Thursday, May 23, 2013

The JLL Blog Spin Machine!!! - Please Rick, Too Much Is At Stake!

Hey...OK I can't blame Rick if he wants to fully support our town board.  That is his right as a blogger and citizen.  More power to him.  And Rick despite my disagreements with him, in many ways with his reporting on the negatives of the industrial wind disaster on his blog has done this community a great service.  I freely admit I read his blog on a regular basis and have found enlightening information.

But I do get disturbed at the spin he uses to support the town govt.   As another of his readers pointed out...some critical things that are happening on the important wind issue in our  community are critically important to understand and NOT spin so people get an accurate picture of what is going on.

The other day for example after the intervenor fund meeting with Judge Agresta, Rick implied to the community that Agresta had told BP they must comply to our zoning law.  That was not the case. Actually far from it. 

Now to his credit Mr. Wiley adjusted that post after several readers pointed out it was not accurate.

Now Rick has a post up that has this statement in it which again I believe is more spin than accurate. Here are his comments.

"Thus far, two major New York State agencies, a bipartisan group of three New York York State Representatives and our local Congressman have agreed with Mr. Hirschey and his town board by defending our right to draft and enforce our local land use laws."

Well once again not really Rick!

Here is what the NYPSC said to BP about our local laws when responding to BP's PSS.

8. The applicant should provide rationales for any argument it asserts that a provision of local law seemingly applicable to the project does not apply.

The NYDEC essentially said the same thing.

Now as I see it, this is A LONG WAY from Mr. Wiley's claim that two NYS agencies are defending our right to draft and enforce our local zoning laws.  All the NYPSC is saying to BP is... make a case for us as to why you want us to preempt  Cape Vincent's local laws.

In fact if the NYDEC and the NYPSC were really defending our home rule rights to our local  laws, there should not even be system that provides an opportunity for BP to provide any rational to a higher authority to remove our laws and make it impossible to enforce them. And keep in mind that in the final decision these agencies could agree with BP to preempt all or part of our laws.  Again that is a long long way from claiming the two agencies are defending our right to our local laws. 

Which also means they are NOT neccessarily agreeing with our board or Mr. Hirschey!

Now to those NNY leaders. that Mr. Wiley claims agree with Mr. Hirschy and the CV board..and Rick should have included the entire Jefferson County Legislature who passed a resolution opposing Art. 10. He  claims they all agree with Mr. Hirschey and our board.

Once again... not really Rick. 

Here are Rick's words from one of his past posts.

"Owens has joined our local State representatives in their opposition to Article 10′s threat to home municipal law. When Article 10 came to a vote in Albany, Assemblywomen Addie Russell, a Democrat, voted NAY. Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush, a Republican voted NAY. They were then joined by State Senator Pattie Ritchie, a Republican who also voted NAY."
First  of all these leaders have stood and made strong public statements, or took public votes, or passed resolutions in direct OPPOSITION to Art. X and how it removed local land use rights and decisions. Hirschey has not!

In order to make the claim they all agree with Mr. Hirschey, then Hirschey would have to join that group with strong public opposition to Art. 10 or he and his board would have to voted a resolution to oppose Art. 10 or demonstated some strong public opposition to it.  Again...not the case!

In fact I asked Mr. Hirschey and our board twice to passs a resolution to oppose Art. X to support  and join these leaders and the County, and they outright refused.

What we have instead is a public declaration from Mr. Hirschey and his board that the Art. 10 rules are FAIR AND IMPARIAL!!!

Once again that is a long, long way from agreeing with the other prominent NNY leaders that have expressed strong and direct public opposition to Art. X one way or the other!!!

In fact I went back to look at the comments submitted to the Art.10 regulations.  CV's comments from Mr. Hirschey and the board say virtually nothing about Art.10's removal of home rule, or show any opposition to that power to override local laws.  Below is one comment from that letter of May 17, 2012.

"In practical terms we understand Article 10 is now State Law and we can see from the draft regulations that the PSC appears to be trying for a balanced, even-handed approach in dealing with local communities. We are thankful for that approach and hope it remains a part of the rules."

Even handed approach????   Since when is the removal of our rights to pass an enforce our own local laws a even handed approach!!!

In contrast here is what the Jefferson County Legislature wrote to the NYPSC about Art. 10.  They didn't waste time nit picking  the regulations to appease the system but passed a resolution strongly opposing the entire Art. 10 process...  and THAT was their comment.

Here is part of their letter and resolution.

"Dear Mr. Cohen:

Enclosed you will find a certified copy of Resolution No. 166 of2011 "Opposing the Power of NY Act of 2011" that was adopted by the Jefferson County Board of  Legislators on September 6, 2011.

Thank you for your attention in this important matter.

Carolyn Fitzpatrick Chairwoman of the Board"

Here is the  end statement of their resolution:

"Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, That this Board of Legislators opposes, protests, and expresses its deep disappointment and concern over the establishment of said siting Board and ofthe enactment of the Power NY Act of 20 11..."

Now the County's opposition seems to be in pretty good sync with our other NNY leaders opposing Art. 10.

As as you can see from Mr. Hirschey's and the CV boards comments in their letter, it is a long long way from agreeing with these other leaders on Art. X and defending local home rule rights and laws as Mr. Wiley claims. 

 In fact Art. X and the Power NY Act of 2011 has been in effect for almost 2 years, and I can't remember any time that Mr. Hirschey or our town board has expresssed any strong public opposition to it such as these other NNY leaders have.

What Mr. Wiley claims is mostly spin, and not really accurate.

It seems to me on the critical issue we are facing with the removal of our home rule rights, and the potential destruction of our community by wind industrialization as a result,  we should be expecting more  accurate reliable information...not spinning of the facts!

Please Rick...there is far too much at stake here!


  1. Too bad you are so far out of the loop that you
    have no idea what the real thinking is. Did you write
    the comment to the CV blogger and then set up your
    own fantasy? Are you really out to sink their efforts,
    and help Voters for Wind? Is Arizona closer to Houston
    than CV?

  2. How about we base things in FACT!

    To say that Hirschey is in agreement with the other NNY leaders is not based in any supportable evidence or fact or action on the part of Hirschey or our board.

    All the other leaders have shown strong public opposition to Art. 10. Neither Hirschey or our board has shown any.

    I fail to see how you defend a local law by declaring the system that could remove it is "fair and impartial."

    I fail to see how you can claim to be defending your law when you think the system that has the power to remove it on behalf of BP is "balanced and even handed"

    Imagine if all these leaders, and Mr. Hirschey and our board, and other wind targeted towns along with the county simply said that Art. X is so insidious in it's remove of local home rule rights that they will not participate in it in any way...then go on a strong public campaign of pilitical pressure to remove Art. 10 and truly defend home rule. Or at least remove the part of preempting local laws.

    Then we would be getting somehwere in actually defending home rule and our right to form and enforce our local laws as we see fit.

    And by the way...since you seem to be so inside the "loop" why don't you enlighten us to what the "real thing" is. Or is that only for the people who have the secret decoder ring?

    And you might want to keep in mind that the head Art. 10 examiner just told the town and BP they should work out stipulations (read agreements) on alternatives that might not comply to our zoning law 100%

    How does THAT fit into your "real thing!"

  3. CVCAT, A most unusual and confusing crusade you are egaged in. Over and over and over again you repeat the same message,challenging and belittling anyone who differs, either in theory or action.

    Enlighten your readers-you are opposed to turbines, correct?,How do you propose to prevent development in your town, when you are constantly at odds with the entire community? You go out of your way to literally insult everyone's intelligence and motives,because they won't listen to you. Is there an end game to this tactic, or are you just bullheaded? Are you familiar with the concept of adapt and move ahead?

    Also,on the one hand you have made it clear the only intelligent maneuver would be to oppose this ART.10 process,refuse to participate, and yet now you are saying the town has to carefully consider what an administrative judge instructs them to do.

    Although you state you are not saying the town should negotiate their zoning law, your persistent underlying insinuation is that they will.

    What are you about?

  4. You make a lot of very broad and false assumptions in your arguments.

    1st...I did NOT say the town should carefully consider, or they should do what the judge said. I pointed out that the judge is suggesting the town and BP reach a stupilation that may not be 100% in compliance to our law. I am saying that to shed more accuracy on the issue than the blog JLL said the judge told BP they must comply with our laws...NOT TRUE!!!
    I then posed the question as to what will the town do now, that the very powerful presiding examiner has basically told the town he would be interested in an action to work out a stipulation with BP on our law and project alternatives keeping in mind that the town has bent over backwards till now to appease and go along with the Art. X system.

    2nd...I am not at odds with the entire community. Many oppose Art. X as I do. They just aren't willing to go after it as I would. But what makes you conclude that the "entire" community is right???? Just because they "all" agree does not mean they are right!

    Keep in mind that much of the national public, including the President, many environmental groups, politicians and industry leaders and our Gov. think wind energy is a viable answer. Do you go along with them because most of them believe that? That is what you are implying with your argument, that because "everyone" sees it one way...I have to as well! History has proven that group think wrong on many occiasions on very important issues.

    Also imply that I see it only one way, and belittle everyone else. Sooooo....I suppose you and the town DON'T see your direction as the only way????? If not them why are you going ONLY that direction to appease Art. X???? So what other optiona re YOU proposing other than the strict Art. X direction the town has taken?

    Belittle? Seems to me that is exactly what you are doing in this comment as well. I'm not seeing it your way so you are belittling me, the only difference is you claim to have the backing of the "majority" and your entire argument is poised on the belief YOU are absolutely right, just like you claim I beleive I am! You and the town have stuck stricly to your are YOU and they bullheaded???

    And if I am the LONE voice in the wilderness that has no majority support, why are you here? Why are you bothering to spend any time at all debating me?

    And as to that majority. Are you against the removal of our home rule rights by the State...or should we just adapt to having our rights strippd away???

    I see a lot of people talking about the same thing I am...that the removal of our home rule rights was WRONG and an insidious political/corporate scam! Look up COAX NY. Well that's funny because that is what I believe too. Seems that would mean a lot of people in that "majority" are on the same page as I am on that issue!

    And you forget that since 2006 I have worked with many of the people that are on our town board and in our govt. I have seen them make some very bad decisions that were clearly proven wrong later...very wrong. And since 2006 many have leaned toward compromise, and I can document these claims.

    So I am skeptical about their approach now for very good reasons...and I don't care if the majority thinks otherwise because in the past with these town officials, and the majority was very WRONG!!!

    Do you even comprehend that some of your town leaders at one point would have accepted former wind conflicted town board members voting on a wind law? Wanna talk about majority and good judgment????

    I think what has your attention is that Judge Agresta DID suggest our town and BP attempt a stipulation that may no be in 100% compliance with our zoning. Maybe that isn't exactly the support your were hoping for from the NYPSC and Art. X about defending our local laws, and you aren't sure how to deal with it...and you aren't really sure WHAT our town will do next.

  5. And BTW 11:08 If you feel so strongly about this and you have the backing of the "majority" behind you...why are you so afraid to put your name behind your beliefs????

    The vast "majority" or your "majority" you talk about is an "anonymous majority!!!"

    That is the real problem. many of us agree that Art. X's removal of home rule rights is wrong...problem is not many have the brass to stand up and oppose it and put their name behind it.

    Instead they just slink around anonymously and "adapt" and move on as the State steam rolls us and removes our community rights. Then they all sit around and slap themselves on the back talking about how wonderful it is how they are defending our laws and home rule...anonymously of course!!!

  6. CVCAT, thanks, your response has answered my questions.

  7. OK 3:15...You have asked what my campaign is about or what the end game is. I've attempted to explain that. Apparently you aren't happy with that. In fact having a blog for over a year I think it is pretty clear where I stand, and have stood for 7 years.

    So I would like to hear from you in some specifics what you think the end game should be. Is it to fully support the town by following Art. 10? Forget me in this picture,since i am a marginal figure anyhow, just tell me what YOU want or support. What is your end game? You accuse me of not listening or considering other OK give me a view...your view to consider. And BTW do you think there is even a remote chance the town could be wrong? Or are you 100% certain they will prevail!

    And I went back and re-read the post you reacted to here. It was pointing out that I thought Mr. Wiley was exaggerating the issues. I did not belittle him or call him names, I cahllenged his claims. I also challenged his contention that NNY leaders were agreeing with Mr. Hirschey, and I documented my comments with facts and public record.

    Now I fail to see how that is belittling people. If we are at a point where challenging a political belief or action. or the way it is reported and documenting it with facts like the town's own statements is now off limits...then we have a real problem!

    So let's hear your ideas.

  8. CVCAT As I said your responses answer my query. Your driving ambition clearly is to be proven right above all else.

    I'm not here to debate you,simply trying to understand the dynamics of your commentary.

  9. I have developed a lengthy response to your comments but have decided it would not be in your best interest to take your argument and personality apart in public.

    I will say this... I don't think however you are being honest with yourself.

    Of course I want to be right...and so do YOU. You would not even be on this blog with your comments if you didn't want to be right above all else. Why would I want to enter an argument thnking I was wrong? Is that how you formulate your positions.

    Your town board is also entering their position wanting to be right, and certain they are right, and wanting to be right above all else...if not then you have some real problems since the entire community and region are in the balance on them being right and being right above all else! I hope to hell they are not taking the position they are taking and dragging the entire community with them with serious concerns they are WRONG!

    That is the entire point of what they are doing is to believe that against BP, the NYPSC, the Art. X board, pro wind etc is that their driving ambition IS to be proven right above all else!

    I mean what other alternative do you see???? Do you want them to just be partially right...maybe less than 100% right? Do you want their first ambition to be less than wanting to be proven absolutely right? What would the wind development results and defense of our laws look like if they don't want to be right above all else???

    Think about what you are saying!!! You are being dishonest with yourself to somehow appear politically correct in your argument as if wanting to be right is some terrible evil.

    And I find it rather odd that you claim to want to understand the dynamics my commentary...then proceed to TELL me what it is as if YOU want to be proven right above all else!!!

    I also fing it intersting that you are obviously attacking in public what you think are my personality flaws...yet you can't take the personal and emotional risk of a simple courtesy to identify who you are!

    I will leave it at that!

  10. Express purpose to deflate the anti wind. This happens all the tie with large corp developments. Get a disgruntles hack job and buy them out. Attack the effective blogger and the people making progress.

  11. Are you seriously suggesting I have been bought out by BP to discredit and derail the anti wind agenda? Seriously?

    Well I hate to burst your fantasy conspiracy bubble but if you believe that you really are the hack job!!!

    Did it ever occur to you that one reason I get attacked and marginalized on a regular basis is becuase I am one of a few people in town that will stand up PUBLICLY and say NO to wind development, and NO to the Art. X scam that removed our rights, and that we should fully deny both in our community and region. Make this a political battle on home rule rights and our right to choose what we want in our community. Like with CELDF...pass a community bill of rights to deny corporation their supposed corporate constitutional rights so they can't steam role communities like ours.

    If that were to catch on among the supposed "anti wind" people that would be very dangerous to BP and the State politicians!
