Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Blog Censorship????

It must be like moths mindlessly flying around  a light the way the commenters on the Cape Vincent blogs  respond.   This comment was left on JLL by another anonymous reader.

“Anonymous said...

Lamora is nothing but an Art Pundt tool. He is pulling the same crap Artie did before you shut him down when he was taking over and ruining your blog before.
Shut him down.”

I have known Dave Lamora for something like 40 years. I can tell you for fact that he is nobody’s mouth piece or tool. It just so happens that he and I agree on a number of things in the CV wind battle and we also disagree on some things as well.
I wonder if this person as any freakin clue as to what they are saying and what they have opened themselves up too in terms of defective logic and thinking.   Are you sure you really want to go there????
Now I am going to venture a guess that the commenter is friendly to the wind “opposition” based on the nature of their comments .  If not I will explain the other side too.  If that is the case let’s examine who is actually a tool of who?   I wonder if the idiot who made this comment can educate all of us on exactly how Dave and I agreeing on some things would be any  different from the entire town board (except for Orvis) and their supporters and blogs and voters, agreeing with and being in lock step with the Republican mantra of the Hirschey board?  This would mean they are all tools as well by this simpleton line of thinking. That would also include most of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals  they  appointed, and many on the various committees they have  appointed.  You all think virtually the SAME on just about everything.  So who would be whose tool in those cases if YOU agree with the Republicans and Hirschey and his town board etc?  I guess they are all mouth pieces for the Hirschey mantra by this commenter’s  standards since they too agree and never seem to question the Republicans or our new town board.  I guess by this commenter’s idiotic comparison of Lamora and I the other CV  Republicans would simply be tools of Mr. Hirschey and his board as well since they agree with him on the wind issue.  There has been virtually no disagreements or dissention or a variety of ideas on the Town Board if you discount Orvis.  Geees…talk about group think.  And  If you are going to talk about who is whose tools and idea clones, this would absolutely pale by comparison to the fact that Lamora and I happen to agree on some ideas and approaches in the CV wind issue. Now by this idiotic marginalization presented by this commenter, this could be extended to mean that anyone who agreed enough with the Hirschey govt to vote for them would be nothing more that a tool for that Republican Town Board agenda.  The  absurd logic black hole you crawled into that anyone who has similar ideas like Dave and myself are tools of one another just marginalized Hirschey and his supporters, his appointments and all the people in CV that voted and supported them.  You are brilliant!!!! They must all be tools of each other by the very definition of your one  dimensional thinking that you are  attempting to peddle.
Now let’s assume you are pro wind and that was the thrust of your comments.   Well sit down because this gets even more absurd! 
If you are pro wind and want to talk about who is whose tool, keep in mind you got sheered like sheep right down to the skin as a direct mindless tool  for the wind developers because they shut down your thinking by waving a wad of cash in your faces, and you have been used so badly you haven’t yet woken up to that fact.  Wanna talk about who is whose tool?  Ok…you had to hire a PR firm run by the PR disaster Marion Trieste  that went so far as to tell you all how to dress in public with  your idiotic green cheer leader uniform shirts,  you had to sign a loyalty oath to be part of  VFW, and taught where to sit together in meetings like lemmings, and be scripted as to what to say and when to say it.  Then you all had to put up signs in your yards in lock step promoting wind. 
Yeah …either way pro or anti wind you guys are real brilliant examples of free thinkers.  Geees give me a break!!! This too pales by the fact that Dave Lamora and I agree on some things in the wind issue in CV.

But here is the real kicker in this idiot’s who is a tool of who debate.  In order for this person in his little limited one dimensional  domain to make sure that nothing threatens his group’s script, he is actually asking Wiley to censor  any dissention or further discussion or alternative ideas.  Wanna talk about tools…Ok…This person who claims Dave and I are tools of each other because we happen to agree  on some things is so desperate and scared of alternative ideas that he is actually asking JLL to make sure no other ideas reach his brain or the brains of the group he aligns with or get consideration by the public at large, by asking Wiley to use the insidious tool of censorship. All thoughts must be in lock step so everyone can remain a tool of the Republican party or pro wind mantra without threat. In the end both side pro and anti have resorted to the exact same tactics of blind allegiance to dogma.
Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t this exactly how totalitarian regimes structure the flow of information and ideas?  Don’t like someone’s idea so make sure it gets no audience or consideration.  Didn’t Wiley in fact make a point of this in his post about his trip to Communist Cuba and how things work there just like that. 
And isn’t restricting, blocking, and censoring information the very technique the wind developers use with non-disclosure clauses in their leases so they can conquer unsuspecting communities just like CV?
As I said when you consider this with some clarity, the fact that Dave and I agree on some things pales by comparison to insidious request to actually censor and  eliminate discussion and alternative ideas in one of the most critical issues in CV’s history.
Dave and I may agree on some things  maybe many things  in the CV wind battle by virtue of our independent research and thoughts  and then discuss those ideas in an open debate, where many times  we severely test each other’s hypothesis and test it against other people and the public  to see if  they hold  up. And all these blog commenter s are an example and their reponses don’t hold up well when all they can come up with is censorship to protect themselves and stay anonymous . But in this process  neither of us have succumbed to being dragged down in the insidious undemocratic dangerous rat hole of censorship that this commenter requires to protect his apparently weak ideas that could not stand up to a similar test. And in the end Dave an I give our ideas the severest test by stepping up to the plate right in front of  the public and stamping our names on our ideas.  Then our ideas have to also endure the anonymous hit and run tactics of the other CV  blogs, and even then when that is not enough you have to go whimpering to the blog administrators to please block Lamora and Pundt.   It is actually quite a compliment to consider that some people are so threatened by our ideas that they think we must be censored. It is a measure of the power of the ideas and the delivery.
I am proud to be Dave Lamora’s friend and have the opportunity to listen to his well measured and intelligent  thoughts and analysis. And I am proud  of the often difficult and very challenging process we require of each other to test our individual ideas and thoughts and writings  and bring them to a solid conclusion.  This is so contrary to the simpleton idea of “ I don’t like your ideas so make sure someone blocks them so I don’t have to be scared and think about them or actually be accountable for what I say”
In the end because we put our names behind our thinking, we have to be accountable, and the bloggers and hit and run commenters are actually a process that makes us just that much stronger by attempting to make us accountable.  This idea that we are willing to stand up and say what we believe and put our names behind it despite the attacks is what in the end just fries the cookies of people who don’t have the backbone to do that.  It just drives them nuts, as you can see by the attacks because it makes them analyze their own lack of integrity and why they must slink around under the protection of  anonymous and try to have comments that make them accountable blocked.  I am glad I don’t have to live with that weight around my neck.
Wiley and Pandora’s  has already blocked me and others thus I have opened my own blog to make sure there is at least one alternative voice not mired in anyone’s group think.   If Wiley blocks Lamora on behalf of this commenter’s idiot suggestion, then I would suggest that Mr. Wiley and the bulk of his commenters  go back to Cuba and take his blog to where the ideas of censorship are comfortably accepted as the norm.
I would hope Mr. Wiley would have much more integrity and backbone than that since he is a direct reflection of the Republican party and the new town govt. and Mr. Lamora was a direct representative of that very govt on the CV Comp Plan committee.  Or since Mr. Lamora worked within the system and had valuable direct influence and input to the Comp Plan committee… should we completely censor that too???  That is a measure of just  how really STUPID this commenter’s ideas are!

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