A7-AB50-C34CBDD6BB94}

    This project also had organized opposition.
    Now if you look at the comments the PSC said responded to this project you will see that virtually EVERY concern was raised about industrial wind. That would include the concerns Wiley regularly raises on his blog and in his comments in the paper. The EXACT same concerns we all raise about big wind in the 1000 Islands.
    The PSC was aware of the concerns, and was again reminded by citizen input about them.
    Now 10:38...why don’t you tell my readers how those numerous concerns submitted to the PSC were handled by the PSC.
    I’ll tell ya how it worked out... the PSC IGNORED the input and approved the wind project anyhow by saying the benefits outweighed the impacts. And that would be AFTER the state agency that deals with significant impacts on local historical sites and parks objected. The PSC apparently ignored that too!
    Now why don’t you go back and ask Mr. Wiley why this happened and why the PSC outright ignored all the obvious invasive impacts of big wind in their final decision, including objections from another official state agency.
    Ask Mr. Wiley how the PSC could conclude that the benefits of this wind project outweighed all the impacts when they are so obvious and invasive and so wide spread, and the EXACT same impacts we strongly object to in the 1000 Islands and you are writing about to the NYPSC.
    Then ask Mr. Wiley why he rabidly supports a state agency that makes such an absurd pro wind decision, and why he supports a process that makes ignoring these impacts so easy by removing community rights.
    Oh...and about the Hardscrabble project under suit that Wiley mentions. It was the state agency NYSERDA that actually helped fund that wind project. Why is that important? NYSERDA is one of the agencies that will sit on the Art 10 siting board. The same agency that is funding NYS wind projects sits on the board that will make a final big wind decision in Clayton. See if Mr. Wiley can justify why he would support that!
    And lastly have Mr. Wiley provide us with some case law or decisions that show decisively that writing the PSC, supporting Art 10, and writing wind laws has prevented the siting of any wind farm in NYS. Just give us one example.
    Maybe you should get out of the Wiley information bubble and start looking at some reality!

  6. Mr. Pundt,

    You are exactly right. Mr. Wiley is wasting his time and Article 10 should be not be placated as the NYS trap. It is a waste of resources for Clayton and Jefferson to support a lost cause. We will get wind anyway so Demand that Storandt and others stop wasting time and money on a lost cause. You and Mr. Lamora should start a petition and take the names to these deluded ill informed people who in their vast ignorance can't fathom the big picture you and Mr. Lamora have worked so hard to explain. To the quick, we are dealing with idiots here and you will get no answers from Wiley. You are wasting your time on him.

  7. Mr. Lamora this is the best anti-wind site I have come across. It is the only one that points out that the only way we can get these turbines torn down and prevent more is to fight for community rights and get rid of that Article 10 fiasco. Thanks for all you are doing to stop these idiots who are appeasing NYS with their letters.

  8. Anonymous, nice try. If your comments here are genuine, you've done a poor job of expressing or committing to your beliefs. Honestly, you could have done better than this offering which drips of conciliatory placation. A great example of how anonymity can shield ones true intentions. Regrettably for you, you know little of the importance of hiding syntax for the purpose of subterfuge.

    If I've misinterpreted your intent, give me a call 783-8744. I won't be expecting an answer any time soon.

  9. Anonymous

    As Mr. Lamora said...nice try!

    So let's look at how your credibility adds up

    1. You have lied about Mr. LaMora and myself.
    2. You support a scheme that took away the rights of Americans and their communities on the wind issue mosty for foreign corporations.
    3. You support the NYPSC even though they have sited numerous operating wind project in NYS.
    4. You support the wind law approach that actually allows wind into 1000 Islands communities.
    5. You apparently support Mr. Wiley and his blog which regularly blocks or censors comments on the wind issue that don't agree with his point of view. And he supports the Cape Vincent zoning that would allow wind turbines 4 miles closer to the river than the Iberdrola project.
    6. You have to use this absurd lame reverse psychology nonsense to try to make some ridiculous point.
    7. You are so frighten of yourself and your stance you refuse to identify yourself. aren't scoring very well so far on the credibility scale!
