Tuesday, July 7, 2015


More convoluted logic from the last letter from the Town of Cape Vincent to the NYPSC regarding BP and the Article 10 process. A quote from the town's letter.

"The Article 10 law provides a number of protections for local plans and zoning laws, and in our experience PSC staff were very courteous, conscientious and professional."


Yeah... right up to the point they decide your law is overly burdensome and preempt it for the developer and remove the protection, just like they did in the case in Athens, NY.

So let's look at a definition of "protection" I pulled from the Internet.

n. noun
  • 1. the action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected , like B vitamins give protection against infection
  • 2. a person or thing that prevents someone or something from suffering harm or injury, like  his son was put under police protection
  • 3. a legal or other formal measure intended to preserve civil liberties and rights.
Well number 3 certainly seems pertinent now doesn't it, when discussing the Art. 10 process!

Notice that each definition is virtually an absolute.  You are either protected or not. In this case the town officers are using the word protection in a very very loose context in regards to this issue.

So...if the town thinks the Art. 10 process has provisions for the protection of local zoning, then why does the Art. 10 process have or need preemption provisions to remove those very protections if they think those protections are too protective????  And because it can remove those protections, how the hell can we call them protections in the first place????

How can supposed smart people be so easily fooled? 

The town's logic is absurd in their attempts to placate the state Art. 10 process.  It doesn't even make any sense!  In the town's attempts to look "reasonable" they became irrational!

The new Republican candidates running for CV council better start seriously thinking about this nonsense or they will get caught in this same self destructive loop fantasizing about home rule and protections that don't actually exist!

You can't "protect" a community based on a fantasy!!!

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