Sunday, March 17, 2013

Don't Be Nice - No Kinding!!!!

Over on the Cape Vincent blog JLL there is an interesting post on how to fight Big Wind.

I noticed a couple interesting suggestions.  A lot of stuff that has been done in CV and local wind threatened communities.  But 2 and 10 stuck out.

"2. Don’t be nice. These wind developers are your enemies: they want to destroy where you live, steal your money (property values), and are quite happy to literally drive you from your homes. They will lie, cheat, bribe, buy politicians, and do whatever else they can to win. They won’t be fair and you can’t trust them."

"10. Civil disobedience. Politicians and energy companies are terrified of this. Don’t be afraid to go to jail to protect the land and homes you love. On Molokai we planned if necessary to start a hunger strike on the island, and there were people ready to starve to death to protect our island. The level of your commitment is equal to the level of your success."

So why are we so willing to play  NICE by going along with the Art X process as the State and Cuomo  exactly expect us to do, where they even control all the rules and the process for BP's advantage to lie to us, cheat, buy politicians, take our property values and destroy our community and not think twice about doing it????  And this current CV town govt. and the wind "opposition" WPEG think writing nice letters to the PSC is going to solve our Industrial wind problems. 

I guess JLL didn't want to ask or answer that critical question!!!!


  1. Hang in there Mr. Art. We will both get get our wish as Hirscheyville is about to fall with the announcement of a big voting fraud scandal. We seasonals will now be able to start our businesses under the direction of a new government and you have helped take them down. You will turn out on top with the fall of Hirscheyville and the building of all the turbines you predicted. You will be invited to the first up. Give MO our regards but she won't be elected again.

  2. 3:08 Either you are on the wrong blog, or you are on drugs. If you think the author of this blog is in favor of any turbines anywhere, you must have been living under a rock for seven years.

    Pundt doesn't care about being on top, or right, he simply wants whatever government we have to be honest,straightforward, and work towards preserving Cape Vincent,which means preventing the development of industrial turbines. He has no interest in taking anyone down.

    You sound like the idiot who calls himself Start a Business in Cape Vincent. Everyone reading this blog or the WDTs or any other medium you have commented on recognizes by now that you are merely a puppet of Marion Trieste and the Voters for Wind. Most of what you print is pure bullshit, and usually leaves a person full of wonderment at how incongruous your thoughts are.

    do everyone a favor and start a business in Puerto Rico or somewhere besides here.

  3. Thanks 5:08 you summed it up pretty well. Especially that part about 3:08's comments being pure bullshit!

    Big wind and their supporters never seem to get it. They keep picking these morons like 3:08 to represent them, along with the other idiotic mistakes they have made over the past 7 years.

  4. 5:08 did not sum it up very well. He missed the point entirely. Pundt appears to hate Hirschey, has said for a long time he did not trust him and as a result he has been a great ally to our political cause in confirming that Hirscheyville is even worse than what our town had before. Pundt's constant bickering has given us the leadership and inside information we have needed. Again, I say thanks Mr. Art and the info you brought us from the new member. But don't expect her to get elected again. See you at the first up!
    Watch for the great news about the voter fraud. Art, you will just love it.

  5. If she's not elected it's a shame. She's the only one on the Board with the balls to ask the tough questions of the existing board and my guess is that they are making her pay dearly because she has the gall to dare question them. Think twice before you vote against her. She's the BEST chance regular people like us have to be represented.

  6. Bullshit!

    She is also the only member on the board acting in the best interest of the wind developer. She has provided a great service for pro wind but she has lost the support of the former friends who worked so hard to get her elected. The well placed law suit against KMuschell provided the confusion to get Michelle Oswald elected. I will give the Pundt supporters and the pro wind credit for that. But we now find it was a mistake we will not make again.
    As for the pro wind gratitude I understand. Remember when Harold Wiley said. Is Art Pundt here? I want to meet Art Pundt. That tells it all.

    As for me, I will never thank Artie for his incredulous and crazy rants.

  7. How is she working in the BEST interest of the wind developer? She is very vocal about her anti-aging stance. I am so disturbed by all the unfounded rumors. Talk to her yourself and I think you'll have a different opinion of her. As for the lawsuit - that is a well designed pro-wind maneuver. What does that have to do with her election? Would you rather have elected someone with a known conflict?

  8. Talk about rumors, please tell us how Michelle Oswald has provided a great service for pro-wind. Are we in a fairy tale, or is this some real allegation?

  9. Secret meetings on Stony Point?
    Councilwoman Oswald-pro wind ?
    Art Pundt providing leadership for voters for wind ?

    Either cabin fever has set in ,or someone is messin with your head Art.

    Don't you wish you were back in the desert?

  10. Ok so let's take a look at the lunacy in the comments started by 3:08. All based on lies and distortions. Apparently that is all they have. It is interesting however when and how this person or people come out of the woodwork, and I would not make the assumption they are necessarily pro wind only! So let's look at some facts.

    1. Michelle Oswald has publicly declared she is anti wind. She is one of two on the board that have made that statement publicly. The other was John Byrne way back about a year ago before the elections, but has said nothing of the sort since. Saying she is promoting or working for the pro wind side is an absurd fairy tale and another LIE!

    2. Michelle Oswald did not bring me any information of any kind as you imply. Another LIE. The last time I emailed her it was with some info about battling Art X. She replied with a polite reply basically "thanks for your input"

    3. Find anywhere any place or any time I have ever said that I hate Mr. Hirschey or wanted to take him and the current board down.
    NEVER HAPPENED. I have some major dissagreements with them on the wind issue and I free express them ,but that is life and politics. In fact last fall not long before i left for AZ I sat with Urban at Aubreys and we had a nice conversation and debate. So your characterization of all this is another LIE.

    4. I can't even figure out what the hell this person means when they talk about the blogger law suit related to Michelle getting elected as if I had something to do with either one. Another LIE!

    5. As for Harold Wiley, I have since shook his hand face to face. He basically said to me that he knows WE DISAGREE...get it WE DISAGREE, but he then said something like that he thought I was fair. I guess he was refering to my blog and my other writings and comments. Harold and I don't agree on much of anything wind related except to agree that we don't agree on the wind issue. To imply that Harold wants to meet me because I am helping him or the pro wind cause is once again a deluded absurd manipulative fantasy taking place between your two remaining brain cells. For God's sake don't stress them too much!!! Again this is another LIE!!! With these lies your are batting a 1000 so far. That makes you real credible now doesn't it. So my readers BEWARE! Your are extremely lucky I don't have a meter on my blog that tests comments for credibility and truth. If I had my way I would have kicked BP's ass out of town long ago, and I would have fought hard against Art X.

    Now finally...It is interesting when these comments always seem to appear on my blog. It is always when I get a little too close to some truth that this theme of I hate Hirschey and have helped the pro wind side surface. So think about it a pro winder or a Hirschey supporter playing games? It is hard to tell, but it really doesn't matter becuase it is based on lies. So no matter who they represent they are terrible at it either way. They seem to be like clock work with the exact same theme at the exact right moment.

    Actually a damn good gauge to where the truth is and how close we have come.

    Carry on!!! Because the real bottom line no matter where your support is, whether you are protecting Hirschey and the board and running a scam or whether you are protecting the pro wind agenda you aren't going to put me off.

    And by the way when you refer to me as "Artie" you significantly narrow down who you are. becuase there are very very few people who use that reference. Thanks!!!

  11. Now we have had some fun with this rumor thing,and let me state again that it is only a RUMOR and I have not been able to confirm it. Well sort of! So I am not claiming anything about anybody, or accusing anybody of anything. But based on the odd distorted reactions of some commenters, maybe there is more truth to it than we think.

    Now mind you this is only a RUMOR, but what I have heard so far is that some town officials may have met at a private residence and were discussing town business.

    Now IF this is true...where...when...what was discussed, and was there a quorum of any of the town's boards present. And if not a quorum, how many various town officials were there...that is if this isn't rumor.

    Help us out to pin down some facts. Anybody ready to pony up with facts and a NAME or a town official with a clarification??? I doubt it.

    You can easily find my phone number in AZ if you want to talk.

  12. Well Art, at least you know now that your blog is getting some readership from the Lakefront area!

  13. From the Lake Front area????? My page hits are way up and it is mostly this post.

  14. I see no response yet from SABCV explaining the claims he made about MO. no surprise- as I said, he is pure bullshit.

  15. "10. Civil Disobedience: Politicians and energy companies are terrified on this..."

    So how do politicians and energy companies derail citizens who might resort to civil disobedience? Well there is law enforcement, but that only makes the situation more ugly and more terrifying. How about provide citizens with a government-sanctioned (politician and wind company friendly)avenue to vent their concerns...something that can be controlled. Ah-Ha! Article X.
