Sunday, April 17, 2016

Making Noise????

Mr. Wiley at the Cape Vincent JLL blog has a reader contribution connecting influential NY political figures with green investments and campaign contributions.  Interesting piece. Right on, on that part.

However,  as usual the singular tunnel vision conclusion is to write  wind laws and color within the lines of the system's script  that was set up precisely TO REGULATE US...NOT THE WIND INDUSTRY!!!!

Here is are the quotes:

"Thus, one interpretation would be that an outright ban on wind would be shot down very quickly from the top. "

"One must play the game through regulation, raise money for a good defense of article 10, and create enough noise to make this go away to another area of the state where the green lobby can earn their keep." 

This shows a stunning failure to grasp the issue and comprehend reality.

So with these powerful forces, as Wiley's reader accurately points out, what in God's name makes them think their very restrictive wind laws, which are nothing more than defacto bans, are going to hold up any better than a ban?  That alone is both arrogance run amuck, and a failure to recognize astonishingly simple logic slapping them right in the head! 

I get it...a ban that prevents turbines will fail, but our wind law that prevents turbines because it is  nothing more than a defacto ban with lipstick on it will prevail??????  We are so smart and these powerful people, the state, and wind developers are so stupid they will fall right for our defacto ban law!

I wonder what brand of Kool Aid Wiley and his reader are drinking?

But the second quote about the "game'  is museum quality absurd.  Recommending... "One  must play the game through regulation."    I have kept a file of   nutty quotes from the wind battle...and this one will be near the top of the list cuckoo quotes!!!

The "game" as they call it was designed specifically to overcome local laws by removing your community home rule right and create a fast track process for wind developers wanting to site wind farms, and keep YOU  controlled in a tightly defined  box as to what THEY will allow you to do.

Art 10 doesn't regulate wind developers...IT REGULATES YOU!!!  What they are actually suggesting is you play in a high stakes game where the other side has complete autonomy to decided the final score!  That is the best they can come up with to protect our area from wind development.

So I will recommend that you take a look at this video linked below from approx. 33:30 minutes into it, to 1 hour and 17 minutes and it will clearly explain just how ridiculous this "playing in the game statement real is!!!


  1. This is Ms. Facts,

    I was advised to visit your blog at least once. Seeing and reading is believing, I was told.

    You do appear to be a very angry man, Mr. Pundt but I hope you find some peace.

    It is likely that any consideration of a ban on wind for Jefferson County Towns will be out of the question.

  2. A sincere welcome to my blog Ms Facts!

    Don't worry about my peace, it is just fine. I find peace in this issue because I don't have to run around in contradictions trying to reconcile my stance. And I did notice that you have no problem in the WDT attacking me on a personal level...yet only I am an angry man?

    You may very well be right about Jefferson County towns, but if a wind law is preempted it is going to be a very very bitter pill for you to swallow.

    Now all that being said...I'm the silly little man you were supposed to be done with...yet here you are on my blog...and I welcome you! And unless you go completely off the rails with nasty stuff, I won't block or censor you like your wind law supporter associate Rick Wiley on JLL who doesn't have the courage to post my comments or others who disagree with him.

    But why don't we put this personal BS aside and get back to the issue at hand. I have simply asked you a couple of basic questions that are not unreasonable and exceedingly important to the debate.

    Actually the ENTIRE issue now that article 10 is in effect revolves around one simple question. Why does the Art 10 law have or need local law preemption power?

    And why do we need a restrictive wind law and not a ban?
