Saturday, January 19, 2013


At this link you can sign a petition to impeach NY Governor Andrew Cuomo.  This information came to me through a friend.

Cuomo is out of control.  Guns and ammo are one thing, not to mention he has already stripped NY communities of their rights to determine their own land use futures with wind energy with his Art X legislation.  Community rights, or gun rights it is all the same thing and all going the same direction.

And what about these Republicans in the NY legislature?  Why aren't they standing up and screaming about this instead of allowing this bill to pass in the night in secret?  And why are all those Republicans on our town board going right along with Cuomo on this Art X nonsense that leaves our community defenseless against energy giants like BP by taking away our community rights on wind energy zoning?  Why are they willingly participating and enable Cuomo's ability to strip away our community rights on zoning?  I don't care if it's guns or if it's's all the SAME issue.  I have been screaming about the removal of our rights under Art X for months, and everyone has marginalized the efforts of myself and Dave Lamora, and the gun issue is just one more example on the rights issue. 

And let me make it clear I am NOT speaking for Dave on the gun rights issue, but it is obviuos we agree on the Art X issue and how to handle it.  We have been trying to explain for sometime now that the CV wind issue and Art. X really comes down to a rights and Constitutional issue, not just zoning and setbacks, and as a community that we should be attacking back on the Constitutional rights issue instead of appeasing a system like Art X that keeps eroding those rights. 

Well that you think Cuomo is after your gun rights, maybe now you will get it, since whether it's guns or the right to protect yourself and your community from a foriegn industrial giant like BP intent on raping our community with Cuomo's help it is all the same basic Constitutional issue, not zoning and not setbacks.  WAKE UP!!!

Not to mention Cuomo started an investigation into our former town officials and their wind conflicts and then just let it evaporate when he was elected Gov.  And not to mention that Cuomo's  Ag. Commissioner is in this unethical Cape Vincent wind mess up to his eyeballs with BP and Cuomo just ignores it all when he should have been investigating him as AG.   And also not ot mention that one of Cuomo's appointments to the NYPSC as a commissioner , Maureen Harris, has a husband who is the BP Cape Vincent Wind Farm attorney!  Cuomo is an ethical train wreck.

We should not be participating in Cuomo's rights removal  Art X scam.  I couldn't even convince our all Republican town board to do a simple resolution of opposition to Cuomo's Art X, just like our county legislators did.  Aren't Republican the ones that are supposed to be all fired up about govt taking over our lives, and here they sit appeasing Cuomo's Art X that took away our community's rights and forces BIG govt on our community. 

Cuomo is out of control and our town board is going right along to enable him further participating in Art X.  Wonder what rights he will go after next and how will he further screw over Cape Vincent.

It is long past time we start talking some sense into our town board and their continued appeasement of Cuomo's Art X.  They gave away our zoning rights and law right over to Cuomo and the State to determine our community's future.

And worse Cuomo will run for President at some point. That is why this gun bill exists and he jumped radically out ahead of the Fed. govt on the issue.  You can bet on it.  And with Cuomo in the spotlight it is prime time to fully oppose and deny the Art X take over of our community by refusing to participate in it and enabling it and to enlighten the world to what he has already done to us.

But our town govt and WPEG and their other supporters will sqaunder another opportunity...maybe the best opportunity, to oppose Art. X and really attempt to protect our community.

1 comment:

  1. there is no recall process in NYS at the present. However, there is a bill to add such a provision in the 2013 session. Senator Avella has introduced. it is an addition to article 20 of the constitution to provide for recall.
