Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Maybe Xcel will be Cape Vincent's next wind developer?


  1. Maybe the earth will be hit by a meteor tomorrow. Maybe Chicken Little will show up on your door step too. Still don’t get it do you Art, wind has pretty much fallen out of favor on the world markets.


  2. Despite BP walking away we still sit on a good wind resource if you look at the wind density maps.

    So we differ in opinion and I think it pays to be very vigilant. We have our various reasons for what we believe.

    I know you (and I) would like to believe that it is all over and we can just feel good and heal the community. We have both been right about events in the CV wind battle, and we have both been wrong at times as well. I chose to at least remain vigilant.

    Much of the CV community got badly blindsided in the early wind issue, (and prison issues before you arrived in CV) and I don’t want to see us fall asleep or chasing butterflies so that can happen again.

    In addition you made this very interesting statement below in a previous comment in another post.

    "You and others can debate this until the cows come home, but the undisputed fact is world financial markets trump local town desires each and every time. That is just the world we live in. "

    "trump local town politics every time" !!!!!

    Yup...I think that is exactly right... and in fact it is a truth that some people in CV even now don't grasp as to what level of impact the town or the "wind opposition" actually had or more like did not have on BP leaving, or their lack of understanding of what the Art 10 process really is.

    If BP or anyone else wants a wind farm in CV...they will likely get it unless we dramatically change our reliance on the regulatory system view point and
    change the approach.

    For the most part in CV there is a lot of heroic talk about BP walking away and saving the 1000 Is etc....but for the most part we just got real lucky!!!

  3. Fair enough, can't argue with your logic on this one.
