Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How Much Is Enough?

Where do you think this law suit by the CV Dems is coming from? 

You really think it's them, a bunch of small town politicians?  If NYS and Cuomo wasn't rabid about renewable energy, and if BP wasn't raping our community with the help of Cuomo's Art X, there would be no voter issue or law suit. None.

I have repeatedly tried to get people and this current govt. to attack the Art. X process mainly because it took our rights to home rule away on an important issue.  So here we are with another attack on the rights of our community...this time the right to vote.

I have also expressed the concern several times that the taking of our rights with no real objection or battle and agreeing with and appeasing the system that did that is a very dangerous precedent on all our rights.  And here we are in this voting mess. Same shit different day!

So CV citizens, local and seasonal, the hell much is enough????  How long are you going to sit and take this bullshit and let your govt take it as BP or some other developer rapes and pillages our community.  As the sign says..."Had Enough Yet"!

Just some little politician wanting desperately to gain office by forcing a law suit and attack on seasonal residents???  Get real!

It's what it has always been from the beginning of this battle.  Big corporate power and the big politicians that suck on it for power suppressing your very fundamental rights using local pawns and $$$$ as instruments.

Look at the big Albany attachments to this law suit.  Does the name Aubertine ring a bell?

When big corps and the politicians that help them want to rape a community for whatever resource intrigues them, gold, water, coal, nat. gas. wind etc etc. the last thing they want is an organized voting effort by seasonal (and local) residents who love the area for it's unique scenic and environmental treasures, trying to protect it and changing local govt. to cause problems.  Thus the secrecy of BP and Acciona sliming into town trying to keep it all as quiet as possible inciting locals with leases, and local officials with unethical leases.

You gotta do what you can to crush that little problem because it can crop up anywhere in the world they do business and be an awful impediment to your progress and bottom line.

I have been saying for a long long time that a lot of people don't understand how big the stage of issues is that CV finds itself on.   And appeasing those forces as our current govt. is doing is absurd and dangerous to this community!  And anyone encouraging them to do so is dangerously mis-guided!

And so we have both Art X. and this voter challenge law suit.  Of course Art X we should deny in our community...not go along with it and appease it as the Hirschey govt. is doing.

But it is really the same fundamental issue.  The vote in cases like this is essentially the same all over the country and the world.  This is a vote to protect the environment or not, and how from a distance the corps. and polls can disrupt, distort and abuse that right for their end goal.

So you much are you willing to take from the politicians in Albany, and their big corporate buddies, and what is next?  This law suit and it's attachments should really tell you something.  Think you are going to win by appeasing and participating in Art X.  That is a fantasy, and this should make it obvious.

Each day in this wind mess we don't really fight it as we should, and each day it gets worse and worse for us and this community. And every day if you understand it, it actually becomes less and less about the wind issue, and more and more about your fundamental rights on many levels.

The picture below of our precious environmental Cape Vincent resources and our right to protect it is what this is all about,  has always been about, and always will be about in issues like this. And a zoning law is NOT going to stop it. As much as our officials and lawyers like to somehow steer it away from emotion with science, property values, zoning, sound blah blah blah.  it is all about what we see, feel, can touch, smell, hear, and feel is essential to the sustain  human condition and spirit.

I knew that early on and it was my fight for NO wind.  Why has it been so hard for people to understand and admit.  Now we have our rights to protect those things directly threatened.  We ARE NOT better off in this wind battle. 

So how much is enough?  Because if we let them, they WILL take it, and remove our rights to do so if they have to!!!

Oh and by the way...what ever happened to all that talk about healing the community?  As I said for a long time...that too is a complete fantasy on the part of both sides!!!

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