Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Some Common Sense From Cape Vincent Councilwoman Michelle Oswald

I picked up a copy of the 1000 Islands Sun today while shopping and noticed a report by Sun reporter  Pam McDowell on the last Cape Vincent Town Board public hearings on the water district issues and the newly revised CV  zoning law.

I was particularly intrigued with CV Councilwoman Michelle Oswald’s comments on the solar zoning portion of the law that finally questioned the town’s irrational love affair with solar energy.  Below is the quote from the paper.

“She said she was not happy with commercial solar portion and said “Why are we so anxious to let big energy into this town?” She explained that the town gave scrutiny to industrial wind development, and any energy zoning law should be thoroughly explored”

Finally!!!  Well good for you Michelle!!!  But the zoning on small private solar needs a lot of work too.

It’s about time somebody at the board level asked some questions about where all this solar hoopla is coming from and where it is going, and why it has had NO scientific analysis to back the town’s support of solar.  Especially since the town zoning geniuses and the supervisors have clearly demonstrated in last year’s solar zoning fiasco that they don’t know what the hell they are doing on the solar issue and made a complete emabarrassing fiasco of the CV zoning process while tinkering with solar.

In many respects solar is just like wind. Very low capacity factors, especially in a climate like NNY, heavily subsidized by the tax payer (even private solar systems), and an unreliable intermittent source of power, that has to be backed by conventional sources of power, and a play toy for people with the financial means to afford it so they can  look “green” at the tax payer expense.  Like our town supervisor!

So to answer Ms. Oswald’s question…in my opinion there is probably a backdoor connection between 4th , a local solar developer and our town board or supervisor.  And who knows, maybe there is a larger commercial solar project in the works that will be forced on us just like wind was, but by this board and zoning geniuses this time around.  That would be another energy scam.  And maybe that is why the whole CV solar zoning is a watered down joke and our town officials are running around promoting something they have made no serious examination of!

But solar is far more stylish and chic to talk about at cocktail parties and political get togethers.

And if you remember, a few years ago some of the energy and  zoning geniuses on our town board were even suggesting to the state public service commission and the Art 10 process that BP should consider a large industrial solar project for CV instead of wind like their Brookhaven facility on Long Island.  Geee… let’s see, that project removed approximately 42,000 trees to accommodate it!  42,000 trees!!!  Hell…they should have left the trees up. They would probably removed more CO2 from the atmosphere than the solar project.  Now there was a brilliant idea.  Invite, of all people, BP to do anything in our town after their history here and around the world, not to mention that the town apparently hadn’t noticed one critical factor.  BP had already gotten OUT of the solar business.  WAKE UP!!!

I hope Ms. Oswald will continue to show some rare clarity among her Hirschey govt peers on the CV town board who appear completely irrational on the solar issue, and who appear to be on the supervisors tight leash.
And keep in mind that our zoning also ALLOWS some industrial wind development.  Maybe Ms. Oswald should take a serious look and raise a discussion on that as well.  Especially since the NY Court Of Appeals has made a very interesting recent decision upholding prohibiting Fracking in Dryden, NY and about home rule.  This appears to parallel industrial wind and the home rule issues surrounding it.
And by the way…where is the JLL blog on this solar nonsense???? He was against industrial wind and all that supported it, but says nothing about the Hirshey govts irrational support of solar with virtually all the same problems and tax subsidies. 
Another one on the short leash!




  1. Not to worry CVCAT, come November there will be fewer on Hirshey's short leash. The Dems/CFG have endorsed Marty Mason to run for town council on their ticket. So much for party idealogy. Marty conducted a trial run in the Rep. primary to see if he had any support from other less- than- satisfied Hirsheyites such as yourself. Those 140 GOP votes will loom large in the general election. Unless this town wakes up to reality, it won't be long till the good old boy oligarchy is back in full control. Seasonal residents interests and concerns will take a major setback . Solar energy will be the least of your problems as, Marty will not hesitate to clean house of anyone connected to Hirschey, or the wind issue.

  2. Keep in mind the Hirschey Reps. and WPEG have shot themselves right in the political foot. They perpetuated a fantasy when BP left town that the wind issue is over and it was all Hirschey and the current board's doing. WPEG is even considering whether they should continue to exist or what their roll should be.

    Just look at the headers on both the other blogs Pandora and JLL that gives the direct impression that we won the war on wind and BP and made them go away. It's a fantasy and a dangerous one that is not in touch with reality.

    BP simply walked away because mainly of the wind economic realities and oil is more profitable, not because of anything the Hirschey board or the "opposition" did.

    But we still face a wind or commercial solar threat here in CV and Art 10 is still hanging over our head because the current board decided to play cute and allow some wind development instead of banning it outright as they should have done. They left us vulnerable.

    Perpetuating the fantasy that "we won" and it is "over" is a big mistake and has probably done more to make voters go back to voting in their home locations.

    Besides I'm not the one like our supervisor who has said on TV he is not against wind, and convinced his board and zoning geniuses to write a zoning law that allows wind. Or like John Byrne who suddenly is running for NYS Assembly and has tried to kiss the farmers rear ends by implying in a video that wind might be ok for famers.

    What a scam.

    Not to mention the solar zoning fiasco this board created last summer and was splashed all over the paper.

    You people keep trying to cling to the same old bullshit fantasy that somehow I am your problem.

    You need to wake up to reality and stop shooting yourself in the ass and then blaming others if voters have walked away.

    And if Marty Mason is such a crisis then why is WPEG thinking about disbanding or what their future is?????? Seems their future would be pretty clear and they ought to get on the stick on several important issues we face rather than slapping themselves on the back over some fantasy that they beat BP and big wind and al is wonderful now!!! Look at Wiley's blog. It's all travelogues and nice little community events as if we can heal the community and nothing is wrong here.
