Monday, October 7, 2013

Cape Vincent ZBA Rules Against Mrs. Mary Grogan's Appeal On the Town's Solar Zoning Fiasco

Unbelievably once again Mrs. Mary Grogan who lives with the private wind turbine zoning screw up looming over her house, has sadly become the poster child for the Cape Vincent officials zoning ineptitude and their willingness to let the  CV zoning process run completely amuck. But maybe we know have a hint as to why.

I have been astonished at the level of back peddling and rationalizations, sanitation, and damage control efforts on this solar issue to justify their zoning mess for a couple months.  My experience says that when you see this type of bizarre behavior there is almost always more to the story.  And apparently in this case there is also.

But maybe some light has been shed on why all the damage control and hoopla and back peddling.

I was so disgusted I left the meeting after the public hearing.  And by the way Rich Edsall could actually run a better public hearing than the ZBA chairman ran this evening.  What a circus! Like maybe buy a clue and actually clearly say the time and that the public hearing is now officially open and here are the details of this appeal and hearing! And then officially close the hearing.

But after I got home I received a very interesting call from someone who stayed at the meeting.  Come to find out Mr. Urban Hirschey the Cape Vincent Supervisor of all people is actually applying for a special use permit from the ZBA.

Want to venture a wild guess what Mr. Hirschey is applying for?

THAT'S RIGHT ... a freaking solar project!!! Probably just like Alexander's!!!!!

Now some things are starting to make a lot more sense!

But on the Alexander/Grogan solar issue I would especially like to express my appreciation to Ms. Hester Chase who is a ZBA member.  Based on the evidence her colleagues simply chose to ignore, she  voted to invalidate the permits on the solar issue that were so obviously screwed up, and she asked a lot of tough questions. She had the Chairman Dennis Faulknham stepping all over himself.

Ms. Chase on a very difficult, controversial  and critically important town zoning issue and in the face of significant peer pressure showed incredible integrity, credibility, and most of all leadership as many of her peers in town govt. have been doing nothing more than trying to cover their ass on the zoning fiasco they created that once more violated the due process rights of the same  CV citizen.  I think I will seriously consider writing in Hester's name for town supervisor.

It is not surprising since Hester was willing at risk to herself to aggressively take head on in protest the injustices of our former planning board and it's wind conflicted chairman.

It is also not surprising that our former planning board chair Macsherry has been trying to shut Hester down to address this issue fairly and competently and bring some actual justice on behalf of a badly aggrieved CV citizen...Mrs. Grogan.

I was extremely disappointed with others on this ZBA board.

But I am sure Mr. Hirschey's solar project will find nice smooth sailing in his permit approval process after the way has been cleared by throwing Mrs. Grogan under the bus! 

I now can understand why this Hirschey govt so willingly goes along with the Art. X process that stripped us of our home rule rights.  Apparently rights are not a big issue with them evidenced on how they once again violated the rights of a CV problem!

What a circus act...actually a circus act has more credibility...and I shouldn't give circus acts a bad name!!!

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