Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hopefully We Have Saved It!!!

The Beauty That Is  Cape Vincent!


  1. LOL…what's the we shit? Some kind of group think Hirschey supporting delusional nonsense. Yikes!!!!!!! Anyway, no matter how crazy you are and how many bridges you have burnt, you did have a part in it all, years ago. There are continued efforts to protect the Thousand Islands with a more permanent legislative action. I doubt after the way you went after them much to the glee of the pro wind that you will be involved in or even approve of the regional wide efforts.

  2. More great pictures Art. Thanks for posting them.

  3. Andy,

    Art's pictures are decent. But that is about it. As far as his other work. He has been way off. He has been dead wrong on most accounts and has served the pro wind better than the anti wind WHICH HE ACTUALLY CLAIMS HE IS!!!!

  4. 12:58

    I love how you people have such selective memories to make your points.

    In 2006 I stood before a public hearing on a cv wind law attempt. I told the former govt that they had a huge problem in that any wind farm would violate the 2003 comp plan. Then imagine 2012 the comp plan became a big deal in the new zoning efforts.
    Since 2006 I have been saying very publicly with my name behind it that there should NO industrial wind development in CV. A position most supposed anti wind people were scared shitless to take a stand behind...not to mention publicly. And even now many of them still can only say it anonymously.

    It's been 8 years since 2006 and BP is even what the hell are you still afraid of!!!

  5. I don't care what Arts stand is on wind. I enjoy his art work.

  6. Thanks Andy. There will be more to come. May have some pics from our Nev.trip when I get home. Nev. is a very interesting place.
