There is a very interesting side to the law suit against the
two Cape Vincent blogs. The two former town councilmen and the others
are making an inadvertent statement that they may not be aware of or want to
make that empowers every seasonal resident in the State in communities just
like CV. And they made this big
miscalculation by attaching it to an extremely sensitive issue like freedom of speech
that will fire up all kinds of resources against the suit.
Note that the Masons are claiming that they lost their
office due to the remarks made on the blogs.
Note also and more importantly that the two councilmen Marty and Donnie
Mason are saying they were deprived of office because of the remarks, and NOT challenging
the actual vote that removed them from
office. Come on folks, political
campaigns all over the country every
single day are rough arena’s to play in, that is a given. That’s life.
What I think is interesting here is they are not challenging
the seasonal vote or the process to register them and let them vote. Why aren’t the two Mason’s and Harvey White challenging
or suing the NYS Board of Elections…or the County Board of Elections over the
results of the seasonal vote or on voter fraud.
That was the big deal with this group before the elections. I thought they would sue close after the
elections on the results but they didn’t
The fact they are claiming they lost their office was due
instead to negative remarks of the bloggers says they clearly recognize the
real issue that the actual seasonal
registration and voting process was perfectly fair and legal despite all Harold
Wiley’s hoopla over the issue.
Thanks boys for endorsing the obvious. The nature of your law suit clearly says to every seasonal community here, and in the
rest of NYS, that if seasonal residents want to exercise some control in their
seasonal community, then register and
vote there. They are sending a clear
message that the actual vote was not fraudulent and this process was perfectly
legal and is not worth challenging.
Instead they have to find some nonsense backdoor way to try to get revenge
for their defeat at the hands of a
perfectly fair and legal system. That is
all that is left, because the actual issue that actually IS the result of their
removal can’t be successfully challenged
and that is what the subject of this suit is telling us. In
addition to defamation and free speech this suit will be watched on this level
all over the place and encourage and empower seasonal voters to vote in their
seasonal communities. And even if they were
to win on defamation which ain’t likely,
they will have still fully endorsed the seasonal voting process.
Like their previous
goofy pro wind moves, they are once
again pissing up the wrong rope and not seeing the significant unintended consequences that have much larger
implications. Like when they rejected
the 800 name petition and had absolutely
no clue that only one aspect was getting a moratorium. We wanted a moratorium but it was extremely
unlikely. We knew for fact we wouldn’t get that. It was essentially also a political tactic.
But their actions pissed off a lot of people when they ignored those
names and that helped lead to Rienbeck’s defeat and ultimately to be one more thing that helped the defeat of
the Masons…all in a perfectly legal process.
They may have denied the moratorium but handed us something far more
valuable in the end.
But hey…thanks for helping us out again. When are you pro wind people ever going to
get it??? You keep entrenching and just keep digging yourself a deeper hole
each time.
Trumped up voter fraud laws.
Trashing 800 name petitions.
Arresting people video taping meetings.
Trashing wind laws and the committees that worked on them.
Defending conflicts of interest.
And the list goes on.
And this suit just like the other moves just hardens a community’s
resolve, and this time the resolve is going to go a long way beyond this
community on several levels. Gee I
wonder how many major news papers across the country have blogs or comments
attached?????? Think they might be
interested in this????? You can bet on it.
These guys in their whining about their loss have no clue the can of
worms they have opened up!!!
And the additional benefit of their behavior is this time they verified the legal process to empower seasonals to register
and vote in their seasonal communities right here in CV and all over NYS. The
very thing they have wanted to squash.
You know Art they still have there say in court as do the bloggers. I believe there is some truth in everything that is written. It's too bad that things just got out of hand and people have closed minds. My money will not be used to support anybody or anything to do with wind or anti wind blogs. I'm totally sick and tired of all this nonsense.