Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Well… Mr. Wiley at the JLL blog is at it again, promoting the idea that all that is needed to defeat a major wind developer is to have a well thought out restrictive zoning law and participate in the Art 10 process.  That this is the path to a legal zoning panacea because some “expert” lawyers have said so.  This time however, he is now referring to those of us who think otherwise as “stupid” 

Wiley said:

 “BP in Cape Vincent also tried to argue that BP’s zoning law “should be supplanted by Article 10” and state energy policy.  That argument didn’t work because there is strong precedent that a comprehensive local zoning law that is rational and equitably applied and enforced will not be set aside.”

Wiley also says:

“Fortunately, Cape Vincent officials (and their expert lawyer) were smart enough to understand that a comprehensive zoning law that prohibited a wide range of undesirable visible and sound related qualities and features – no matter their source -- that had the indirect effect of precluding large-scale wind development to any practical extent, was a far more legally defensible strategy than an outright ban.”

OK, I’ll play your inane game!  But here is my simple request.

Just show me one wind energy Art. 10 siting case in NYS, just ONE where an Art 10. siting board actually upheld the “legally defensible” restrictive wind energy regulations developed by so called “expert lawyers”  Just ONE, and post the evidence right here.  Give us a case, a case number, a name, a siting board decision we can actually examine look at etc.  Just ONE.

Instead of spewing out crap and loose fantasy opinions with no basis, at least give your readers the courtesy of one fact based case to examine. 

Problem is you know damn right well there are ZERO such cases as of yet in Cape Vincent or anywhere else in NYS.  ZERO.  So what the hell is your evidence, or facts???

Post them right here on this site. Time to put up or shut up!!!

BP walked away from its project in CV because of financial reasons as they did trying to unload their entire wind portfolio worldwide.  Despite your delusions, it had nothing to do with our zoning law or any expert lawyers.   FACT is the Art 10 admin, judge was already hinting that BP and CV should look at reaching an agreement on zoning that would have allowed BP’s project in some form and degraded CV’s restrictive law.  You can look that right up in the WDT and in the archives on this blog. FACT!!!  So how the hell do you come up with your nonsense claims of the CV law being legally defensible when the Art 10 judge already chipping away at it. 

So just put up your evidence right here…. However, I won’t hold my breath!


  1. Art, generally one would think that the anti-wind community would be supportive of each others efforts. There are many sound reasons to oppose the industrialization of environmentally sensitive regions, and rural residential areas ,as we all know.
    JLL's comments are at once,confusing and confounding in the illogic they are based on, and the implications that can be drawn from them.

    Wiley has ,since its origin, supported the creation of the ART.X process, and has consistently urged residents to submit comments to the PSC in opposition to wind projects, like the one being proposed for Galloo Island. He has also been active in ,and supportive of the efforts of the Coalition to Preserve the Golden Crescent and The 1000 Islands.,an organization that has played a critical role in the local political scene. As you know, Henderson stands to lose the most if this wind factory is sited on Galloo ,since it sits only a few miles off their coastline. I know you are also aware that the Town of Henderson is the lone town in the north country that has actually prohibited industrial turbines. I wonder if the Coalition members, and Henderson resident Rob Aliasso,the Chairman in particular take any issue with Wiley referring to their policy as " STUPID".

    It would seem to me that as stakeholders in the ongoing ART.X review process of the Galloo project that both the Town of Henderson, and the Coalition stand to present an impressive statement to the review panel that they are serious in their opposition to the project, with a prohibitive zoning law as evidence of their conviction.

    Seems contradictory, and pretty damn insulting of Wiley, to plead with people to stand up for their community, and at the same time call them "stupid"

    Just my opinion!

    D LaMora

  2. hanks Dave...It seems kinda silly to run around recognizing the severe and widespread down side of industrial wind then write zoning laws that allow it in some form and rely on a regulation process designed to encourage wind energy and make it a fast track for the developers.

  3. Art we need you to get on the W times and shut wiley up.
