Monday, December 23, 2013

Now You Are GettingThe Picture!

Ths comment came into my blog on another post below.  So I will post my response here.

Macsherry? Surely this is a joke. The people didn't elect him, do we not have anyone qualified now sitting on the town board? Let me get this straight, if this is true we would have an UNELECTED person running our government when the super is away, which by the way recently seems to be all the time.


Now you're getting the picture!

And...remember pre-election when Urban said he wasn't going to run again.  Then all of a sudden both Clif and Brooks stepped up saying they would run.  Then suddenly Urban does a 180 and decides to run.  His claim was he was worried that Clif and Brooks would split the vote and a pro wind person could win.

Geee I guess Clif and Brooks weren't "team players" and were willing to split the vote.
I guess that team player thing didn't matter as much if they wanted  a shot at the top spot for themselves.  The Hirschey/ WPEG crew accused me of the same thing when they though I might endorse another anti wind  TB candidate.   Didn't hear much from them when their very own Cliffy
and Brooksy were willing to split the vote.  Hypocrites!!!

It  makes me wonder if at that point Urban had a little discussion with Macsherry, telling  him Urban would run again, probably  win and guarantee Macsherry the dep. super job then step down and give it to Macsherry, or let Macsherry call the shots as Urban travels off to parts unknown.

Maybe Macsherry didn't want to run for super .figuring it he might lose,  and this is the scheme they hatched to get Macsherry to the top spot with no election competition.

Interesting that Macsherry just "happened" to step down from the planning board chairman spot a couple  months ago and it goes to Bob Brown.  Then only a few months later this rumor about Macsherry pops up.

We could have Macsherry as super. and Brown running the PB.  What a frightening thought. Why?

Macsherry and Brown were they guys that couldn't even read the law they wrote and created the zoning disaster that was slashed all over the paper.

These two guys are an embarrassment.

We should turn Mary Grogan's house into a monument of a colossal zoning f*#! up sitting under an illegal wind turbine that hasn't run for 4 years and became a bird;this town govt has refused to do anything about, and a permitted  illegal solar project next illegal project just like the town supervisor's which he had to take down.

We could have a monument marker with Macsherry and Brown and Urban's heads as bronze bust sculptures on it, and embossed with Macsherry now infamous words...

"You should not take our zoning law literally!!!!"

Can you imagine how delighted BP must be right now? They have their  project up for sale and they can tell the next prospective buyer as an enticement.   "Hey...don't worry, the guys who wrote the CV zoning don't take it literally!  In fact they can't even read or apply their own law correctly!"  Just put the turbines up where you want, and threaten to sue them.  It will go to the ZBA for a ruling and they will fold up like a cheap lawn chair and approve whatever you want. They did it for the supervisor, and another rich guy in town"  Those industrial  wind setbacks aren't literal!!!"

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