Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Comment From a Reader And My Response

This comment came into my blog, and I thought it was interesting so I moved it up to a post.  My comments follow.

"Mr. Pundt, your intentions as a self-accredited political analyst/consultant- to- the- voters are baffling. The basics of election campaigning is to promote the positive features of one candidate over another to garner support at the ballot box. Your tactic of supplying your readers with a continual list of actions by every candidate that display how they all fail to pass your litmus test of leadership would seem to have only one end result, that being to convince voters to not vote for anyone.

Since this is an opinion blog,I would offer that in the case of the primary in Cape Vincent between Oswald and Mason, your tactic will assuredly lead to the election of the native, albeit ill-suited, Mr. Mason, since leadership qualities are not the driving force behind his support, rather the fact that he is the favorite of the "return power to the locals" faction ,who have a history of supporting any candidate regardless of leadership qualities ,case in point- Harvey White for supervisor. In a previous post you offered Mr. Mason the advice to consider all the residents of the town, local and seasonal alike. You can be assured that will not happen.

In a two person primary with much at stake, it is difficult to see the advantage of picturing the candidate you claim to prefer, as lacking in leadership. You make a most arrogant assumption that the voting public is unaware of the issues you present, and votes with their eyes closed. It would seem to this observer that a re-election of Mr. Mason would be catastrophic to the town of Cape Vincent. That makes Mrs. Oswald the preferred option for anyone interested in the future of the town."

My comments.

First of all you talk about my litmus test.  Stop with the high road political nonsense.  Every voter who walks into a voting booth has a litmus test on leadership or something else, otherwise it seems rather pointless to vote one way or the other.  Otherwise why not just flip a coin.

You said… "The basics of election campaigning is to promote the positive features of one candidate over another to garner support at the ballot box."

Where you go off the rails in your comment here is assuming I am campaigning for one candidate or another.  You Republicans can do plenty of that.  However,  I am not a cheerleading for any candidate.  I am looking at the realities and the record.   If there is political baggage in the record…well that isn’t my problem.

Ms. Oswald was present as a board member on at least one critical and important zoning issue where some very questionable behaviors were exhibited, bordering on legally questionable, and as I indicated she did NOTHING about it.  So is you choice in your cheerleading to just ignore that????  Maybe that was why we were in the zoning mess that was created last summer.

You also make a very broad and erroneous assumption that because I have pointed out some faults in Ms. Oswald’s leadership, that would automatically lead to Mason winning.  Did you miss the part where I have already indicated I would support Oswald?

In all the campaign cheerleading in past elections we were told we would have a new wonderful zoning law.  Of course as it turned out, that campaign cheerleading and hoopla ended with a new rushed zoning law that the town officials couldn’t even understand or apply correctly and swept them and the supervisor into an embarrassing mess!

But here is a real uncomfortable  question for you before you get to hysterical about Mason being elected as catastrophic for the town. 

If we are talking about campaigning and supporting candidates and showcasing their positives, then why when Mr. Hirschey had the unique opportunity to appoint Oswald to the board, which would have given her experience and a real political advantage later, why was he and at least one other Republican board member considering appointing Paul Aubertine to the board over Oswald.  And then leave that seat empty until the election.  Who exactly was he trying to help and  how exactly does this add up as support by possibly appointing a pro wind person…and that would have been when the BP wind issue was still boiling hot and it would have made a big difference???

Or how about when Hirschey said he would not re-run for supervisor?   Suddenly both Republican’s Schneider and Bragdon indicated they would run for the job.  Now in the past I have been accused by the Republicans of actions that might split a vote and could hurt the town.  Apparently that didn’t matter to Bragdon and Schneider when their personal interests where at stake, and Hirschey even later said he changed his mind and would run because he feared a split vote. 

Let’s see, why weren’t you complaining then about how a pro wind person might get elected and that could be “catastrophic” for the town when those guys were doing that nonsense?

Typical of you Republicans, you are good at talking the talk but when push comes to shove you the record doesn’t show you walking the walk.

And oh yes…if this primary is so critical as you claim, then where are the Oswald signs.  I’ve seen a bunch of Mason signs around ALL the town.  Or are Oswald’s signs just in the village?  There is a lot of town beyond the village and the Tibbetts Pt. Rd.

So knock yourself out cheerleading!!! 

Maybe you should spend less time debating me and help Ms. Oswald put up some signs in the REST of the town if this primary is so critical.


  1. Interesting response. Not entirely sure why you felt compelled to indicate that you "support " Oswald, when the entirety of your message indicates a deep dissatisfaction with her past behavior and her party in general.

  2. Well if you prefer I can withdraw my supportof her since it doesn't meet your need for absolute blind unquestioning allegiance.

    Of course you didn't answer my questions about previous Reps. and their less than stellar support of each other.

    Despite what you might think I understand the differences between Mason an Oswald very well. You seem to forget that I was one of the people deeply involved in getting
    an AG investigation of former CV officials and that INCLUDED Marty Mason. So I know what the issues are probably better than most..

    And keep in mind that any Rep. running for office back then including Hirschey, it didn't hurt that the people they were running against where under an AG investigation.

    And I think Michelle sat still when she should have been more independent about voicing concern and taking action.

    And unfortunately I think her lack of actionon some important issues is directly related to not upsetting the CV Republican social apple cart.

    That does add up to independent think as others claim.

    It's really too bad Hester Chase doesn't run of the board seat.

  3. Sir, I haven't forgotten anything,nor do I think answering your questions about other Republicans is germain to the topic at hand. I will however guess that Mrs. Oswald may well wish you would withdraw your support, if that meant you would cease bashing her qualifications to a pulp in a public forum.

    Your intent is obvious, and hardly of any value to her campaign.

  4. Oh but it is very relevant to this discussion. You are willing to attack my form or lack of support, however, when your sacred Republicans do something political that doesn't show glowing political support or is politically stupid as I pointed out, then that becomes a different matter. I can fully understand why you wouldn't want to answer my questions since they become rather uncomfortable to explain away.

    What is it about you Reps. that make you fear stepping away from the political social crowd or the fear of looking at someone's record and asking a question.

    Your shut up and vote for our candidate is asinine!!! It's not even good democracy...and you still believe in democracy don't you? Or is that too uncomfortable too?

    Oh and by the way...since you are so arrogant as to know exactly what my intent is I can't wait till you enlighten me and my readers! I see it is ok for you to hammer on me and even tell me what my intention is, yet you won't answer a few simple political questions.

    And this is a generally open blog. If Ms. Oswald would like to draw a line between me and her then she is welcome to come on here and say so. I would also be pleased to see her come on here and answer some of the questions I have raised.

    But that isn't like to happen because that is WAY outside the Rep. social political script.

    And as usual, and I have always loved this one, you claim this high minded support of Michelle, yet you are too frightened to put a name behind your defense of her. It's like you don't want people to know where your support of Ms. Oswald is coming from.

    Wow... that's great support!

  5. You've misconstrued my interest in the matter. I have no answers for you ,they're not "my sacred republicans", not even my republicans! I simply found it contradictory that one could profess support for a candidate while simultaneously declaring them unfit for leadership.

    Good luck getting any politician to accept your offer,and expose themselves to your invective.

  6. It saddens me to see such pent up anger against the community you visit in the summer. Staying away from those who once considered you a friend was probably the best choice. Stick to the stars and live in peace.
